Spent Acid Peroxide questions

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The most important reaction in AP-solutions to dissolve copper is the oxidation of metallic copper with Cu(2+)-ions already present in solution through the preliminary combined action of acid (HCl) and peroxide (H2O2) on metallic copper. Once formed, Cu(2+), dissolved in an excess of aqueous HCl reacts with metallic copper to form Cu(+), itself being reduced to Cu(+). So the actual driving reaction in the AP-process can be formulated as: Cu(metal) + Cu(2+) => 2 Cu(+). Cu(+) in HCl-solution will be reoxidized quite rapidly by atmospheric oxygen (from the air) to Cu(2+). Solutions of only Cu(+) in aqueous HCl are colourless, whereas solutions containing only Cu(2+) range from blueish to yellowish green in colour, depending on Cu- and HCl-concentration. Solutions, containing both species, Cu(+) and Cu(2+) are often very dark coloured.
Aeration thus is most important in the AP-process, because it will reform Cu(2+), which will dissolve more metallic copper, according to the following reaction stoichiometry: 4 CuCl + O2 + 4 HCl => 4 CuCl2 + 2 H2O. From this it is evident, that reoxidation of Cu(+) by aeration consumes acid through formation of water out of the reduced oxygen. And at last, most important for the AP-process: Cu(2+) in HCl is not able to oxidize metallic gold.


The copper chloride etchant pdf on my website wil give you a complete understanding of the AP reaction if you take the time to study it throughly.

Key factors are pH of the solution and copper concentration.

Well look what the cat dragged in. :p

Starting to worry about you there Steve. How's life treating you?