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Okay so I took everyone’s advise and rinsed the paper towels with distilled and then wrung them out and the above pic is the result. I did get a medium positive stan test but I believe it would be stronger if it wasn’t so diluted. My question is what would be my next step? I was thinking about boiling off a lot of the water and adding some HCL to make it acidic and then dropping with SMB, but not sure if that’s right. What are your alls thoughts?
If it was mine solution, I would assure low pH (measure with pH paper and if not at least 1, add few mls of HCl) first. Then just ordinarily denox with sulfamic and drop with SMB. Solution isn´t visibly clean, so second refining would be necessary. Boiling the solution is lengthy procedure.
On the other hand, gold drop, settling overnight and decanting do not require much attention overall, you just leave it as is overnight.
Then redissolve the gold as usual, denox, filter thoroughly and re-drop second time.
Per the bold print - you have to be very careful with this process - if not done right much/most of your gold can/will go up in smoke - on the other hand - done right you will recover the VAST majority of the gold

In this thread I posted very detailed instructions of the process -------------

If it were me I would first go with squeezing/washing out as much of the gold chloride as possible - as suggested by Orvi - then follow up with SMB as suggested by Martijn - or if you have filters that need to go to ashing anyway (as in the link) just add this in with them

Thanks Kurt. I boiled down the GBS then filtered it as there was some particulate in it from wringing out the paper towels. I then added some HCL and dropped with SMB. It took about 30 seconds but gold did drop out. I’m estimating maybe a half gram. Anyways now I have two filter papers that I’ll need to put in my melt dish and I was curious, does the amount of paper I have in my melt dish when melting the gold powder matter?


Thanks Kurt. I boiled down the GBS then filtered it as there was some particulate in it from wringing out the paper towels. I then added some HCL and dropped with SMB. It took about 30 seconds but gold did drop out. I’m estimating maybe a half gram. Anyways now I have two filter papers that I’ll need to put in my melt dish and I was curious, does the amount of paper I have in my melt dish when melting the gold powder matter?


If you properly burn it to the ash, no.
Okay so finally had my first big spill. I caught the Vacuum hose on the Buchner as i was filtering my gold bearing solution (GBS) and the Filtering flask tipped over. Only about a third of the solution came out so not a total loss but still frustrating. I soaked up the GBS best i could with paper towels before neutralizing the area with a basic solution. My question is: can i just disolve the paper towels in nitric with my next batch of gold filled material or should i just chalk it up as a loss?

thanks in advance for any help!
- B
I always work inside a large plastic tote that I cut. Down to half it's original hight.
Have had spills. They are no gig deal as long as you keep the inside clean before you begin each operation
В этом с жирным шрифтом - вы должны быть осторожны очень с процессом - если не сделать правильно, большая часть вашего золота может / сгорит в соответствии с дымом - с другой стороны - все сделано правильно, вы восстановите ОГРОМНУЮ большую часть золота.

В этой теме я обнаружил очень подробное описание процесса -------------

Если бы это был я, я бы сначала начал отжимать / промывать как можно больше хлорида золота, как предлагать Орви, использовать SMB, как предлагать Мартейн, или, если у вас есть фильтры, которые все равно необходимо отправить на озоление ( как в ссылка) просто добавил это к ним

Есть одна большая ошибка, которую делают люди- это просто сжигают фильтр( озоление)
. Перед сжиганием фильтра желательно обработать восстанавливающим реагентом: пиро/сульфит натрия, гидразин и его соли, формалин, гидроксиламин и т.д.
. Восстановиться до метала золота на фильтрах, таким образом, его исход был в момент озоления с углеродом, или по крайней мере минимум.

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