Looks pretty good. I would still be curious as to the cloudiness of your initial electrolyte though.
fivel_976 said:I used distilled water from Walmart. There's a coin shop I stop by once in a while where I get my Sterling at he's got a nice machine to test metals on and he's also curious about how pure I can get my silver. If I melt and pour the crystals will that affect the purity?
SilverMac18 said:My silver nitrate is very cloudy after I dump in the distilled water from Walmart as well. The first 4 cells I ran were crystal clear using the same water. Also use the same water to dissolve the sterling in and it’s crystal clear after filtering it. Soon as I use the exact same water it clouds up exactly like the pic above. Very strange. Has me scratching my head. Just can’t figure out how it’s doing this since I’m using the same water as I use to dissolve the sterling in the first place. I’m at a loss
Tylerhasquestions said:How do I keep gold from plating out in my silver cell?