Refining for ABSOLUTE beginners

Gold Refining Forum

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Note: One of the target threads needs the links to be fixed since our recent migration to phpBB3, but you can still benefit from the other threads until I get the automatic searches up and running again.

All of the info your looking for is here on the forum.
Just use the search feature.
The best place for you to start is with Hoke's book.
There used to be an electronic version available here on the forum but I'm not sure if it still is.

*original post edited - it was my link to hoke book - it is now in my signature.
edited. sorry gents. thanks GSP.
:arrow: :arrow:
Different types of scrap should always be processed separately according to their content and concentration of metals. You will find suitable methods for just anything on this forum.
alfonse21 said:
What do I do with the dark green liquid i got from the peroxide and acid. Is there gold in it ????

Maybe. And maybe not.
It depend what did you process in that liquid and what your liquid consist from. What was ratio and % of used chemicals? What was processed?
Would someone explain the logic or science as to why SMB and Ammonium Chloride are dissolved in water before adding to pregnant solution vs. just adding the reagents directly?
SMB requires water to produce SO2 gas which reduces the gold. When added dry the SMB reacts with water in the solution to form the SO2.

via SMB in water:

3NaHSO3 + 2AuCl3 + 3H2O = 3NaHSO4 + 6 HCl + 2Au

Personally, I prefer to add ammonium chloride to water first so I can witness the formation of the PGM salt and I know for sure the solids I'm seeing in the solution are from the reaction of the PGM in sthe solution with NH4Cl and not just undissolved NH4Cl floating around the solution. Dissolving the ammonium chloride in water first also reduces the chances that you will add too much and form entrained PGM salt along with solid ammonium chloride.

Steve, I recently purchased and viewed your Pt video and have one question: should the Pt melting dish be glazed with borax as you have illustrated for gold?

Thank-you for all the work you have done. I highly recommend your videos to anyone who might be considering a purchase.
Pt and Pd are melted in a unglazed dish. Let the button cool completely and it should pop loose from the crucible on it's own, or with very little force applied.


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