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Airstr5000 said:
The book you told me about is almost 400 pages!!! What pages are the best for computer scrap precious metal recovery. Thank you.
Very bad attitude. What you must do is read and understand ALL of the book, in spite of the fact it won't even discuss escrap.

How is it you're planning a recital, yet you can't play the piano?

You've been accused of looking for a quick buck. I believe that to be true.

Trust me on this one. It "ain't gonna happen", not with escrap and trick refining "machines".

Approach the processing of escrap as a hobby. If you expect to make a living, you may be unpleasantly surprised. Precious few people make money playing with this stuff, and most of them do it by selling, not refining. You simply can't handle enough volume to make it work, nor would you have the necessary equipment to deal with the vast majority of the value bearing material. That's why these guys process fingers and sell the boards.

I refined for over twenty years, commercially. I refused to process escrap, for the very reasons I mentioned.

Airstr5000 said:
Well I have a dilemma. I have multiple options and dont know what to do. I have a recovery machine on eBay for 200 bucks able to recover 1 ounce of gold scrap per week. There is a 600 dollar kit on the ishor gold refining website. There is also a 30k-50k machine that is a turn-key system all automated. It can process many ounces of gold per hour.there is the link.... which method should I choose? I am able to get computers for 3 dollars each whole, up to 5 dollars. Which method would be the most cost efficient and do any of these methods seem like a rip off. I need an expert on this and I want this to be as profitable and problem free as possible so any help or comments is very much appreciated. Thank you have a great day.
Hello greenhorn, I may be the only one here on the Forum willing to coach you step by step. I've built several of those type machines for other miner/refiners. I don't charge for advise over the phone or the net. Only when some millionaire (the only ones that can afford me) wants me to travel and personally set up their operation. I enjoy talking shop and teaching precious metal refining. So send me an e-mail, the stuff you need to learn is old hat to these guys. I had a friend that suffered from dyslexia, so reading was difficult for him. He studied a single page in a book for hours to make it out. Wither that's your problem or not you now have a free coach to advise you. Let's start with your questions about Hoke's book Dr. Poe
Geo said:
it takes on average well over a hundred desktop computers to get an ounce of gold.that's alot of work involved in stripping the cases,cutting fingers,PCI slots and cherry picking whats left.unless you have an army of free help there's no need in trying to make a living from this.its a fun way to pass time and make a little on the side if you know what your doing.if you don't you will wind up wasting money on chemicals and tossing your gold away before you quit in advise would be, don't quit your day job.acquire your scrap and stockpile.on average it takes 15 pounds of clean close cut fingers to get an ounce of gold.that's a volume that's hard to imagine unless you have seen it not trying to discourage you but if you pour alot of resources into this without knowing what your doing you will definitely wreck your pocketbook and also your health which is so much worse because no amount of gold is worth your good,learn do the simple reactions in C.M.Hokes book to get familiar with working with chemicals and then start with something small and easy like fingers and work your way up slowly.
good luck
I have seen many comments saying that I need to do this on an industry scale. That is what I am trying to do. My plan is to acquire 1000-2000 computers(most likely more) per month or if possible, the same amount in gold fingers/gold plated pieces. I am not looking for FAST cash. I am looking for all the information I can acquire in order to make this a successful and manageable business. I have the investment capital, I just need the know-how. I have been spending this whole time(since I last posted) reading and studying the processes. I am very serious about making this an operable business. So instead of discouragement, I would appreciate important info from an EXPERT(like LaserSteve) that can provide encouragement instead. Thank you again for your advice, and stop being so pessimistic everyone! Anything in this world is possible!
Dr. Poe said:
Airstr5000 said:
Well I have a dilemma. I have multiple options and dont know what to do. I have a recovery machine on eBay for 200 bucks able to recover 1 ounce of gold scrap per week. There is a 600 dollar kit on the ishor gold refining website. There is also a 30k-50k machine that is a turn-key system all automated. It can process many ounces of gold per hour.there is the link.... which method should I choose? I am able to get computers for 3 dollars each whole, up to 5 dollars. Which method would be the most cost efficient and do any of these methods seem like a rip off. I need an expert on this and I want this to be as profitable and problem free as possible so any help or comments is very much appreciated. Thank you have a great day.
Hello greenhorn, I may be the only one here on the Forum willing to coach you step by step. I've built several of those type machines for other miner/refiners. I don't charge for advise over the phone or the net. Only when some millionaire (the only ones that can afford me) wants me to travel and personally set up their operation. I enjoy talking shop and teaching precious metal refining. So send me an e-mail, the stuff you need to learn is old hat to these guys. I had a friend that suffered from dyslexia, so reading was difficult for him. He studied a single page in a book for hours to make it out. Wither that's your problem or not you now have a free coach to advise you. Let's start with your questions about Hoke's book Dr. Poe
Thank you. I sent you a PM.

No discouragement here.
I think everyone here is just trying to tell that, before you run, you better learn how to walk...

There's no way around that... As much as i respect Dr. Poe, even with coaching, you are bound to to do your own reaserch and reading.

I will be extremely pleased to hear about your success and would love to help out if i can with your next posts. I'm sure all others here will to.

In any case, good luck.

edit: spelling
If you read everything on the forum and every book on the subject you still wouldn't know everything. Yet you complain about a book of 400 little pages.

Have you purchased Lazersteve's videos, or even watched the free ones?
Airstr5000 said:
Geo said:
it takes on average well over a hundred desktop computers to get an ounce of gold.that's alot of work involved in stripping the cases,cutting fingers,PCI slots and cherry picking whats left.unless you have an army of free help there's no need in trying to make a living from this.its a fun way to pass time and make a little on the side if you know what your doing.if you don't you will wind up wasting money on chemicals and tossing your gold away before you quit in advise would be, don't quit your day job.acquire your scrap and stockpile.on average it takes 15 pounds of clean close cut fingers to get an ounce of gold.that's a volume that's hard to imagine unless you have seen it not trying to discourage you but if you pour alot of resources into this without knowing what your doing you will definitely wreck your pocketbook and also your health which is so much worse because no amount of gold is worth your good,learn do the simple reactions in C.M.Hokes book to get familiar with working with chemicals and then start with something small and easy like fingers and work your way up slowly.
good luck
I have seen many comments saying that I need to do this on an industry scale. That is what I am trying to do. My plan is to acquire 1000-2000 computers(most likely more) per month or if possible, the same amount in gold fingers/gold plated pieces. I am not looking for FAST cash. I am looking for all the information I can acquire in order to make this a successful and manageable business. I have the investment capital, I just need the know-how. I have been spending this whole time(since I last posted) reading and studying the processes. I am very serious about making this an operable business. So instead of discouragement, I would appreciate important info from an EXPERT(like LaserSteve) that can provide encouragement instead. Thank you again for your advice, and stop being so pessimistic everyone! Anything in this world is possible!
In spite of your protestations, until you understand the process of recovery and refining, you are not likely to succeed. It's like I said---you want to have the recital, but you don't have a clue which keys to hit on the piano. As has been stated, a person can spend a lifetime learning refining, yet you bulk at reading a single book? I call that a want for instant gratification.

Why is it people think they can do these things when they don't have even a basic understanding? I find that quite insulting---in particular when I consider the huge number of hours I dedicated to learning what little I know.

The seemingly kind offer from our Dr. Poe is not in the best interest of the forum. We're not about keeping things secret here---we're about sharing knowledge, so unless there is something proprietary in what he has to offer, it is best offered here, on the public forum, so all can benefit. It's a great way to ensure that anything that has been suggested passes the sniff test, as those that are knowledgeable on any given subject matter will ensure that no one is taken for a ride. A red flag goes up for me the moment ANYONE attempts to take these matters off the board. I have to question one's motive.

I am not accusing Dr. Poe of any indiscretions---but a sure way to keep one's image sparkling clean is to not take these things behind the scenes unless there's a very good reason to do so. I don't see that in this scenario.

samuel-a said:

No discouragement here.
I think everyone here is just trying to tell that, before you run, you better learn how to walk...

There's no way around that... As much as i respect Dr. Poe, even with coaching, you are bound to to do your own reaserch and reading.

I will be extremely pleased to hear about your success and would love to help out if i can with your next posts. I'm sure all others here will to.

In any case, good luck.

edit: spelling
Thank you very much for the advice. I will have several questions about the videos I watched of laserSteve. Post them later when I get home.
qst42know said:
If you read everything on the forum and every book on the subject you still wouldn't know everything. Yet you complain about a book of 400 little pages.

Have you purchased Lazersteve's videos, or even watched the free ones?
Watched the free ones, yet to purchase any, waiting to see which one is best. I didn't mean to seem like I'm complaining. I just rather focus on escrap.
Airstr5000 said:
I just rather focus on escrap.

In my opinion, the opposite will serve you better. If you first learn the basic chemistry involved in precious metals, you'll have much wider grasp of what's going on later when you will deal with e-scrap.
Again, only my opinion.
There is a ton of material here on the forum just waiting for you to read it, for free.

e-scrap is very complicated material to process, where one should exract and put a value for almost each metal involved in the process, whether it is precious or not.

Look, there's a reason why there isn't much information on the forum about processing whole boards, namely; it's not worth it on a small scale (the majority of the members do it for hobbyand just resell them after removing what ever it is they want), secondly , most of the big boys work with proprietary processes and methods.
samuel-a said:
Airstr5000 said:
I just rather focus on escrap.

In my opinion, the opposite will serve you better. If you first learn the basic chemistry involved in precious metals, you'll have much wider grasp of what's going on later when you will deal with e-scrap.
Again, only my opinion.
There is a ton of material here on the forum just waiting for you to read it, for free.

e-scrap is very complicated material to process, where one should exract and put a value for almost each metal involved in the process, whether it is precious or not.

Look, there's a reason why there isn't much information on the forum about processing whole boards, namely; it's not worth it on a small scale (the majority of the members do it for hobbyand just resell them after removing what ever it is they want), secondly , most of the big boys work with proprietary processes and methods.
So is it impossible to acquire these processes?
Try starting here. It should help you some.

Remember, this ALL starts with reading, reading, & more reading.
If you really want to learn, you must read.

Take care & be safe!

Yes it is just about impossible to do something you know knothing about, it would be like someone with no mechanical skills who never say an airplane take it all apart (every last screw), and put it back together again, would it fly , probably not.

but if he studied, had the information he needed and practiced his skills (and had guidence from other mechanics could he make it fly, very good chance he would.

recovery and refining is like that, your chance of just doing it without study is most likely to end in failure, but with Hokes book, reading information provided to you here on the forum and with the help of others you should be able to make it fly.

I do not know of anybody here that has time to teach you how to walk, if you do not want to extend your legs or energy to do so. study the forum, and read Hoke's book, or otherwise you are just waisting your time and ours.
1000-2000 computers a month will be about 500-1000 kilograms of boards. How many people do you plan to employ to tear them down? 500-1000 tons per month - that is industrial size. Did you check with your local council, EPA..... how much will all licencing and insurance cost for what you plan to do?
You should contact your state's department of environmental quality, Waste and Hazardous Materials Division. The hazardous waste regulations identify three classifications of hazardous waste generators---conditionally exempt small quantity generator (CESQG), small quantity generator (SQG), and large quantity generator (LQG). The classification is based on how much hazardous waste is generated in a month and accumulated on-site.
This is just for reference and just the tip of the iceberg. Hope you like paperwork. :x
So is it impossible to acquire these processes?

Learning the basics isn't something you acquire or buy, It doesn't come in a box or kit, you earn it by studying.

You have been given a bunch of good advice of what to study and a means to make some money in the mean time by sorting and selling.

Can it be done? Of course it it can, but not by any short cut. If you do your part you will get plenty of help here.

You could hire a consultant, and no disrespect to the those that are consultants here on the forum, but the basics are within your own reach. If you chose to hire a consultant you will get better value for your money if you are equipped to ask intelligent questions.
Wow, I offer some help to a newbie and you guys think I'm telling him that he doesn't need to study. Of course he needs to study. What I'm offering is to be his professor. You know, the guy that you ask when something in the book doesn't quite make sense to you. He's made it clear that he's not starting a hobby, but a major business. Else why even mention the financial backing that he's acquired. I perceive he has a serious drive for success and wants to make double sure prior to making expensive business decisions. Well, good for him! I'm betting on him. With my help (and help from some of you)
he will do well. Dr. Poe
Airstr5000 said:
So is it impossible to acquire these processes?

If you are referring to a proprietary knowledge, i must say that i really don't know.
But, i doubt any big company will sell you information, on the other end, you could always hire a freelance metallurgist to consult for you, which is not cheap, but will help you develop your own processes later down the road... (set-up stage, material preparation and first run)
My friend set up say middle sized operation - he is doing electronic recycling so I know bit about what he encountered and how things can be done. His focus is not to get precious metals out of it as there is preciously little of that in electronic waste. Bulk of his earnings come from sorting and selling. Iron, steel, copper, plastics. Of course he get gold too but he cherry pick only easy gold, having somebody else to process that for him. He is way too busy to focus on this as any potential earning from gold is just small part of his day to day operations.
Anything can be done but setting up electronic recycling company and focusing on gold just not work. You have to focus on finding good partners who will give you best price for steel, copper, aluminium, plastics, boards - this is where money can be made.

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