My Gold recovery journey cpu/ram

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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2013
England United Kingdom
Hello refiners
This might not be in the right section for now but before long it will become a slight tutorial with pictures fro beginners :)

So far for gold recovery i have:-
6-16 x ceramic Pentium pro cpu
9kg of memory with gold fingers

not a bad batch for my first time ey,

My chemicals :-
hydrochloric acid 32% 5 litres
Urea 250g
Sulphuric acid 98% 1 litre
Nitric acid 1 litre
sodium metabisulphite 500g
stannous chloride 3-6 % 50ml
hydrogen peroxide 3% 2.5 litre
sodium hypochlorite 2.5 litre
ammonia 25% 500ml

Everything a beginner should need if you believe if i have missed anything please add :)

my equipment:-
5 x 5 litre buckets
2 x glass coffee jugs
1000 watt hot plate
100x filter paper 100mm ( for refining )
100 x coffe filters ( for ap and dirty solutions)
large plastic funnel
large plastic colander
water spray bottle
10 x pippets
measuring jug
chemical proof gloves

im also using household plastic cutlery to stir any thing and household plastic bowls to mix any chemicals

so everthing was ordered this evening and as soon as i receive the ( hlc ) and some boards i will get the camera out and start the leaching process or if the cpu come first then strait in with the ( ar ).

i will try to explain everything to my most best ability and get as many shots as i can, this is my first time so please bare with me,
really looking forward sharing this with all and even doing it myself, until then.....

Keep safe
HELLO just a little update and some pics, woop woop

so thats where i am as soon as the hlc arrives ill get some leaching on, also i maybe getting some more Pentium pro, i have been offered 18 for £18 each, i think im going to buy another 10 and leave it as that, so i will have 16 Pentium pro and 9kg 16lb of ram,
How about you describe alittle bit about where you plan to do all of this.
Like somewhere other then your kitchen counter.
Maybe while you're waiting, you could type up the entire process step by step. That way, we all can read through and add anything important before it becomes a problem.

Sometimes the simple things are the most important...
Pantherlikher said:
How about you describe alittle bit about where you plan to do all of this.
Like somewhere other then your kitchen counter.
Maybe while you're waiting, you could type up the entire process step by step. That way, we all can read through and add anything important before it becomes a problem.

Sometimes the simple things are the most important...
hey buy all means i wanted to do that, i just didn't actually want to bore anyone with what they though was just another newbie leading them to a dead end, but yeah iv been dying to write my process i already have in a notepad for reference,
chemicals are sat there for photo purposes ONLY, ( tho when i am left with my gold powder from its last refine i will be washing indoors to eliminate any contamination )
aslo as i type i just received some more packages, i will get a photo up then start my write up.

still nice to meet you, damian
damezbullion said:
HELLO just a little update and some pics, woop woop

so thats where i am as soon as the hlc arrives ill get some leaching on, also i maybe getting some more Pentium pro, i have been offered 18 for £18 each, i think im going to buy another 10 and leave it as that, so i will have 16 Pentium pro and 9kg 16lb of ram,

You are paying $30 a piece for something that is less than .3g per a CPU ($16.20CPU @ $54.02g) Save your money and buy refined gold.
Also you are paying to much for RAM. My advice is to start buying gold filled and stop over paying for computer scrap. Even If you paid 99% spot for Karat gold you will make more money than what you are right now and With less work. If you can get it free then refine it if you want but you are paying more than gold content.

good initiative
congratulations, do not forget to post the step by step process , along with pictures or videos
Right here we go this is going to be my written method statement, i believe evrthing should have a plan of attack also enabling you find any problems before they occur, now i am no scientist nor chemist, i im only getting the grasp of what certain chemicals react with certain metals, there is lots.
i will complete this in 4 sections:-
1 will be ram/memory sticks ,
2 will be ceramic cpu ,
3 will ceramic cpu lids and other gold plated metals like some pins i have, and
4 a final refine tho everything stated here would of already been refined once,
there will eventually be a 5 of which i have not researched enough and this will be all my flat packs off the ram and the left over cpu ceramics( burned/crushed/process )

1:- memory sticks / ram
( Depopulating )

Right first of im going to get one of my 5 ltr buckets and a drill bit and get some 4-5mm holes in the bottom of the bucket also about 2 inches up the side of the bucket ( iv never seen this but sounds brilliant) i will then place this bucket inside of another that is the same size thus making it nice and snug, i will then put ( maybe edit ) 4.5kg 9lb or even half again into the bucket.
in a coffee jug i have i will bring to the boil some 36% HLC( hydrochloric acid ) when warm i will empty the contents into the buckets with the ram inside , covering all the material by a inch or so
i will put lid on and as the buckets are made to fit snugly then 1 lid should technically cover 2 buckets.
put in safe warm place and wait.
this process i believe dissolves tin/tin solder ( not silver ) allowing all components to fall off remember agitation is vital to this process to help dislodge the components.
when you see all the components have fallen off, pull up the first bucket allowing all the (hlc) to drain off and strait it another bucket of water to rinse.
gradually work through your boards rinsing them making sure all tin has gone and put them some where to drain /dry, or make a pile on a towel.
you result will be 2 piles, 1 pile of clean ram boards and one pile of clean components ic/flatpack ect.
either reuse your hlc to leach again or simply filter and leave the lid off and this can be reused as normal hlc ( i might need correcting on this )

(AP) Acid peroxide (3 parts hydrochloric acid ( HLC ) 1 part Hydrogen peroxide ( H202 )

with my nice clean boards im going to use the same bucket system as i did before, i will put around 2.5 lb of my ram boards in the buckets i will ad (HLC) in 500ml increments until the ram is covered i will then add 1 quarter of (H202) to whatever the amount of (hlc) there was.
again i will heat my (HLC)before i add it , again agitation is vital at this process, i will just simply keep an eye on it from here adding (H202) when i start to loose that transparent emerald green color, when i feel all the foils have been taken off i will proceed with filtering the foils out.
when i am at the stage where my memory is free of gold, i will again pull the first bucket containing the ram that has holes in it from the the other bucket and start to work my foils down with some tap water in a spray bottle ( i will not rinse to much as id like to keep the (AP).
i will then transfer that ram bucket to a fresh water bucket and continue to rinse.
my end result will be a pile of stripped memory, a bucket of (AP) with foils in it and sludge and fresh water bucket with foils in it and not so much sludge.

Separating foils and cleaning )

right first things first you want a is bucket a colander and 3 coffee filters and filter of your water buckets with foils, very simple pour water from the bucket into the filter leaving the foils at the bottom, add some more water to foils and agitate, and filter the water again leaving the foils in the bucket you should now have some foils in one bucket water in another and a filter with maybe some gold foils with it just put this filter into the bucket of foils for later.

now the (AP) first of filter the (AP) into a buck again with the colander a fresh bucket and 3 coffee filters, when u have filtered most of the (AP) ( again trying to leave foils and sludge in the bottom) put the filtered (AP) to one side you can use this again or get another batch on strait way adding fresh (HL)(H202) as needed.

time to start cleaning and diluting that sludge, you should have some (ap) and sludge in you bucket, add a load of water mix it about let some of the sludge( gold ) settle the filter into a waste bucket, repeat this 3 times then leaving some gold and materials at the bottom, spray your filter clean with water into the the waste until its as cleans as u can get it keeping the gold in the filter at this stage now rinse your filter in to the bucket with your gold, as it contains gold you might have filtered from the (AP).
collect all the foils together into your coffee jug and get ready for more cleaning.

now what i will do is add water to the coffee jug boil it add cold water and decant, ( i will always decant any solution through a filter) repeat this twice, i then will do exactly the same with (HLC) and add cold water and decant also leaving all the gold in the coffee mug at this point, now you should be left with some nice clean foils ready for (AR)

Dissolving gold (AR) acid ( ????) ( poor man 3 part (HLC) 1 part sodium hypchlorite) / 9 3 part (HLC) 1 part nitric acid )

Can i first add that all these process's we go through are to remove metals, metals you do not want in your gold.

now theres 2 main (AR) i know off one is hydrochloric acid and sodium hypchlorite ( blaech/clorax) ( poor mans) and hydrochloric acid and nitric acid.
i will use the nitric acid for refining my powders only, dont ask me why, it might have something to do with the fact i dont want to use a poor mans method to refine my gold, tho i have no scientific knowledge on why these 2 process are different, but thats just when im gonna roll today.

now with my foils in a coffee pot i will cover with hlc about a inch above, i will then use a pipette to add my chlorite in increments, there will a reaction starit way as you ad the chlorite and its at the end of this reaction you will add more chlorite, keep doing this until the reaction stop and the gold has gone(left base metals), and id let it sit for a hour, after which its time you can test your solution for gold :)

Testing for gold ( stannous chloride ) dropping your gold (SMB) ( Sodium metabisulfite or as i learnt metabisulphite )

right as far as stannous is concerned im in the unknown so i will update this, i have purchased 3-6% gold testing jewelers stannous chloride so i dont knowif the effects will be same as the powder and nor do i now the dilution ration of the sannous tho i would just water until it disolves and makes small batches at a time,
( you can make stannouse chloride ad some tin to HLC and boil you will be left with stannouse chloride in the bottom, rinse the powder keep for a rainy day :) thanks GEO )

so after you gold has dissolved in (AR) its time to test for gold Take a napkin and add a drop of stannouse, then take a drop of solution and add to the napkin i believe you should have reaction thats creates a dark circle, this tests positive for gold time to filter.

now i have finer filters for this stage to take out any impurity and at this stage all equipment should be spotless.
now pour your (AR) into you filter and funnel in to a clean jar, when filtered rinse the remaining traces of gold and solids from the (AR) jug and as the contents sits in the filter your aim is to clean that filter with you spray bottle as its soaked up gold solution and gold will be trapped in any base metals the made it to the filter, after your happy its clean, you should be left with a quite clear solution, no need to test at this point.

time to drop you gold (SMB) the amount is simple if you expect 3 grams of gold from it ad that and a third so i would add about 4.5 grams of (SMB)
i will add this to the solution, stir the solution and leave to settle for however long it takes, at this stage i will test the solution every now and then with stannous and when it test negative i will know my gold has settled, i will decant solution, clean my powder a little and dry it out, store it ready to add to a bigger lot for better refining and cleaning.

2:- Ceramic cpu using (AR) Hydrochloric acid and nitric acid

Right to me this one seems so much simpler than the ram as you skip the whole (AP) process, as there less base metals to remove,

I will start buy holding a cpu ( with the lids on ) and hit them with a hammer, and lids will separate ( put them a side for plated scrap) and the put the rest of the cpu and ALL its contents into a jar. i will break my cpu into about 4 for the first run, after i am finished i will the clean them and crush them even smaller for a second gold retrieval process later on. i believe the ratio for this (Ar) is 3 parts hydrochloric to 1 part nitric acid, but i will judge the amount buy sight of the reaction.

So... cover your broken cpu with (HLC) about 10mm above then add about a 5th its volume in water (H2o) take the jug with your cpu and put it on you heat source and gently bring to gentle simmer, now with the lid on slowly start adding your nitric acid( i will use a pippet ) a reaction should take place strait away and a flume of fumes,will emerge( red/brown), again when your reaction stops then add some more nitric, at the exact point you have no reaction from the nitric, or no gold left, then you are done, let the solution cool to room temperature, and test for gold.(stannous)
if here you have added to much nitric you will have to add some urea until the reaction you see stops or add some HLC and boil down to cook out the nitric, if done properly this will not need to be done.

right the difference from the cpu and ram and this stage is we had already removed the tin /lead/silver solder from the boards where as there was still some solder on the cpu so this will have to be sorted.

get a clean jar and add some ice put a funnel and clean filter on top, now decant and filter you gold solution into the iced jug, the ice itself will help to drop lead sulphates out i believe, add all you solution dilute the remaining leftovers from the cpu and decant that as well, you will also want to clean the filter and funnel with water to ensure no gold loss. after this add about 15ml of sulfuric acid which will help drop the remaining silver from the solution( ammonia will also dissolve silver/when cleaning ),let all this sit until settled , and filter and decant again into another clean jug.

from here simply drop you gold and wash it just like in the steps before then add you dust to you collection

3:- gold plated scrap (hlc Leach/bath)

iv researched this lots and not really found all the answers what im looking for so i will attempt this i suppose in my own way,

iv 50g gold plated pins about 30g in bits of plated scarp and 16 gold plated cpu lids, i will do all this together.

i will start buy putting the scrap in to a jug covering with (HLC) and then bringing to a simmer, this im hoping will dissolve some solder and maybe help remove some foils, after this stage i wills rinse and decant everything and put all the contents including any undissolved metals into ((AR) with clorite, dissolving whatever gold is in there, to be late dropped.

im goin to stop there until i have clarified a few more points as im not sure what reactions i will defiantly get from this process, so will update soon
maynman1751 said:
Something else that you may want to add to your 'arsenal' is an aquarium air pump. Very helpful in oxygenating your AP to keep it active.
hey thanks i did think of this neighbors are terrible tho with sound, i did see a video without a pump and a very quick process but if it takes longer than i thought i wll try and purchase a small silent one, cheers

etack said:
damezbullion said:
HELLO just a little update and some pics, woop woop

so thats where i am as soon as the hlc arrives ill get some leaching on, also i maybe getting some more Pentium pro, i have been offered 18 for £18 each, i think im going to buy another 10 and leave it as that, so i will have 16 Pentium pro and 9kg 16lb of ram,

You are paying $30 a piece for something that is less than .3g per a CPU ($16.20CPU @ $54.02g) Save your money and buy refined gold.
Also you are paying to much for RAM. My advice is to start buying gold filled and stop over paying for computer scrap. Even If you paid 99% spot for Karat gold you will make more money than what you are right now and With less work. If you can get it free then refine it if you want but you are paying more than gold content.

well i had a feeling i could of been, there were so many figures i was trying to calculate and all these bloody forums claiming 1g of gold from a penteim pro, im not going to buy any more until i processed these, as for the ram, my pride took over in the auction, i already lost one lost, and it was great stater kit for me, what can i say im only human, as far as im concerned now if i can walk in an assayers with some gold i MYSLEF created from scrap, id be a very happy and proud man, achieving something seems worth so much more sometimes, but thank you i will be sure to come to you in the future , were about can i buy thing like refined gold? can i also find information on here about it? thanks tho man nice to meet you, Damian
poudouche said:
good initiative
congratulations, do not forget to post the step by step process , along with pictures or videos
i will do and thanks, i will write a litlle method statement first then walk you all through, il try get some video but my camera goes through batteries like my cousin eats cake ( he eats a lot of cake you know ) LOL damian
etack said:
damezbullion said:
HELLO just a little update and some pics, woop woop

so thats where i am as soon as the hlc arrives ill get some leaching on, also i maybe getting some more Pentium pro, i have been offered 18 for £18 each, i think im going to buy another 10 and leave it as that, so i will have 16 Pentium pro and 9kg 16lb of ram,

You are paying $30 a piece for something that is less than .3g per a CPU ($16.20CPU @ $54.02g) Save your money and buy refined gold.
Also you are paying to much for RAM. My advice is to start buying gold filled and stop over paying for computer scrap. Even If you paid 99% spot for Karat gold you will make more money than what you are right now and With less work. If you can get it free then refine it if you want but you are paying more than gold content.

he just messaged me he thought i ment £15 not 18 so he said he would meet me half way and said £16.50 surly i can get at least .5 from these, they are the holy grails, the lids alone are pretty good i hear and if you powder the ceramics i hear u can still get bonding wire out of it, if i had 16 cpu at 0.5g thats 8g and all in it is £250, i shouldn't loose much should i? 8 g at £33 today price £264, let me know if you think these calculations are right or wrong even? cheers
You don't seem to be listening if you want to wast your money OK, But you could simply take 40% of it and set it on fire and get the same results. The forum has consistently proven that PPors give back .3g of gold that's it and Au per pound they are not the best. they are just the flashest.

etack said:
You don't seem to be listening if you want to wast your money OK, But you could simply take 40% of it and set it on fire and get the same results. The forum has consistently proven that PPors give back .3g of gold that's it and Au per pound they are not the best. they are just the flashest.

ok ill take you word for it, call me a fool im going buy them, i gotta learn, i need to know hoe its done from first hand experiences and i know you lot are hear to help avoid mistakes like this one but sometime i just gotta make my own, id like to have a skill at this and take it further, whether it be investing rolled gold or refined or simply refining scrap for somone else, please see my point of veiw as you may seem its idiotic.

lets put this simpler if you were me with £500 in your pocket what would you do, lets bare in mind i dont work everyday so iv time for 2 jobs
OK :roll:

Grandma always "says people will do what they do."

If I had £500 in pocket I would buy silver scrap from electronics and gold filled. That's what I would do. Don't discount silver it is the under appreciated metal (as your signature states). I make more money off silver at the moment than gold. it's cheaper and easier to refine.

Have fun

lol :oops:

i looked into rolled gold, put a freind put me off, he said to take it to am assayers they will melt the lot, point a lazer at it and give me what its worth, i wasn't interested, id rather of got the gold myself, do you electroplate you rolled gold or can it be done successfully with a chemical process? yes iv heard to keep all my solutions and drop any silver in them but of course ignorant me hasn't looked into that yet, but i will, and excuse my poor rymes im a poor musician, so im told, but it has a ring to it lol
damezbullion said:
lol :oops:

i looked into rolled gold, put a freind put me off, he said to take it to am assayers they will melt the lot, point a lazer at it and give me what its worth, i wasn't interested, id rather of got the gold myself, do you electroplate you rolled gold or can it be done successfully with a chemical process? yes iv heard to keep all my solutions and drop any silver in them but of course ignorant me hasn't looked into that yet, but i will, and excuse my poor rymes im a poor musician, so im told, but it has a ring to it lol

gold filled or rolled gold is very simple to process. normally its just gold over copper and sometimes silver. it can be cut up and digested in nitric acid leaving the karat gold to process or you can inquart using silver first and completely refine the gold the first time using only nitric acid. gold filled has much more gold by weight than gold plated.
Geo said:
damezbullion said:
lol :oops:

i looked into rolled gold, put a freind put me off, he said to take it to am assayers they will melt the lot, point a lazer at it and give me what its worth, i wasn't interested, id rather of got the gold myself, do you electroplate you rolled gold or can it be done successfully with a chemical process? yes iv heard to keep all my solutions and drop any silver in them but of course ignorant me hasn't looked into that yet, but i will, and excuse my poor rymes im a poor musician, so im told, but it has a ring to it lol

gold filled or rolled gold is very simple to process. normally its just gold over copper and sometimes silver. it can be cut up and digested in nitric acid leaving the karat gold to process or you can inquart using silver first and completely refine the gold the first time using only nitric acid. gold filled has much more gold by weight than gold plated.
and whats the going rate per pound , i suppose you cant really tell can you because you font know what plate any of it is, does nitric baths rid ALL metals? im looking into silver at the Minuit, id like to know how to save it, how you doing anyways geo hope you good
etack said:
OK :roll:

Grandma always "says people will do what they do."

If I had £500 in pocket I would buy silver scrap from electronics and gold filled. That's what I would do. Don't discount silver it is the under appreciated metal (as your signature states). I make more money off silver at the moment than gold. it's cheaper and easier to refine.

Have fun


What, out of curiosity, would be your preferred "silver scrap from electronics" items?


feeling pretty good at the moment,thank filled should have a hallmark showing content of will look something like 1/20 10K gold filled. it varies on gold content and karat. it can be 1/10 14K gold filled. 10K or below can be digested in concentrated nitric acid when if the gold filled is any combination of 10K,it can be processed directly in nitric acid. 12,14,18 or higher needs to be inquarted with silver or base metals removed to process the karat gold left behind.

the 1/20 10K means that one twentieth of the entire weight of the piece is 10K gold when bought new.wear and abrasion thins the gold coating and the gold content can be the older the piece or the more it has been worn determines how much gold it actually contains.
Geo said:
feeling pretty good at the moment,thank filled should have a hallmark showing content of will look something like 1/20 10K gold filled. it varies on gold content and karat. it can be 1/10 14K gold filled. 10K or below can be digested in concentrated nitric acid when if the gold filled is any combination of 10K,it can be processed directly in nitric acid. 12,14,18 or higher needs to be inquarted with silver or base metals removed to process the karat gold left behind.

the 1/20 10K means that one twentieth of the entire weight of the piece is 10K gold when bought new.wear and abrasion thins the gold coating and the gold content can be the older the piece or the more it has been worn determines how much gold it actually contains.
good glad to hear it :) i have seen some big calculation also to work the amount of gold for thickest x karat and all that, i shall look into it, basically ebay is a no no for rolled gold as you will never know what your dealing it even narrows it down more as only 10 karrat can be chemically done, i think i better get the basics down first i havnt even a crucible yet for my gold let alone for inquarting bunches of scrap jewelery, i actually seen this been done, in a big machine and looked expensive, im going to look for some videos now and refresh myslef, cheers geo

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