Maybe I've been spending too much time in the jungles, but in following these discussions about processing boards, I've come up with an idea where I'd like to see some feedback.
Note that this idea would not likely work for the typical US backyard person, but as I'm in Ecuador, things are different;
- propane is CHEAP (<$3 for 15l [around 4 gallons])
- labor is CHEAP (can get workers for $292/MONTH)
- chemicals are about the same in the US (perhaps a bit cheaper for some things - we can get nitric acid for $6/liter or $24/gal (oddly, they say that 4 liters = 1 gallon??), I haven't checked on everything, but for the sake of this discussion, let's presume they are equal
[EDITED to add this] - there are no board buyers within reasonable shipping distance (until we get shipping container loads, which may be awhile) - if there were (like in the US), I would sell to them as I recommend all 'backyard' folks do!
With that being the case, what I'm considering is to build a simple desoldering plant. My 'vision' is to use propane oven burners (again, all parts for propane is pretty cheap here) in the center of two spaces (think about a typical oven with an 'above flame' area as well as one below the flame). If I can find some old ovens, all the better, but they tend to use stuff around here until it literally falls apart, so I think building it will be better, and fairly simple.
What I'm thinking is to put three or four 'ovens' in a line and moving the boards underneath the flames to melt the solder. Overall length of the 'plant' would be about 10 feet.
Using a tray (again, think oven catch pan) as a 'car' and placing the boards upside down on top of some supports (I'm thinking something like aluminum standoffs), as the 'car' is moved along through the 'oven' (I'm thinking of using a bicycle chain with some pins welded on at intervals), the parts should fall into the tray. In order to get them to drop, I'm thinking 'cobblestone path' to make a bumpy ride and shake things back/forth (lots of those roads around here - hey, parts could be 'free'! :shock:
Powering of the 'conveyor' could be by hand (or old bicycle with rider), at first, until a suitable motor is found (from some experimentation on how fast it should move, etc.). OK, visions of "Gilligan's Island" come to mind, I know, but I am being serious!
The upper part of the 'oven' could be used for any boards that don't drop all the parts, etc., or perhaps other uses (TBD).
On top of this setup, I even thought about making a sand bed to remove parts from cell phones and such.
Now, considering this crude setup (which, as production increases could be scaled into finer machinery), what are your thoughts?
- Will the majority of the parts fall?
- Will they be simple enough to further process (separating them into bins - again, labor is cheap!)
- Is there any data on selling off the parts that are not 'valuable'
- What are your thoughts on selling off the empty board?
Once the board is clean, I think there is not much value other than the copper and would hope to find a local recycler to take them. I'm not personally interested in processing them, for all the reasons discussed - however, we would process/sell the 'typical' stuff that is discussed on the forum.
Thanks in advance for your input on this!