Suggestions for search links

Gold Refining Forum

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Instead of allowing this thread to get crazy long I will simply edit this post as I find them.
- Gold over stainless:
- Interesting read:

- Heating Sulphuric Acid: (yeah it is not a good idea unless you know what the potential dangers are and how to avoid them) some are discussed here.
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Searching the forum and reading all of the unrelated posts is how you grow your knowledge.

That's not a detractor from the work you are doing, but it is a point of view for people who are looking for "the answer". This forum has a TON of information hidden in its depths.
Searching the forum and reading all of the unrelated posts is how you grow your knowledge.

That's not a detractor from the work you are doing, but it is a point of view for people who are looking for "the answer". This forum has a TON of information hidden in its depths.
Completely true, but it may be intimidating for the newbees plus we have the ones not interested in other than "the answer" of whatever they want at any given time.

I think the most important advice is to read the whole threads that hold the info they are looking for.
These rabbit holes are most of the time much deeper than they appear to be ;)
- Heating Sulphuric Acid: (yeah it is not a good idea unless you know what the potential dangers are and how to avoid them) some are discussed here.
This thread would be good if grouped with a thread about a sulfuric cell as it answers questions members operating sulfuric cells may encounter. An entire thread search for sulfuric cells, with this included, will be more appropriate.
Often when the forum is slow, I roll over the members who are on line and see what they are reading. Maybe that's only info that moderators can see but it helps me see what is being read. Often it is older threads and I go read the thread. I have just begun to take notes of what threads have some little pearls buried in them that can be brought to light. Simply noting what I have found, the thread location and the post number and copying and pasting that into a word document. Maybe in time it will be helpful.
My idea was to spread the load so as anyone found something interesting they could just add it to their own post.
A bit like sharing your bookmarks.
Or my favourite posts/threads.
That way the main thread doesn't get too long (one person one post).
If the poster adds a note next to the link then other people can quickly scan through the thread and find stuff they are interested in.
This is such a diverse group and people come here with such vastly different backgrounds and expectations that I doubt you will ever find a one size fits all.
So whilst my links may have been findable elsewhere or opening a door to a whole different rabbit hole.
They where simply stuff I found interesting and thought may be valuable for others to read.
KISS is what I live by especially in complex situations like this.
It shouldn't be up to just one person to do this task.
Also if people update their post on a regular basis that could bump the thread for new people to see.
That is if an edit to a post will actually bump it in the list. It would be good if it did. However that is down to the forum software.