question about cpu capacitors

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thanks Harold
will test it with DMG but now i will need to get some .

anyone in Ontario have some for sale does not have to be alot..PM me please.
hello everyone
I decided to dissolve some more foils this time in hcl + clorox+ h2o2 to see what the color would be
turned out this time to be brown
here is what happened first hcl + clorox 3hours later not much happened so i put in h2o2 and it just turned brown and dissolved everything fast 15min
at the same time I put somefoils in weak nitric and it still trying to dissolve the foils.
ok I should go take some pics3 more tests.jpg
shyknee said:
hello everyone
I decided to dissolve some more foils this time in hcl + clorox+ h2o2 to see what the color would be
turned out this time to be brown
here is what happened first hcl + clorox 3hours later not much happened so i put in h2o2 and it just turned brown and dissolved everything fast 15min
at the same time I put some in weak nitric and it still trying to dissolve the foils.
ok I should go take some pics

No you should stop what you are doing and do a lot of reading before you hurt yourself or someone. Why on earth are you adding the h2o2? Have you seen anyone say they use it to disolve thier gold on purpose??? And then you go and add nitric on top of that, weak or not.

Read this thread real good,especially what Steve says about adding clorox to HCL and how it reacts.

I'm really not trying to be rude but sometime,s you have to be real blunt when someone is messing up big time. Pay attention when someone tells you not to do this or this will not work, especially when it is one of the major leaders here. If you keep going down this path I can promise you there will come a time when you will find it hard to get help here when you need it the most.
Barren Realms 007 thanks for your concern

but i do not understand what you are eluding to :| :?:

these are small scale experiments with Pd not gold

they are to satisfy my curiosity and anyone interested

if I'm doing something wrong I will stop posting
shyknee said:
Barren Realms 007 thanks for your concern

but i do not understand what you are eluding to :| :?:

these are small scale experiments with Pd not gold

they are to satisfy my curiosity and anyone interested

if I'm doing something wrong I will stop posting
You are not doing anything wrong. You are trying to learn the reactions. Running experiments is the best way to accomplish that end. The only time I would have a negative opinion is if you are attempting to process, and are not following what amounts to accepted practice. That, clearly, is not the case here. Carry on, and be sure to share the results with the readers.

thanks Harold
Trusted that if I am doing something wrong on my posts that you or the other moderators will advise me
I do not see anything dangerous about what you have tried so far. Something that has not been mentioned is that your brown coloration in the far left test tube is what I would have expected with decent Pd concentrations. Looking at the different reactions (it would help knowing how long they were allowed to settle) there is a good possibility of tin being present in the feedstock (part of the solder used to attach the components?).

It will be interesting if you used the same mass of raw feedstock for each of these test tubes using different digestion methods and save them for when you get DMG. It will be very informative as to what works best for this material as to taking the PMs into solution.

Your methodology is very reminiscent of Hoke as to the familiarity experiments she suggests. If you have kept good accurate notes this could help many in understanding these reactions. I applaud your methods and effort.
Oz thank you
barrenRealms007 for get about it

Oz all four are from the same feed stalk here is pic i have added more foils to it (from CPU surface mount capacitors)feed stock.jpg
all tin and other metals that HCL can remove were removed diligently.
first three test tubes did have the same amount of foils each (ruffly) the only heat is a small warming plate (maybe 45 degrees c)
i put the acids in each at the same time .
the one with AR i worked on with small additions of nitric until all foils were gone except a few on the bottom,then i filtered this to the polished green you see.
then I noted that the HCL +CLOROX was yellow and wasn't doing much( about three hours had passed )so i put 5% peroxide in (first about three drops) and noted the top layer of foils just disappear so I stirred and add more few drops at a time until all gone (this took 15 mins )
did not fillter this yet it was getting late and had to go ,so took those pics.

the last test tube with the ammonium chloride and potassium chlorate from the other day.
I realized that I had not concentrated the solution before trying to drop the Pd and that there may have been some free nitric.i will correct this later.

my next step is to try and drop Pd from HCL+Clorox.

I want to try HCL+ potassium chlorate to see the reaction (it should dissolve the foils then maybe I can just add ammonium chloride to drop the Pd ?) this would reduce volume of solution maybe ?

more test to come with pictures
i just come back from trying the HCL + potassium chlorate ( Lou mentioned it would be faster )
thanks for that tip.Reaction was over in 3 min the most I used careful additions of potassium chlorate it only took 1/8th of a pea size.
i am filtering the solutions.
another note the nitric finished its reaction over night , I was just going to cement the Pd to see what kind of volume there is(with copper)
i think there is some kind of other metal mixed with the Pd. Any thoughts ?
And the HCL + Cl +H2o2 turned greenish overnight
I will post the pics after filtering
The lime green color is probably from Nickel.

1. Confirm nickel in solution by adding ammonium hydroxide to sample until basic.
2. Add a drop of DMG test solution.
3. Pink color indicates nickel.

Gold flakes likely from small bits of solder pads that were pulled from the boards when the capacitors were removed. Although some capacitors are known to have gold plates ('foils') in them.

thanks Steve and Barren Realms 007
while I wait for the test solution, i was thinking of cementing with copper (only the nitric test) to see what kind of volume is left after removing that nickle ,the nickle should stay behind with the copper wright.
then i will re dissolve what is left for color comparison.
I would wait for your DMG first, you will find that although copper is effective at cementing the Pd and leaving the nickel behind, it is slow and a finely divided end product.
Are you getting your DMG soon? I can part with few grams for sake of this experiment. I saw those foils in my batch of green fiber cpus. If you want pm me your address and I will send you some DMG. Pat.
patnor1011 said:
Are you getting your DMG soon? I can part with few grams for sake of this experiment. I saw those foils in my batch of green fiber cpus. If you want pm me your address and I will send you some DMG. Pat.
thanks patnor1011 i should have it in about 2 weeks in the meantime i am getting other things (that i have been putting off ) done.
its almost 45 days and the DMG still has not arrived from our friend in Russia what should i do ? ebay rules suck .
I should give more time becuase of volcano and G8 or G20 causing customs delays but i can't claim after 45 days .
did anyones stuff take longer than 45days ? :cry:
It is quite long. I got mine in 11 days but I am in EU. Maybe that volcano did cause some delays but better try to contact him.

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