question about cpu capacitors

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Well-known member
Mar 1, 2008
April 27_2010.jpgI've collected these little metallic foils from removing solder from cpus (various types)

my question is are these foils palladium only or are they something else , they did not dissolve in cold AP

they are from surface mount capacitors on cpus

other question is this amount worth processing or just wait for more ?
I had lots of them mixed with foils after I put green fiber cpus into AP. they are say 1x2mm and white/grey coloured. Have no idea what they are but there was fair amount of them. They are still in jar in HCl mixed with foils. They are there about 3 weeks now. I have feeling that they are slowly dissolving but will need more time to confirm this.
Samuel-a thanks for the link

did you look close they are clean foils there is little bits of gold and stuff .

I'm wondering if the foils are tantalum if it is i will not bother with this stuff.

it is mostly from cpus (green fiber intel and brown fiber amd )

I would like to try the Pd process but need to know if i can use potassium chlorate instead of sodium chlorate to drop Pd
if you have the time could you do a stannous test on Hcl and let us know what happened

I was hopping Steve would know and chime in
Add a little 3% peroxide to get the reaction started.

Also always do a quick spot test of the crushed material before up sizing to be sure you are not chasing your tail.

Sorry for the short posts, I had surgery yesterday and I'm one handed.

thanks Steve
sorry to hear about the hand , rest it up good before you start using it again.
I know a guy like you just cant stay still.

get well
shyknee said:
Samuel-a thanks for the link

did you look close they are clean foils there is little bits of gold and stuff .

now that you mention it, i can see the foils, you have there LED's (green+red).
i'd suggest to process them seperatly AP-->AR/HCL+Cl
there are no LEDs just foils. go to pic and press( Ctrl and + ) to zoom in a few times

today i will try to to put some into solution with AR then test for palladium with stannous
I will make sure that there is no gold flakes before i do it.

can anyone say definitely that Tantalum will not give me the same color as palladium with a Stannous test
Steve hope the doctors gave you the good stuff you know for the pain.Hey just heal for now and no long posts.

have some pics for everyone concerning those foils.
I dissolved in AR and got a green solution that was concerning,because steve's video on pd the solution was redish
so i tested with stannous that was all i have to test with and even that color test i'm not sure0430101048a Medium Web view.jpg0430101142a Medium Web view.jpg0430101810a.jpg
is this a positive for palladium or something else
each spot had 4 drops of solution first spot 4 drops stannous ,second spot 2 drops ,last one nothing for comparing
orange to brown darkish no purple at all
any help or comments are always appreciated
have you checked if they dissolved ? For sure do not throw it out .

I think a lot of newbies jump in dissolve everything then lose those values (when it comes to greenfiber chipps )
Well I can say that they are dissolving in HCl. I still can see few bits there but not that much. They are sitting in more than 2 weeks. I changes HCl about 6-7 times. Coloured HCl is going to bucket where I keep used AP.
Humm?if they have not dissolved then separate them and store and accumulate there is Pd in them .

but they may be to hard to chase after dissolved in AP with all that copper and volume.

im working on posting the results of what i dissolved.but it might just raise the value of those fiber chips because Pd is over 500.00 an oz. :p
here are the results it may be good news for some and bad news for others .
I know I lost or failed to save these in the past when I was learning0502101152a Medium Web view.jpg
0502101229a Medium Web view.jpg

I think there is other metals in the makeup of the foils just because of the green? but there is Pd :shock: 8)
shyknee said:
I think there is other metals in the makeup of the foils just because of the green? but there is Pd :shock: 8)
It is rare for all of the platinum group to precipitate. The green color is most likely attributed to remaining palladium, along with traces of copper. You can ascertain with surety if that is the case by testing with DMG. A drop of the solution when tested will yield a canary yellow precipitate. The test is very sensitive and will display color on very dilute solutions.

Place a drop of the solution in a spot plate. Add a drop of ammonium hydroxide. The solution should turn brilliant blue. That's a sign of either copper or nickel. Add a drop of DMG. If you have nickel, the deep blue solution will shift to pink. If it does not, you have copper.

If you find it is palladium, it can be recovered in the stock pot.


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