Jerry McGoohan
Hi, it appears this is the place to be so appreciate any advice in the right direction, thanks. I saved around 70,000 early 2000 satellite SIM cards from landfill from previous company before taking a redundancy a couple months later.
A little time offs given me a chance to prepare 4 jars tared weight of approx 1.4 kg
type 1 and type 2 SIMs (PIC 1&2) out of the plastic card.
I had an XRF test performed (PDF scan attach) wherein
type1 SIM 0.15gwt (oval) tested 8.9 AU 2 karrot, with mostly CU &NI base metal and
type 2 (square) tested 4.4AU 1 karrot & 3.7AU on another XRF machine.
Having watched the BETTER YouTube E-waste Recovery chan's, skimming Hokes Book chapters and reading this fine blog I'd like to start the AR separation of AU foil, dissolving base metals CU, NI. There's trace AG and 0.2% unaccounted on the XRF test.
I've slowly built up glass and safety ware, crucibles, borax, SNCL2 for stannous is ordered as is metabisulfite.
I understand the basic variables that can affect yields being aeration, saturation, heat, E waste size etc as a few variables of many. Electronics is more my forte, so quite new to this. I did take chemistry at school but failed for dropping the Acid (bada boom,feel free to reuse that joke...or not).
QUESTION 1: Before I go any further I should mention the HCL 5L I have is only 23%, is this strong enough.for AR?? I also have H2O2 3%, but if I could use aeration, H2O or heat effectively instead of the 3% perxiode to start base metal dissolve with a longer time frame, perhaps?
QUESTION 2 SIM recovery yields seem low, Another SIM XRF test from a YouTuber was 1 SIM only, 3.6 XRF AU, 20mg AU recovery using 50% HCL 50% H2O AR base metal CU, Ni dissolve as sample. Why are Youtube larger batches of SIM recovery yields seemingly so low?
Any pointers to get started much appreciated. B.T.W. I tried a small donation to the blog but you don't accept Paypal?
A little time offs given me a chance to prepare 4 jars tared weight of approx 1.4 kg
type 1 and type 2 SIMs (PIC 1&2) out of the plastic card.
I had an XRF test performed (PDF scan attach) wherein
type1 SIM 0.15gwt (oval) tested 8.9 AU 2 karrot, with mostly CU &NI base metal and
type 2 (square) tested 4.4AU 1 karrot & 3.7AU on another XRF machine.
Having watched the BETTER YouTube E-waste Recovery chan's, skimming Hokes Book chapters and reading this fine blog I'd like to start the AR separation of AU foil, dissolving base metals CU, NI. There's trace AG and 0.2% unaccounted on the XRF test.
I've slowly built up glass and safety ware, crucibles, borax, SNCL2 for stannous is ordered as is metabisulfite.
I understand the basic variables that can affect yields being aeration, saturation, heat, E waste size etc as a few variables of many. Electronics is more my forte, so quite new to this. I did take chemistry at school but failed for dropping the Acid (bada boom,feel free to reuse that joke...or not).
QUESTION 1: Before I go any further I should mention the HCL 5L I have is only 23%, is this strong enough.for AR?? I also have H2O2 3%, but if I could use aeration, H2O or heat effectively instead of the 3% perxiode to start base metal dissolve with a longer time frame, perhaps?
QUESTION 2 SIM recovery yields seem low, Another SIM XRF test from a YouTuber was 1 SIM only, 3.6 XRF AU, 20mg AU recovery using 50% HCL 50% H2O AR base metal CU, Ni dissolve as sample. Why are Youtube larger batches of SIM recovery yields seemingly so low?
Any pointers to get started much appreciated. B.T.W. I tried a small donation to the blog but you don't accept Paypal?