Processing Fingers in Acid Peroxide :Comments/Questions

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After the mash dried out it weighs just over 3 grams. So the yield for these ISA fingers is roughly 1 gram gold per 200 grams of fully plated double sided ISA fingers.

I'll update the ISA card yield post when I get the gold powder melted and weighed. I'll dissolve the foils in a little HCl-Cl and drop with SMB.

Yeah ,, I don't think i'll be doing all that squeezing. Your hand has got to get tired Steve

After the video last night i was thinking the same thing Chris.

Heres what i came up with. I have two of these already. Fill it up and pump it up and your good to go.

Then i thought use a 3 gal size, put a long hose on it ( 4-6 ft ).
Then on the end put a small water pic head or the like. Then you could set it under you bench and run the hose up to the counter top. Put you a tire valve stem in it and you wouldn't even have to pump it up. Just fill with water and air and your go to go for a long time.

You're a gadget guy, Ralph. I must admit that some of the gadgets you find are great. In this case, I would use the tried and true and cheap, lab wash bottles. They are the most controllable.

I have also used those cheap black spray nozzles, with a hose, that you find on kitchen sinks. They also work great, especially with large amounts. They can clean out a bucket in seconds. They can also be gentle.
You're a gadget guy, Ralph. :wink: :wink:

I'll try anything ( almost ) once just to see if i can.
Necessity is the mother of invention :!:
Just wait til i start making video's like Steve.

You wouldn't believe What i am gathering parts for as my next X-Prize
project. I have dealt with high pressure systems that use to pump high viscosity materials like coal tar epoxies. We sometimes had to run several hundred feet of line from the pump to the receiving end. Pressures would reach 7 - 10,000 PSI. Now i also know that i can hit 600-700 degrees in this environment. The only problem is the reactor vessel. Think i got that solved for about $ 200.00. Bet you can't guess where this is going. :shock: :shock:

I figure the worse that could happen is a rupture and depressurization. Hell it's only water. Just a few safety features and I'll feel safer though. That's right.

Were going Super critical Baby !!!!!! Or at least try. :wink:
How about that ozone question on the super critical issue ?

lazersteve: Thanks for the video. I have one request that would benefit all of us including you. Any way you can enable the seeking controls? This would cut down on your bandwidth and it would also allow to continue the film from where we were cut off. For instance I am now rewatching the first 17 minutes because it didn't download all of the film and the only way to see the ending is to try and reload the whole thing again.
Thanks Steve,
Aflac, why do you need such high pressures and temp. ?

You'll start making some videos ? On what ?
And if you need any webspace to host your vids, I have 1Gb left on my server.
My holy grail. Uses nothing but water, pressure, and a little heat. It will dam near destroy anything that will oxidize. Throw 100 gals of Ar in this machine and all you get is the metals that were in the solution and nearly pure water. Once you get the system up to temp and pressure, it will generate it's own heat with very little heat imput at all. 5-6,000 watts.

Hell my heat pump pulls that. Read the Aqua cat article. Same thing just cheaper, smaller, and fixed some of their mistakes. lol

SCWO ( super critical water oxidization) is killer for many, many toxic situtations. think of the uses.

Postmako said:
Any way you can enable the seeking controls?


The finger video has a slider which functions as a seeking control. Just pause the video, slide the slider to the point you are interested in and click play.

lazersteve said:
Postmako said:
Any way you can enable the seeking controls?


The finger video has a slider which functions as a seeking control. Just pause the video, slide the slider to the point you are interested in and click play.


For some reason it wasn't working for me. Are you sure it works for you? Maybe I need to upgrade the windows media player.

Let me know,

You need to wait until the full file buffers before attempting to use the seek slider. After the video loads fully, hit pause, slide to the approximate area you want, and hit play. The video doesn't display while you move the slider.

I have enabled the full arsenal of controls for the embedded media player files. If the seek doesn't work as you need it to, I can do no more on my end.

On my system, the previous 29 min. video takes about 10 sec. to buffer. The new 5 min. video takes 5 minutes to buffer. ?? Is this due to present activity?

I took longer than that for me. I've been playing with the compression codecs for my videos and this one is was compressed using high quality film content codecs. I think I'll recompile it at the lower quality.

LazerSteve: Isn't there usually a way to seek without having to load the entire video? My problem is that the video would stop loading and I couldn't seek even if I wanted to. This was the main problem.

Have you considered using XVid or Divx (low motion) and you can set the bitrate to something a bit lower to reduce the file size and the loading time.

Thanks for opening up the controls, it is quite helpful.

I may order the SS Anode from you, I can't seem to find anything here that would work...

As previously mentioned I'm experimenting with the bit rates and codecs. I'm definitely sticking with the standard WMP front end. I'll recompile at my usual 700+ kb instead of the 1500+ kb.

I don't want to introduce any more variables by using the DivX codex. It's difficult to find the fine line between quality , compatibilty, and performance so please bear with me.

Actually it may be best to convert everything to a low bitrate, then everything will load faster and the currently small screen size will not noticeably be affected. If you need help with testing just let me know, I would be more than happy to help you.
Small screen is alright. But i like mine in hi Def , full screen.
That way i can see even the smallest of things happening. I think this is what steve is talking about by finding the middle ground. The right system without degrading the video quality.

The videos are small to fit on the page in different screen resolutions with all the other info. The actual size of the original videos is 640x480. Ralph's right about the quality factor, the higher the bitrate the better the picture quality. :wink: Since I'm working towards a DVD of these videos I don't want to skimp on resolution and bitrates and lose all my high resolution when they all go to DVD.


Please put me on your DVD list. It takes about half a day to download this video and I can't seem to keep it on my computer. I've downloaded it four times - it's worth it!
