What a commotion this has caused, I had no idea that suggesting re reading the title of a book would cause these reactions.
Hokes book is so important to this forum and such a good resource to learn from, out of respect we should at least get here name right if nothing else out of respect for this lady who has provided such valuable information to all of us.
Reactions to this suggestion has caused many to jump on this band wagon and express their views on the subject, many of these views have very valid points, some not so valid, I do not see this as much as being spelling police as had been suggested, but trying to keep our forum as accurate and as readable as possible, many of us understand how simple spelling and grammar can make reading this forum not just easier, but also possible for those who have to rely on translators to read the forum, we also understand how safety and understanding procedure or even the chemicals used can be much easier when we all do our best in writing what we do.
We also want to keep and maintain the forum the best we can, we all are writing this forum, we all make it what it is.
We can have a sloppy forum, which no one can read, where we do not care what we say or how we say it, spitting out inaccuracy, and arguments with one another, or we can all hold up the higher standards for ourselves and for our forum, helping to improve our forum and ourselves.
The rules of the forum set the standards that Noxx the forums founder and members decided on to keep the forum the best they could, to run smoothly and to be a great place to learn, they did not make unfair or unnecessary rules, which would be hard to follow, they set these rules with an understanding for every member, and to set the stage for this forum to survive and prosper and not be ruined into a mad house.
This forum is made by all of us members who are a part of it, and as members in a way we all are the policemen of our forum.
(kkmonte, you have a nice badge there but it is not an official forum badge, so you should not wear it here on the forum, but you can wear it while you police yourself if you wish).
But as policemen of the forum our job mostly is to police ourselves and do the best we can to make this forum the best we can, to help others where we can.
Sometimes this help comes from hearing things we may not wish to hear at the time.
Sometimes we need our friends to tell us such things, other wise how would we learn and strive to do better if our friends were not true friends and tell us when we were doing things wrong and we could not see it.
I did not see much wrong with any of the comments of members in this topic I can agree with the issues on both sides of this fence, but I also believe reactions on both sides of the fence just brought up more reactions, like those balls hanging on strings banging each other back and forth, I think we can all agree we want our forum to be as best as possible for all of us to learn, and to see our forum survive as the best place possible to learn recovery and refining from, many comments here on both side's were trying to point toward that goal, but after a while the banging of these balls reacting with one another could get out of control, or almost annoying.
I seen mostly a reaction to a simple suggestion, and then more reaction because of that reaction, some good can come from this discussion, but it can also easily get out of hand, we can all agree we need to write the best we can, we can all agree we want to learn the best we can and to do this we need to be able to read and understand what others wrote.
Since joining this forum I have tried hard to improve my writing skills, not that they are that good now, but when I first made a post here I was told it was unreadable.
I knew what I was trying to say, and I must admit those comments hurt, as I had been reading the forum for quite some time before I decided to post, and those comments cut like a knife, I could not see what was wrong with my writing, I could read it, it also took me some time to understand what others were saying about my writing, and took me time to learn to do better, and since that first post I have tried hard to do the best I can to improve my writing skills, I still have room for much improvement, but I have done the best I can and am glad I did, now I know these forum police were just trying to help me (and save their poor old eyes), funny thing is now when I see a post written like my first one I just skip over it and do not try to read it most of the time, now I can see what these forum police were talking about, when they said my writing was unreadable.
Now my job as forum police is to police myself, and try to help others where I can, help all of my friends where I can even our new friends, and to try and help all of us make this the best forum we can.
Sorry I spelled pedantic wrong; I will try and pay more attention next time.
Now what was this topic about?
SMB hot or cold, any one wants to help answer this question?