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Could one use peracetic acid to cause the copper and other non-PM to go into solution before rinsing leaving the PM precipitated?
You had asked me this in a private conversation which I had yet to answer. So now I will answer this here. Peracetic acid has no use in refining that I know of and I hesitate to give you a "well this may work answer" and have you hurt yourself. The exposure limits for this chemical are very very low and the bodily harm it can do you is substantial.

You will be better served to tell us what you have and what issues you are having refining it and learn to proceed along a safer route.
Could one use peracetic acid to cause the copper and other non-PM to go into solution before rinsing leaving the PM precipitated?
Welcome to the forum.
To aviod problems by mixing organic acid with the chemical salts we create as waste we don't use vinegar or peracetic acid.
Look for the AP process.
Could one use peracetic acid to cause the copper and other non-PM to go into solution before rinsing leaving the PM precipitated?
The real question is "why". There are many ways to successfully clean powders that are time proven and well tested. What is it about paracetic acid that you think would work better? Follow the well guided advice given in the forum and you should be successful.
The real question is "why". There are many ways to successfully clean powders that are time proven and well tested. What is it about paracetic acid that you think would work better? Follow the well guided advice given in the forum and you should be successful.
From time to time users come with such "new" ideas.
Most are duds or straight dangerous, a few works but not as well as the proven and I'd guess a infitesmal few may actually be worth looking at.
This one is not one of those.
Could one use peracetic acid to cause the copper and other non-PM to go into solution before rinsing leaving the PM precipitated?
If you had done just a tad of studies you would have found that this one is a nono.
How about replying to what has been asked of you?

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