Processing Fingers in Acid Peroxide :Comments/Questions

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Steve, count me in on that it sounds like a great idea.
Its a coincidence that I just logged on to check out the
peroxide finger method because I just started to clean
up a medicine bottle full of flakes from when I tried CLS
with the bucket. The only thing that went to the plate was
copper, and the gold all floated or sank. It looks like the
gold mash you ended up with, it was all from HP boards
that were covered in gold.I didn't check the solution after
I was done but saved the "mash". Live and learn, right.
I am going to watch the video and see if it answers my questions.
Thanks. Jim
I let the video buffer for an hour and it didn't
start to play. I have DSL, that isn't the fastest,
but not the slowest. Could you put larger videos
like this one up in two parts?

Do the other videos with the MAC icon work?

Mine cable modem started playing the clip after 1 minute.

When you started making the videos work for Mac, it made them alot slower, even ones I saw before took alot longer to buffer. All the videos seem to work now that I give them the time to buffer, but this one is
too long I guess.

I just added a mini media player interface so you can monitor the download progress. The downloaded % will show at the bottom in cycles with the copyright info.

Let me know what you get.

I tried it again, and it looks like a windows media player
frame that I can pause and shows the pecentage of the
buffering, like it did when you first started with your videos.
It was at 38% and started playing, so it looks like it is working.
Thanks. Jim
I think that would be a help when you can see the percentage that is buffered, and can pause it until it catches up.
Thanks. Jim
Yes. Pause and rewind would be great. Once you start it now if you miss something you have to watch the whole thing again. Or if the phone rings you miss it.

Great video steve. All i needed was a tub of popcorn and that bucket of gold you had. lol

Imax would be awesome. :wink:

What type of vide system you using to record them ? Dam good camera.

Good video, Steve.

One comment. I know that you would be much much happier if you had a real lab wash bottle. It would make it so much easier and faster to rinse with.

There are several different styles. I have used them all and the exact style pictured in the link is by far the best for our purposes. On some, the spout is bent downward. The near horizontal spouts, as in the top photo are the best. I prefer the 1000mL ones. Don't buy any smaller than 500mL. You'll spend all your time refilling them. When you first get them, the water comes out in a very small stream. I prefer just a little more volume, so I carefully cut off a very small portion of the tip. The inside of the hole is tapered. When cutting off the tip, only cut off only about 1/32" at a time, at the most. Otherwise, you'll end up with too much volume but not enough pressure. You can take it off but you can't put it back on.

One last comment. Great gloves. I prefer cuffing the gloves about an inch, or less. That way, if you get any chemicals on the gloves, they run into the cuff and not on your arm.

Thanks for the glove tip. I've been meaning to get a 'real' wash bottle, but time hasn't allowed me to order one.

Also, a progress slider would be nice - in your spare time. That way, when it is fully downloaded, you can move to any desired point in the video.

More about wash bottles. I usually have 3 bottles. Two with tap water and one labeled with distilled water.

Some people put acids in the wash bottles. From my experience, this is an accident waiting to happen. If you put the bottle near a hot plate or in the sun, the liquid warms up and the pressure causes it to dribble out of the tip. Also, strong acids can eventually degrade the plastic.

In my previous post, I mentioned trimming the tip to get more volume. This is a personal preference and it also depends of the quantity of stuff you are running. I suggest that, before trimming, you use it as is for awhile to see how it works for you.

You might prefer the 500 mL bottles. They are slightly easier to handle. I liked the 1000 mL ones because I was running large amounts of stuff and used a lot of rinse water.
Nice long video ;)
Hey Steve, instead of using a spoon to get the foil, why not using a soft spatula ? I haven't tried it but...
Just my 2 cents.

Actually, I tried a cake spatula once and it was difficult to get the gold to stay with the spatula. The gold would roll up under the edge of the spatula and break apart into smaller pieces as I tried to pull it out. The spoon forms a nice cup to hold the gold allowing me to scoop it out.

I leave the gold in the water for two reasons:

1. The gold gets a final rinse as I squeeze out the water.

2. It doesn't get broken apart as I work with it.

The very tiny gold flakes tend to float away with even a gentle air current. By keeping them wet they stay whole and are easy to herd... like tiny golden sheep. :lol:

Water does an excellent job of controlling the delicate foils.
