Rhodium ore

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Frogy are u still in commission to test my rhodium rock of hope, maybe it's galena, if it's galena I really don't want to touch it too much, it looks exactly like the rhodium pics,
Froggy has not been here since November.
This is a long thread and it would be easier to see what you mean if you explain which pictures you refer to.
Hello, I am from Iraq and I have found large quantities of soil that contains the platinum group. I extracted a quantity of pure rhodium that was precipitated with zinc metal and treated with hydrochloric acid. I want someone to buy the metal and help me with ongoing deals. If there is someone who wants the raw soil and extracts it, I am ready to participate. To contact kamil. WhatsApp 009647830860479 or email [email protected] This is my greetings to everyone


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Hello, I am from Iraq and I have found large quantities of soil that contains the platinum group. I extracted a quantity of pure rhodium that was precipitated with zinc metal and treated with hydrochloric acid. I want someone to buy the metal and help me with ongoing deals. If there is someone who wants the raw soil and extracts it, I am ready to participate. To contact kamil. WhatsApp 009647830860479 or email [email protected] This is my greetings to everyone
Why do you think you have PGMs or more specific lyrics Rhodium in the soil?
And if you dropped it by Zinc it will not be pure.
Can you give more details on how you tested it and how you leached it?
Hello, I am from Iraq and I have found large quantities of soil that contains the platinum group. I extracted a quantity of pure rhodium that was precipitated with zinc metal and treated with hydrochloric acid. I want someone to buy the metal and help me with ongoing deals. If there is someone who wants the raw soil and extracts it, I am ready to participate. To contact kamil. WhatsApp 009647830860479 or email [email protected] This is my greetings to everyone
Welcome by the way.
لماذا تعتقد أن لديك PGMs أو كلمات أكثر تحديدًا الروديوم في التربة؟
وإذا أسقطته بالزنك فإنه لا يكون طاهراً.
هل يمكنك إعطاء المزيد من التفاصيل حول كيفية اختباره وكيف تم ترشيحه؟
شكرا لردكم. التربة غنية جدا بهذا المعدن. عالجنا التربة بالماء الملكي وترسبناها بكلوريد البوتاسيوم، ثم جففنا الراسب وأخذنا منه الروديوم مع حامض الكبريتيك المركز، ثم ترسبناه بمعدن الزنك، ثم عالجناه بحامض الهيدروكلوريك بالتسخين وأيضاً بحمض النيتريك، ثم غسلها وتجفيفها وفحصها. ما فعلناه هو صهر القليل منه لأننا نفتقر إلى الإمكانيات ولدي أملاح البلاتين أيضا، لكني أركز على معدن الروديوم وأنا مستعد لأي شكل من أشكال التعاون. وأخيرا من يريد الشراء عليه أن يتأكد. شكرا مرة اخرى.
شكرا لردكم. التربة غنية جدا بهذا المعدن. عالجنا التربة بالماء الملكي وترسبناها بكلوريد البوتاسيوم، ثم جففنا الراسب وأخذنا منه الروديوم مع حامض الكبريتيك المركز، ثم ترسبناه بمعدن الزنك، ثم عالجناه بحامض الهيدروكلوريك بالتسخين وأيضاً بحمض النيتريك، ثم غسلها وتجفيفها وفحصها. ما فعلناه هو صهر القليل منه لأننا نفتقر إلى الإمكانيات ولدي أملاح البلاتين أيضا، لكني أركز على معدن الروديوم وأنا مستعد لأي شكل من أشكال التعاون. وأخيرا من يريد الشراء عليه أن يتأكد. شكرا مرة اخرى.
English please!
English please!
I hope you understand me and sorry for the errors in the expression because I use translation.We examined some of the rhodium that we smelted.We extracted it from aqua regia, precipitated it with potassium chloride, then treated the precipitate with sulfuric acid, then precipitated it from sulfuric acid with zinc metal, then treated it with hydrochloric acid.Of course, the buyer will confirm the examination, and I am ready for any form of cooperation, and if you want to confirm the presence of the metal in the soil, I am ready to send the soil to you, and you carry out the filtration process, within the percentage that you deem appropriate.Note: I also have platinum salts, but I focus on rhodium.


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What does the assay say?

Time for more coffee.
The test is a metal that does not dissolve in nitric acid or hydrochloric acid, and its color is silver, with a density of 12,4 so it is rhodium. But I want you to know that we here lack modern methods, so I will discuss with you a way to work. Thank you for your understanding

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