Traveller11 said:Okay, I realize now I was wrong again. Further study has cleared things up.
I assumed this setup was making sodium hypochlorite but the literature kept referring to the production of sodium chlorate. I became concerned, as our water system is seriously entertaining purchasing a sodium hypochlorite generator to make on demand bleach, from salt, for disinfecting drinking water. Sodium chlorate is not a good thing to have in drinking water and the Maximum Acceptable Concentration in drinking water, set by Health Canada, is 1.0 ppm.
It turns out that the electrolytic process for making both, from salt brine, is identical. The only difference is the temperature of the electrolyte. Below 50° Celsius, it will make sodium hypochlorite. At 50-70° Celsius, the cell will make sodium chlorate.
Heating ordinary household bleach will form salt and sodium chlorate. Also, as sodium hypochlorite decomposes over time, about 90% of it will make sodium chlorate.
3 NaClO = 2 NaCl + NaClO-3
According to what I have read, this higher temperature is achieved by applying higher electrical amperage to the electrodes. I had always wondered why sodium hypochlorite generators only made a concentration of .8% sodium hypochlorite bleach (or less, as opposed to household bleach at 3-6%) and it seems to be because it would take higher current to do this and it is likely the higher current would increase the cell temperature to the point of making sodium chlorate. Or, it could just be that .8% is the most economical level to make bleach at and it is no problem to just increase the dosage going into the water, rather than wasting current trying to make a higher concentration.
Anyways, it looks like the agent at work in this cell is sodium chlorate (NaClO-3), a very powerful oxidizer.
T3sl4 said:Incidentially, soaking rocks in acid generally leads to gunk, at least that was my experience. The gunk comes from the insoluble alumina, silica and clay type materials leftover, so you get a difficult-to-filter gel.
The easiest way to remove other stuff is a soak in acid. It may take a very long time to dissolve everything, as iron requires a low pH to dissolve, and it doesn't go quickly. Large grains may take a very long time indeed. The easiest way to leach, of course, is put everything in a column (or if you've got a lot to do, try an HDPE barrel with holes punched in the bottom) and let the acid soak through. Fresh acid, at the top, does the most, then it gradually gets more spent as it drains down. At the bottom, it's all used up (presumably). Add more, and the top is even cleaner, the middle is somewhat cleaner, and the bottom is starting to dissolve. Etc. Eventually, the top fraction is pretty darn clean, having been washed so many times, and the stuff on the bottom can go to the top of the next run, and so on.
Without a strong oxidizer, the gold won't dissolve during this step. So you put it in the cell next, and that should do it.
Steve: do you have any idea if the fused silica got clogged, possibly by gold as I suggested earlier? If so, it could be very difficult to clean out...
butcher said:Will this help?