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Do the best you can.

The short sentence will work better.

When patnor1011 first joined he was hard for me to understand.

Now he speaks like we do.

I am Not sure if that is a good thing.

Or a bad thing
thanks butcher do what best can and whoever had familiar with the process means can handle it and mean what I mean too me is not a good translation but still ride the facts and get what we want is a great forum and thanks to all for sharing experiences and knowledge
It must be harder for you to understand what we say when it gets twisted around backwards in translation.

Not sure what language you can read, but it seems to me one of our members was trying to translate Hoke's book to other languages if you could get one translated into your language it would be a big help.
butcher said:

Do the best you can.

The short sentence will work better.


I am new here. You know more than I know about refining. I know machine translation.

Butcher is correct. Use short sentences. Put your words into the translator. Put the translator's words into another translator and translate the English to your language. If the two are different, change the grammar or word choice.

I have done this before.

My thanks to the readers for attempting to help our friend kole55 with his posts. We have a classy bunch of readers here!

thank you all for your understanding and support me is not a problem as we translate because English is not so foreign language because I was in Afghanistan four years working for KBR company and know a lot of English as a translation and writing do not know very well and once again apologize for my translation if you experience problems
kole55 said:
thank you all for your understanding and support me is not a problem as we translate because English is not so foreign language because I was in Afghanistan four years working for KBR company and know a lot of English as a translation and writing do not know very well and once again apologize for my translation if you experience problems

kole55 said:
Thank you all for your understanding and support. Me is not a problem as we translate because English is not so foreign language. I was in Afghanistan four years working for KBR company and know a lot of English. Translation and writing do not know very well and once again apologize for my translation if you experience problems.

What you wrote here do not really make sense. I believe that you do use sentences and punctuation in your own language so you better start using it here too. This: ???!!!,,,....
Thank you all for your support and razumijevanju.Moj problem is not in understanding the forum because English is not me away I jezik.Bio in Afghanistan and worked four years in KBR firm and not hard for me to understand and translate the language but I'm not writing savladao.Ponovo apologize for my translation and if you create problems. :idea: :?: :!: Looks like searching when I use punctuation and capitalization same text as in the previous post that you made a comment
Point is that there are other people like you. They may want to translate your posts to their language, and it will not be possible for them to understand if your post is without punctuation.
You may want to try other translators, the one you are using is not translating quite a lot of words.
would it be worthwhile to post in the help section in your native language and see if someone will translate ?

(just a thought)
here's a post on my tongue and try to translate:htjeo sam reci da se izvinjavam svima na forumu u vezi prevoda na mojim postovima.Harold(zahvaljujem mu na pomoci)je rekao da je i za mene problem prilikom prevoda sa engleskog na moj jezik, pa sam iz toga razloga naveo da ja razumijem engleski jer sam radio za americku firmu KBR u avganistanu 4 godine a zvanicni jezik je bio engleski, pa stoga meni ne predstavlja problem prevod.Ali takodje sam napisao da nisam savladao pisanje engleskog pa stoga moram koristiti prevoditelja i na kraju se izvinjavam zbog konfuzije u mojim postovima.Na kraju ne moram ni pisati postove nego samo citati i uciti ali eto htjeo sam i ja podijeliti svoje iskustvo.Bez obzira zahvalan sam za pomoc na forumu,i svima koji dijele svoje iskustvo sa clanovima.Jos jednom veliki pozdrav!
Translation :

I wanted to say sorry to everyone on the forum regarding the translation on my posts. Harold (thank him for his help) said that it was for me a problem when translating from English to my language, so for this reason I said that I understand English because I worked for the US firm KBR in Afghanistan four years and the official language was English and therefore to me is not a problem translation. But I also wrote that I did not mastered writing in English so I have to use an interpreter and in the end I apologize for the confusion in my posts. At the end do not even have to write posts than just read and learn, but that's what I wanted to share his experience. Regardless I am grateful for the help on the forum, and to all who share their experience with members. Once again, greetings!
kole55 said:
here's a post on my tongue and try to translate:htjeo sam reci da se izvinjavam svima na forumu u vezi prevoda na mojim postovima.Harold(zahvaljujem mu na pomoci)je rekao da je i za mene problem prilikom prevoda sa engleskog na moj jezik, pa sam iz toga razloga naveo da ja razumijem engleski jer sam radio za americku firmu KBR u avganistanu 4 godine a zvanicni jezik je bio engleski, pa stoga meni ne predstavlja problem prevod.Ali takodje sam napisao da nisam savladao pisanje engleskog pa stoga moram koristiti prevoditelja i na kraju se izvinjavam zbog konfuzije u mojim postovima.Na kraju ne moram ni pisati postove nego samo citati i uciti ali eto htjeo sam i ja podijeliti svoje iskustvo.Bez obzira zahvalan sam za pomoc na forumu,i svima koji dijele svoje iskustvo sa clanovima.Jos jednom veliki pozdrav!

When you end a sentence with a period (.) place a space between the period (.) and your next word. For example stop.Start and stop. Start
kole55 said:
Thank you all for your support and razumijevanju.Moj problem is not in understanding the forum because English is not me away I jezik.Bio in Afghanistan and worked four years in KBR firm and not hard for me to understand and translate the language but I'm not writing savladao.Ponovo apologize for my translation and if you create problems. :idea: :?: :!: Looks like searching when I use punctuation and capitalization same text as in the previous post that you made a comment

Thank you all for your support and understanding. My problem is not in understanding the forum because English is not my language itself further. I was in Afghanistan and worked four years in KBR company and it is not difficult for me to understand and translate the language, but I 'm not writing mastered. Again, I apologize for my translation and if you create problems. It seems that they are looking for when I use punctuation and capitalization same text as in the previous post that you made a comment
Thank you very much Geo. Lots of you helped me and I really appreciate your posts on the forum. This works really well, but a lot of little things changing situation. I would also like to add that I promised on Monday to say how much I got in weight than that of powder (if you are following post from the start you know what I mean) but my friend could not even melt the powder in the company because they have problems with snow and do not have time, but as soon as do it I'll put the result. Today I finished my fingers in the AP (200) grams only filter out, but I'll have to wait a few days (because the temperatures from -15 to -20 and very cold) and I will continue to washing (Harold method) and HCl / cl but when cold retail discounts. Consciously I wrote a lot of text to see the result and I think it's a good translation or at least better. Thanks again Geo! And happy new year to everyone and a lot of gold in the next year, but I wish you the most health and joy!
Yes, this translator is much better than previous one.
I used when I had some problems.
I'm glad a lot better thanks to Geo. I really appreciate your work in the IC chips Patnor. All the best in future work.
kole55 said:
Thank you very much Geo. Lots of you helped me and I really appreciate your posts on the forum. This works really well, but a lot of little things changing situation. I would also like to add that I promised on Monday to say how much I got in weight than that of powder (if you are following post from the start you know what I mean) but my friend could not even melt the powder in the company because they have problems with snow and do not have time, but as soon as do it I'll put the result. Today I finished my fingers in the AP (200) grams only filter out, but I'll have to wait a few days (because the temperatures from -15 to -20 and very cold) and I will continue to washing (Harold method) and HCl / cl but when cold retail discounts. Consciously I wrote a lot of text to see the result and I think it's a good translation or at least better. Thanks again Geo! And happy new year to everyone and a lot of gold in the next year, but I wish you the most health and joy!
Well done! Such a difference a little help and effort makes. I have friends from England who cannot write in English as clearly as you have done here.
Hello again everyone on the forum. I finally managed to melt the dust of those 400 gr. mix ic chips and here is a picture (not very good quality pictures with a cell phone is) and the weight is 0.6 grams and as I said I lost maybe some o.2 gr and it would be a total of 0.8 grams. Is it within the limits of the yield issue for Patnor.


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