Get a very high voltage power supply a hand full of pins or needle and be careful and study to understand the dangers of the deadly red cloud that is produced, Be careful with line voltage on the primary side of your power supply and understand its dangers, you will produce very little nitric, do not work indoors unless proper lab fume hood and other precautions are taken to ensure your safety, do not work in a shop or garage with any tools or metals you wish to keep, sunlight may decompose your nitric almost as fast as it forms, Gain an understanding of the dangers involved before attempting to create sparks, and the dangers of the different forms of nitric and the gases, Caution of explosions where your working wood paper and other organic materials in or around your shop lab if contaminated with nitric acid or its fumes gain a low flash point, and once nitrated could become as flammable or even explosive as gun cotton add that into the same area with a few million little needles making A few million little sparks and things could get entertaining to say the least.
Now with your shop on fire, because you did not research the dangers and there you stand with a gas mask on trying to explain to the authorities who are wondering why you were trying to make nitric acid with a tesla power supply hooked up to you and your neighbor's transformer (which happens to be smoking as the fire trucks drove by) and what that big red cloud all the firemen are choking on...
well, I had to have some fun, seriously study the dangers, start your experiments on a small scale after you understand the dangers involved, work your experiment up in scale after gaining some experience.
it would be an interesting experiment to watch, but I would not expect much more than just a small sample for all of the effort.
Now improving the battery, well that would pique my interest, and heck I could play with sparks and fumes there also, as long as I do not work beyond the limitations of my understanding of the dangers and have a fairly good understanding of the work I am doing or planning to do...