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Pantherlikher said:
I commend your quest for trying to properly inform the unknowing. I really wish someone did that for me years ago when I tried a "Shor instruction manuel". We all have opinions on everything and hopefully we all aggree to dissagree if that's that.
When I get back to putting crap on Fleabay for extra cash, Pantherpoop, my seller name, I want to post a couple auctions of information relating to your quest. Like, $.99 to find out what "Refinning and collecting" PM's is really all about. Then, add a link to the forum and donate all profits to the forum.

Like this?
I've sold three so far out of five times with circa 30-40 visitors for each time I start it up.
The money I get will be forwarded to Noxx at the end of the month.

If I had the possibility to melt some pins I would collect them from one motherboard, melt it to a blob and polish it. Selling it with pictures before and after the melt, calculations of the gold content and the price you usually get for a board in bulk quantity.

It's informative but I guess there are some people on eBay that doesn't want informed customers. :mrgreen:

goldprospector said:
Folks.....what's going on here? Where do you get off calling someone "sorry" and why on earth would you believe it is OK (as a rep of the forum(?) or as an individual) to contact a buyer and claim that you know what the Au content of a piece was and that it was overpriced? Someone might want to look up definitions of libel, etc.

And of course, truth is an innoculation to libel! So, it would be interesting to see just what the gold content is on this buyer's newfound investment. Are you the buyer or the seller? A bet, between you and I, if the value is lower than the average sale, you pay me 100 times that difference, if otherwise, I'll pay you 100 times the difference. And we haven't even taken the cost of recovery and refining into account!

I would have little reservation defending the members of this board when they call BS on something of this sort. I'm used to the casting about of legal terms, it's usually accompanied with an intent to shake someone's confidence, in this case, that of the experts. And yes, I would have no problem getting them qualified as experts, thereby getting their "opinions" entered as testimony, as evidence.

I can nearly envision my closing. "So what you need to ask yourself is this, if gold doesn't gain value by going under the flame, if the original plated pins neither gain nor lose inherent value when melted together, why melt at all? The melting process is a cost to the seller in time, material, and potentially, if something unfortunate should happen during the melt, a total loss of investment. To take such a risk is not only unwise, but is also suspicious when one considers that the seller knows these risks ahead of time. It can only be seen that the seller hopes to find increased value where none exists merely by changing the nature of his product. He is taking advantage of the hopes of the buyer, who himself hopes to take advantage of the seller. These auctions are carnival games, slanted against the rube, who will spend too much money taking home a worthless kewpie doll."
Has anyone ever hit submit to send a post and wondered if it was really a good idea to weigh in on the subject?

My apologies to Patnor1101 - I interpreted the sorry statement to be extremely derogatory where it has now been explained to have been the opposite.
My apologies to the members for using the word libel inappropriately. Thanks to those who contributed to setting me straight on that.
I am grateful to Goldenchild for trying to draw out the essence of what I was trying to say

I am one of you with 4 years experience and although a member of the forum for over a year, never thought I had anything to contribute until now - maybe I still don't.
Relative to the post I submitted I was also a BUYER of all kinds of low grade junk and some good material too. I was trying to add another viewpoint of why someone would acquire (invest is not I word I used, nor would) a collection (hoard ) of material before they actually got some chemicals and got started processing. Maybe all of
you started imediately putting to acid the best material. I did not and personally i suspect others out there that really need to be reading the forum may have done what I did - kept buying a variety of items to process eventually, from chips to blobs with the idea that more was better when the real processing effort was started.

I wasn't speaking to the case of how little Au the drops contain nor do I intend to enter the ethics argument at all. I just kept seeing posts asking " how can they keep buying...., what is wrong with these....Don't they know....?" and thought I could share a thought or two from a recovering gold fever afflictee. I was offended by
some of the posts I read and hoped that the buyers that were being contacted would not be offended and made to feel foolish by the group trying to help them. I hope that if they get here they don't read the same posts I did.
I understand what you mean. I also know that one cant save everybody but sometimes we (or better say I) get little bit angry. I sometimes post something which I would not post few minutes later but I do not like to edit my posts, if I am wrong I have no problem to be corrected. I was wrong a lot of times.
I believed that sellers do have point too but when I see one person spending a whole lot on these then I am just .... I do not know how to explain that feeling. I do believe that everyone should attempt to buy and refine one - just to know what we talk about.
goldprospector said:
Has anyone ever hit submit to send a post and wondered if it was really a good idea to weigh in on the subject?

patnor1011 said:
I sometimes post something which I would not post few minutes later but I do not like to edit my posts, if I am wrong I have no problem to be corrected. I was wrong a lot of times.

I've put my foot in my mouth plenty of times and I'm sure it will happen again sooner or later.
goldprospector said:
Has anyone ever hit submit to send a post and wondered if it was really a good idea to weigh in on the subject?

all the freaking time!! i tell people at home "you have to look over me cause im too big to look under me" :mrgreen:
goldprospector said:
Has anyone ever hit submit to send a post and wondered if it was really a good idea to weigh in on the subject?

My apologies to Patnor1101 - I interpreted the sorry statement to be extremely derogatory where it has now been explained to have been the opposite.
My apologies to the members for using the word libel inappropriately. Thanks to those who contributed to setting me straight on that.
I am grateful to Goldenchild for trying to draw out the essence of what I was trying to say

I am one of you with 4 years experience and although a member of the forum for over a year, never thought I had anything to contribute until now - maybe I still don't.
Relative to the post I submitted I was also a BUYER of all kinds of low grade junk and some good material too. I was trying to add another viewpoint of why someone would acquire (invest is not I word I used, nor would) a collection (hoard ) of material before they actually got some chemicals and got started processing. Maybe all of
you started imediately putting to acid the best material. I did not and personally i suspect others out there that really need to be reading the forum may have done what I did - kept buying a variety of items to process eventually, from chips to blobs with the idea that more was better when the real processing effort was started.

I wasn't speaking to the case of how little Au the drops contain nor do I intend to enter the ethics argument at all. I just kept seeing posts asking " how can they keep buying...., what is wrong with these....Don't they know....?" and thought I could share a thought or two from a recovering gold fever afflictee. I was offended by
some of the posts I read and hoped that the buyers that were being contacted would not be offended and made to feel foolish by the group trying to help them. I hope that if they get here they don't read the same posts I did.

Understood. As a general concept though, people are better off feeling foolish and dealing with that, than losing great deals of money over great deals of time, only to end up, after years (decades?), with little to nothing of an investment that they believed they were accumulating.

I will admit that I was unaware of what was low yield and what was high yield when I began to accumulate material. But we need not begin processing dirt until we learn the difference. These globs, sold more often, I would suspect, to those just entering the hobby, are a bane to all of us, hobbyist or small business owner. The buyer, as well as the seller, are giving the hobby a bad name. The buyer holds his share of accountablility for buying without knowledge. The seller knows the value but takes advantage of the buyer's ignorance. In the end, all of our reputations, as businesses or hobbyists, take the hit, as those who know little of the hobby only hear the worst of the scams. Ebay already warns buyers of assayed bullion, there should be a warning on these globs.
I'm waiting to see how this will pan out...
I just recently won this auction and am still waiting for some contact from the seller. They're obviously not an experienced seller, and they have all good feedback (so far) but only one is from selling. They listed 8 Intel i960 processor chips starting at $0.99 and since they never bothered to post any pictures, mine was the only bid. The auction was listed with free shipping also, which means they stand to lose even more.

I went ahead and made the $0.99 Paypal payment just so they couldn't say it was never paid for. I'd even be willing to work with them and pay a reasonable amount for the shipping so they don't take that loss. I guess I'll wait a couple more days and see what happens. The seller is in Battle Creek, Michigan. I live west of Detroit but I occasionally do work in Battle Creek, and as fate would have it I was actually out there earlier in the day monday before the auction ended. Personally I don't think it's a good idea to rip off buyers who could easily turn up at your front door? Oh well, no reason to think the worst yet.

i would think you will receive plastic ic and not ceramic cpu ... but anyway i love your post ,nobody care when the seller get screwed ...
macfixer01 said:
I'm waiting to see how this will pan out...
I just recently won this auction and am still waiting for some contact from the seller. They're obviously not an experienced seller, and they have all good feedback (so far) but only one is from selling. They listed 8 Intel i960 processor chips starting at $0.99 and since they never bothered to post any pictures, mine was the only bid. The auction was listed with free shipping also, which means they stand to lose even more.

I went ahead and made the $0.99 Paypal payment just so they couldn't say it was never paid for. I'd even be willing to work with them and pay a reasonable amount for the shipping so they don't take that loss. I guess I'll wait a couple more days and see what happens. The seller is in Battle Creek, Michigan. I live west of Detroit but I occasionally do work in Battle Creek, and as fate would have it I was actually out there earlier in the day monday before the auction ended. Personally I don't think it's a good idea to rip off buyers who could easily turn up at your front door? Oh well, no reason to think the worst yet.


looks like a good buy,congrats. the seller obviously has no knowledge of their true worth. the fact that they didnt search other auctions leads me to believe they didnt care what it brought as long as it sold for something.
Another fine example when seller is not knowing what he is talking about. Or he knows very well and that is something different then. However in this instance he pulled off all gold bearing top parts (I hope he did not throw them away) and is selling nearly worthless junk loaded with tin.
"The top heat sink has been pealed off so this lot is extra high yeild! no wasted weight!" :shock: :lol: this is a used car salesman to say the least. :twisted:
I did asked him for tops. His reply was that he knows about their value and that they are being sold to somebody local.
Auction description fully deserve honor to be included in this thread.
Geo said:
"The top heat sink has been pealed off so this lot is extra high yeild! no wasted weight!" :shock: :lol: this is a used car salesman to say the least. :twisted:

Indeed... take the engines out and save thousands on gas.