Printer Friendly Copy of Hoke's Book

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Jan 14, 2012
Ohio, USA
Let me start by thanking Noxx, Harold_V and Palladium. Thank you Noxx for creating this forum where priceless information is so freely shared. Thank you Harold for encouraging everyone to read Hoke's book. And thank you Palladium for making the digital version of her book available to us all. Without you three, this project would have never been possible. Also, special thanks to my wife, Reva, who obtained an original 1940 copy through an inter-library loan from The Vining Library at the West Virgina Institute of Technology.

I know many of us stretch our dollars as far as we can. Not everyone wants, or is able, to buy a hard copy of Hoke's book, but reading the digital copy can strain old eyes like mine. So I've created a more frugal, printer friendly version. This copy is reformatted to print 2 pages of the book on each side of an 8-1/2" x 11" sheet of paper. By printing on both sides of the sheet the book can be printed on just under 100 sheets of paper. The sheets are then cut in half and make a 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" book that can be put in a small 3 ring binder or other binding of your choice.

To Print the Book: The book is formatted to be printed on both sides of the sheet. If your printer can print on both sides, simply run it as a duplex job. Each odd numbered page is paired with the following even numbered page.

If your printer does not print on both sides, then first print out the odd pages. Put the printed pages back in the printer (make sure they will print in the correct order - I have to reverse the order to print the second sides on my printer) and print the even pages on the second sides. Since my printer seems to like to grab 2 sheets together at the most inopportune times, ruining the rest of the job, I just print out 10 or 20 pages at a time, flip them over, and print the second sides. If they feed right I move on to the next 10 or 20. If the printer screws up, I just have to reprint a few pages, then move on.

If anyone finds errors (I know there are bound to still be a few), ommissions, or problems please let me know and I'll make corrections and update the file here. I'll include the revision date in the file name so you'll be able to tell if you have the current version.




  • 4 Copies of C. M. Hoke's Book.jpg
    4 Copies of C. M. Hoke's Book.jpg
    83.1 KB · Views: 7,254
  • C. M. Hoke Refining Precious Metal Wastes Printer Friendly December 2013.pdf
    2.4 MB · Views: 4,675
A Few Additional Notes:

I've tried to correct some of the little errors created by the original OCR software used when the book was scanned, as well as a few I found in the hard copies I used as references :oops:.

All pages are included in this copy, including the elusive page 63, and a few other parts of pages that were missing, and the frontispiece photo which was not included in the 2003 reprint.

I rescanned all the drawings and photos. They're not great, but I think they're a little better. They are a compromise between file size and picture quality. The file size is still just a little over 2MB.

I recreated the flow sheets in Chapter XXII to make them more readable. A couple of words were amost impossible to read in the 2003 reprint and only marginally better in the 1940. It loses the handwritten character of the original flow sheets, but they are more legible.

The 5-1/2" x 8-1/2" format is the same size as the 2003 reprint. The original 1940 copy is a bit larger at 5-7/8" x 9".

I also added a photo of Calm Morrison Hoke that was posted recently by Rusty. Although there's not a lot of information about her, I did find that she was born in 1887 and, I believe, she died in 1952. She would have been in her early 50's when she wrote the book which fits with what she wrote in the Preface.

You are all very welcome! We all do what we can to help.

I'll be interested to hear how it prints out for some of you. I tested it on my system, but that's just one computer and one printer.

The layout may be confusing on the first 8 pages since many lack page numbers. Once you get to page 9 of the .pdf file you'll be on numbered pages 1 - 4 of the book. The way it's layed out, you can actually fold each sheet in half and the pages will be in the right order. It's easier to do it than explain it.

I was contacted by a member who couldn't download the attachment on his reader and he asked where the file was located so he could download it. I explained it was only on the forum and I'd like to keep it that way. This was a labor of love for the members of this forum. I would appreciate it if you would all refrain from uploading this elsewhere on the internet. If someone wants it, they are welcome to come here, join the forum, and download it.

Thanks for this printer friendly version. Great Work.

Note...If you have a printer that prints both sides, choose Flip on Short Edge. At least that is what was called for with my printer.
Special thanks should go to :?: for buying and scanning the original version for the benefit of all forum members.

Thank you so much for your post. Without your original work scanning, running the OCR. and proofing the original work, I would have never undertaken this project.

rusty said:
Palladium said:
Special thanks should go to :?: for buying and scanning the original version for the benefit of all forum members.

I told him that I wished to remain anonymous and this is why there is no mention of my involvement.

Sorry. :cry:
Great work, thank you! When you processed that, you surely had made a one-page-per-page-verion. Did you save that version, and if, would you share it? I would like to print on A5-paper,butwithout the large wwhite border, so I can make my own hardcover book. Some hours work, but some books are predestinated for that.

...only if it doesn't make to much work. ..only if it's just two clicks for you.

Thanks for your interest. Actually, what you see is exactly the way I created the document. The target page size was 8-1/2" x 11" in landscape mode, with the 2 columns per page you see. I'm afraid there wasn't any intermediate version. I copied the entire original text as a single file, then cut it one page at a time and pasted it into the format you see.

Can you print it to A4 paper? There is enough of a margin on the short side that the A4 shouldn't cut off anything, especially if you center it. The long side of the A4 is a little longer than our 11" sheet so you can just have a little extra margin for notes.

If that doesn't work, and if there is enough interest in a different size for those on the other side of the pond, I could be convinced to reformat to a different page size. The hard work of tweaking font sizes and attributes, proof reading, and correcting errors is done. I could probably cut and paste to a different page layout in a couple of days. If there are members who need this, please speak up.


I think both versions serve a purpose. Mine would be cumbersome to read on screen. The layout of the pages would have you skipping back and forth to read the book in order. It's meant only for the printer. Yours is far better for reading on a computer.

I downloaded hokes book the first or second day I joined the forum(on a thumb drive) . Had to wait 3 days to get it to the printer and when I got there
where my problems started. The very nice lady that does the printing was in the middle of printing 100s of blueprints for a contractor.The sweet lady took the time to print and bind my book why the big printers was buzzing away at the blueprints.She had trouble it would only print one page front side only. I not wanting to take her time for she stoped to do this and me being in such a hurry to get to reading it agreed that it would be ok, BIG MISTAKE..........
as i was reading it. I soon relized that something was wrong. NO pictures
..Hummmm and pages was all mixed up. Two trips to the printer and 4 people tring to fix it so it would print right
Here is what not to do DONT get in a hurry
In my haste I some how saved it as a note book file and it should be saved
as a ....PDF file..
I hope my self inflicked problem helps someone not to mess up as I did..
And again i want to Thank dave for all his hard work and help making this book available to all of us...

Todd aka MEANIE

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