This is fairly common theme here. You aren´t first with miraculous rhodium content ore. Thing is that it is always only rhodium, iridium or ruthenium - pattern replicate through all of these "ore" threads
It has a reason. XRF machines loaded on precious metals mode cannot cope with light element matrix (eg rock, sand) and get lost in computation of diffractions and excitation energies. Signals of light elements overlay with signals of some metals - espetially that of rhodium, osmium, iridium and ruthenium. And as XRF cannot know what it have in front, due to this skewed diffractions and assumptions - it will tell you that there is loads of precious metals - because that is the best it can tell you on this mode with said sample.
Most of the machines has also Geochemical mode - this mode is more suitable for measuring light element matrixes. Still very inproper way how to determine PM content. Assay is needed. Not regular fire assay, but specialized nickel sulfide assay for platinum metals. Or at least ICP measurement.
XRF is only reliable for measuring solid metal samples, if not exhaustively callibrated for some specific type of material - eg. pulverized catalytic materials etc.
Not jealousy, but sober reality. You can indeed have some PGMs in sulfidic NiCo ores, that is undoubtly true, few ppm´s could be very real. But several % of Rh is too good to be true.
This theme is periodically appearing here on the forum, just scroll for similar thread names - every year few dozen of cases. In every case it ends with accusations of jealousy and the person cannot take any advice or face reality. And if it somehow ends up in any real assay of material, there is fat zero PGMs
PS: Take several random rocks from your garden, or another wastepile, back of the road, some pyritized samples, anything... Take like 7 different pieces and shot them all with that machine
And then you discover, that accordingly to the machine, your house is built from "rhodium ore", sand on the road contain rhodium, pyrite contain rhodium, iron ores all contain rhodium etc etc.
And we all unaware cannot take that opportunity to become rich in instance
Rhodium is one of few rarest elements in Earth. Think about it.