stannous chloride problems

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That subject may be covered in Rose's The Metallurgy of Gold. If that's not the source, then I have no clue where I read about it.

While it may be in Rose's book, I haven't looked, it is a method C.W. Ammen mentions in his book for processing ores. (Recovery and Refining of Precious Metals)

I gave thoughts to all of the strange processes that have been used in the past, including the Miller chlorine process----found them most interesting---but I stuck with conventional methods. My objective was to refine gold, not to do research. For me, it paid huge dividends in that it lead to a successful (unintended) business. Not sure that would have happened had I fancied myself a research scientist that never managed to master any of the processes.

Oh how I wish more members would read and consider what you said above Harold. If gold was $2 an ounce we would have zero forum members. The value of the metal is what brings people here and if they would only perfect the standard methods and test procedures, given here many times over, they would enjoy success that has eluded them by premature experimentation. And maybe they too could be running a successful (unintended) business.
Harold_V said:
While I've not given the idea a go, it's entirely possible you can effect a recovery without the use of any HCl. Gold was routinely recovered by dissolution with chlorine, then rinsed out of the ore with water. That subject may be covered in Rose's The Metallurgy of Gold. If that's not the source, then I have no clue where I read about it.

Well I noticed something interesting today. Most of the acid I had from after the leech didn't test very positive for pt at all, but I added some distilled water to the bucket of cats to get the acid off the inside of the cats let that sit and then filter off. The mostly water mixture at the end tested very positive for pt, then possibly palladium because it turned black after about 5 minutes from the initial brownish orange color. I'm gonna try and see what values I can get form just that, meanwhile I'm re-leeching the same batch with 15% hcl and no bucket heater.

Thanks everyone for the help, I guess I just need to rinse them better after leeching.

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