Well-known member
For refining it, you can learn it all here.Honestly I'm not sure of how they did it but I know they had alot of knowledge about alot of things,
they being the KGC, which I tell you that I've found one of their lost hidden treasures I'm not at all joking, I've found a good one too marked by Bickley himself and otter items by the jesse james and the younger gang alongside Billy the kid, what should I do? I found on property belonging to my family but I'm still worried about reporting it just because I've read some stories online where the go government trys to take it most the time, I was planning to have enough refined to buy my own equipment to refine the rest myself!!! Any.advice?
I expect that the government will want back any items, gold, silver or Pd jesse james and billy the kid "mined"
Having precious metals of questionable origin, is not something I should share on a public forum, certainly not if you don't want to report it? Or am I being paranoid?