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That is a template reel. The SIM's were punched out of the reel and the gold traces carry over onto the reel. Alone, it wouldn't be enough to process but the entire reel is worth it, maybe.
Geo said:
That is a template reel. The SIM's were punched out of the reel and the gold traces carry over onto the reel. Alone, it wouldn't be enough to process but the entire reel is worth it, maybe.

Yes Geo the SIM's were already punched out when the OP obtained this material. There was no gold to recover.
alloy2 said:
OP said the skeletons came from plastics recycler,

I do not see any SIM cards just scrap plastic.

I don't think this would be a picture of OP's material, seeing that this picture was posted back in 2012 by a member named jake_66 "halfway down the page, it's from an E-Bay listing" This is the same link I posted on the first page (seems to be where the picture came from originally)

If the OP posted a picture of the actual material, as it looks right now, we can get a better look at what he's working on.
Actually i just copy the picture in order to get the idea clear :shock: stuff looks the same so why i bother to take a pic....
Well i still get nothing from dissolving my waste for gold recovering using HCL+H2O2 9% to dissolve gold.....precipitate with iron sulfate.
So what i did wrong guys , please help ? i know there is gold in there ...........
malikjob07 said:
Actually i just copy the picture in order to get the idea clear :shock: stuff looks the same so why i bother to take a pic....
Well i still get nothing from dissolving my waste for gold recovering using HCL+H2O2 9% to dissolve gold.....precipitate with iron sulfate.
So what i did wrong guys , please help ? i know there is gold in there ...........
How do you know? Have you tested with stannous?

i know that all yellow electronic conductor contain gold thus the company told me that there is a small gold and copper amount in the product. But till now i get nothing so i start to re-consider my information .
What would you advice me ?
malikjob07 said:
some told me that i have cemented problem ? do i ? :idea:
I don't know, what did stannous testing say? How does your scrap look? Before and after.

Mind boggling.
OP will not have any success if he will keep jumping up and down instead of sticking to one method and doing it correctly.

Please, take your time this cant be accomplished in a day or week. It will take much more time. Use HCl with just a little squirt of H2O2 and give it a few days to work. Then be prepared to spend countless hours properly washing foils from reels as they will stuck everywhere on that reel. I processed one reel, 700g and it took me about a week to do. Good luck with 2 tons.
The more you want to speed this up the more you will loose.
Please do not be offended malikjob07, I am putting all of this into one post, so it will be easier to understand. (Scroll down for a condensed version, below the ------- )

1. You bought two tons of sim card rolls.
2. You used a heat gun to recover the gold plating. (No chemicals)

3. You "actually" have a huge sim card skeleton, that you want to extract the gold from.

4. You tried using A/P (HCl+H2O2, the H2O2 was 3%) (Hydrochloric acid + Hydrogen peroxide 10 volume), but nothing dissolved.
5. You tried using A/P (Hcl+H2O2, the H2O2 was 9%) (Hydrochloric acid + Hydrogen peroxide 30 volume), and yes the gold did dissolve.
6. You tried Nitric acid 40%, but nothing dissolved.
7. You tried Aqua Regia, but nothing dissolved.
8. You are looking for a way to extract the gold, from the sim card skeleton.
9. When you used A/P (HCl+H2O2 9%) (Hydrochloric acid + Hydrogen peroxide 30 volume), yes the gold dissolved, but the solution is slightly green.
10. You want to know, if you can use Copperas, or SMB (Sodium Metabisulfite) to precipitate the gold, from the solution.
11. You added Sodium Bicarbonate, to neutralize the solution, until it stopped bubbling "boiling".
12. You used a few drops of Copperas, then added another 10 ml to a 1L "1000ml" solution, to precipitate the gold, but it did not work.


Material is a Sim card skeleton. Added Hcl+H2O2 (9%), gold plating dissolved, solution is slightly green. Added NaCHO3 until the bubbling stopped. Added a few drops of FeSO4, then added another 10ml of FeSO4 to the 1 L (1000ml) green solution. The gold did not precipitate.

If he added NaCHO3 until the bubbling stopped, wouldn't that put his solution around PH 8.4?

Edit - I'm not 100% sure if he neutralized the solution, or went beyond.
malikjob07 said:
then i add pinch of bicarbonate sodium to neutralize the acid till the boiling stop

malikjob07, you really need to make "stannous chloride", then mix a couple drops, with a couple drops of the green solution. Take a picture of the result and post it on here. We may be able to help better, by looking at it.
Grelko said:
malikjob07, you really need to make "stannous chloride", then mix a couple drops, with a couple drops of the green solution. Take a picture of the result and post it on here. We may be able to help better, by looking at it.

And make sure your solution is acidic--otherwise the stannous chloride may not work properly.

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