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A friend of mine bought alot of junk jewelry for the purpose of refining it. She started the process and I'm not sure how she got or which process was used. This was over a year ago and everything that she was refining is in a 30 gallon drum. It is a dark green liquid with sludge at the bottom. My cousin did say that he saw her get about 8 cups of liquid from this drum and put it in a coffee pot with distilled water and evaporated the distilled water out and black sludge was left over which she then put in a forge and got avery small radish size gold nugget out of it. She took that to a shop and they gave her $1100 for it...I'm just wondering if its worth trying to figure out. Muralist acid anonia stump out distilled water and propane tanks are the only things I saw
Why do YOU continue on this ? Why she isn´t doing it herself ? By what you are saying, there is huge ammount of money in that thing, why she left it like it was ? I am just trying to somewhat understand what is going on.

You know, trying to analyze what is in that drum may be very hard task even for experienced refiner/chemist. From your writing I have a feeling you aren´t refiner, nor chemist. Chemistry involving precious metals can be very nasty, toxic and even deadly. Cyanides are used a lot with gold refining. This is just to wanr you from deliberately throwing chemicals on unknown chemicals - it can end up pretty bad.

Start with asking her. When we would know what is in it and how it was made, then we can help you. Some pictures would certainly also help.
a 30 Gal drum with liquid and sludge, and she took 8 cups with her. She made a small nugget worth1100 dollars saw that yourself or hear say? Small is in grams, not ounces, in my world, so what was it?

Indeed very vague. so I asked: how much sludge, what did she take? liquid, sludge or both?
If she siphoned off all the sludge (8 cups) then you have the waste leftover. if not, not. if so maybe.
We will never know until we get answers to questions in stead of polemics.
Either that or you don't know as much as you thought you did. Or your just not that good. You have done nothing but pick my posts apart. You even went as far as editing something that I,not you, wrote, and put it in your own words. Grammatically correct or not, who do you think you are putting words in my mouth? And again moving all my stuff somewhere I did not put it. You ever heard of freedom of speech. I'm here to learn, not be offended on a forum in front of God knows how many people. When I asked for help should have been your first clue that I didnt know what I was doing, I fact I think I used those words. You don't see like your very educated in anything except, well, the not so obvious. Being rude to people is rude. Maybe you should take some time from policing and get a new hobby or maybe get some pussy. Maybe then you won't be so uptight and pompous. Have a good night.
You need realize you are dealing with chemicals that can kill you and anyone around you, that's why they have the rules in place.p

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