***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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Its late for me to ask this but is this leaching process worth the work it takes why do we want to do this it seems very hard to do and we are chancing loosing PGMs
I think that it will work. Action Mining has been selling
and using thier system for years. There may be a better
way to do it, if there is I am sure that somebody here
will find it. The testing and small scale start is the key
to not loosing any PGM's. Make sure it works first.
Mike from Action Mining claims that you can use
other than the CLS in the System IV, even aqua regia,
that I wouldn't try. But the CLS seems to be a safe and
available method. You should be able to test in a System
III type setup, that is a five gallon bucket with the plates,
quartz heater and an agitator. Jim
I bought my quartz heaters(4x (300watt) for 13 bucks each and the thermostat for 18, from caswell, my 25 amp rectifier ran me 300, come on UPS!!!!! bought my plates and cls26p and dvd from action mining, I did find the plates elsewhere for cheaper, but I wanted to buy something from action mining :oops: ,,, I feel kinda obligated, for some reason? the plates come in 12x12 and you cut them to fit, Oh I bought the filter material also from them,,, if you watch the video , they just use cut pvc pipe with a sheet of filter, took me awhile to figure out how simple this was, and how simple the entire system was... I would say the hardest part of this process will be having to wait for your assay and getting paid. As I said earlier in the post , you will have $ tied up with your material... I dont think anyone on this forum does this for a living? mabey Jimdoc? So the exact methods from start to finish havnt been posted, which would include all the little bits and pieces of info to turn a catalytic converter into bacon on your plate! Frog
Hi Jim This mill also came with no carbon plates or filter bags the guys say the charger won't work and the pump may not work also has been said it clogs up Thanks Bob
I haven't built my setup yet. One question I had
was how the solution will go up all the columns,
when it leave the first at the top it seems to
be gravity that brings the solution down to the
next column, how then does it get forced up the
next column? That may be one problem with the
clogging issue. The other may be how fine the cat
material is, it should be in chunks to allow the
solution to be able to pass around and through it.
You can get the plates and filter material from
Action Mining, The Graphite Store also sells the
carbon plates. I still need to get a power supply for
my setup. I don't plan on doing mass quantities so
I may make a single or double column setup first.
Then make one like the System IV if everything works
good with the smaller setup, and if I line up enough
converters to process. Jim
Problem solved! I have been pestering a few on the forum about how to heat up the cats to rid carbon, a few guys mentioned heat stips from dryers and rigging them up with a blower of some sort, well i was at the depot' and asked about such a thing and the guy looked at me weird and said, why not just use a heat gun? Low and behold, in the paint section they have 1000-1200 degree heat guns 29.95-59.95, I bought one took it home and let er' rip, WWHOOO'EEE that things hot, turned my black looking honeycomb white, i just stuck the end in the can and let it blow through, then did the other side, works for me,and cheap too...... Doesnt take long for the spit to sizzle... :D
how does it smell froggy when you use that heat gun? You know you are exposing yourself to all those toxic fumes? I hope you are wearing proper apparatus for this bright idea.........by the way I think thats a great idea!! But let us know how the fumes are and what kind of smoke starts to come off of the combs. Also, does anybody here have a system 3 or 4? All I know is after getting burned with this Platinumill and not recovering sludge or resins from the cat material I knid of gave up on the idea. I also talked with so many of the refiners and they say " anyone who has tried to leach pgms from cats has lost their shirt and found it not to be profitable at all" I just thought I would share this info with you all. Thats why these people smelt the ceramic. I say we get together as a forum and we start to look for a smelt furnace that can get to the degrees of say 6000 + or enough to melt all pgms. Then All you have to do is pour it into a mold and turn that "real metal" instead of sludge and resins into the refiner. This way you know for darn sure youve got metal. And...... all you are waiting for is your percentages now of platinum, palladium and rhodium content. Its as simple as that but finding something like this that is either electronically controlled to pour after a melt is hard to find. All you need is this and you can actually make more money instead of screwing with these acids guys. I did it, its no fun. I had a nice chemical bath with the platinumill too because two of the valves that werent put on right broke off and sprayed all over. i was running all 4 columns. Talk about acid burns? Yep, no fun guys so what i want to see hear is maybe a change of direction with us all if its possible. Lets all investigate and get a smelter that is not as big as the big guys. I know they exsist otherwise how are the small refiners doing it? They have what im talking about. In conclusion i think that doing it this way is much, much safer for all of us. Trust me, breathing this stuff is horrible and takes its toll sooner or later believe me.

Ooh sorry. I hope it wasn't any nasty acid like concentrated sulfuric. That'll ruin your day. HNO3 and HCl (even when mixed) are tame compared to vitriol's effect on the skin!

Anyhow, the highest melting point component that you would be after is the rhodium, which melts at a really darn hot 3600F (off the top of my head, but it's around there). That's as hot as it'll take to melt the alumina slurry. Unfortunately, I don't think there's enough platinum in there to sink to the bottom. Plus, that's an ungodly hot temperature achievable with induction, ebeam, and arc furnaces. Or oxy fuel, but that's expensive. It also means you'll need special refractories that aren't cheap.

I'd also rather work with gallons of concentrated acids than even a liter of molten alumina--the heat and radiation coming off of that will blind and burn you feet away.

I didnt have my head sticking near the end to sniff anything! :D Outside ,upwind works wonders..... The big guys (refiners) do not want anyone to be successful with this method and will tell everybody that theres no $ in it. It all depends on what you give for converters, cost to recover, cost to refine, these figures are very,very, variable yes you can loose money..... I am going to track all my converters $$$, run them , and see what I get, hope its at least 30% over what I will have to pay for the converters+cost, I'll see, Im only going to run lrg import, I figure 30 ($6,000+)should do, then get my assay,,,, if you filter and dry the slimes , you get a pebble material I think, I'm not sure how to do that yet, that s the product you want to send to the refiner. If I have made a decent percent, I will then get crazy with this and start running as many as I can......
Hey Lou im talking about this kind of system that I found tonight online after about 2 hours of searching. This should do the job!!!!!!!!!!!!! Everyone lets think about this type of pgm recovery this has got to be much safer than screwing with acids.

hvyshakes1 said:
I kind of gave up on the idea. I also talked with so many of the refiners and they say " anyone who has tried to leach pgms from cats has lost their shirt and found it not to be profitable at all" I just thought I would share this info with you all.


Herein lays the problem. Here's where it gets fun. Refining is the separation of materials. ( dirty version ) Has no one thought of the opposite yet. Please tell me i don't have to give clues.

:? I watched action 's DVD again last night fell asleep half way through it but really tried to study the operation of these products and the clean up part SORRY but I think Mike is related to Diller!!!! it seems I would be unable to complete this process then can you see what it would take to clean up like 30 gallons of acids two weeks ago on ebay a guy turned down $13,400 for 600 lb of loose catalst that seems to me the way to go no mill no process no clean up Bob
Harold posted this on another thread, seems a better fit here, ::::::::: You guys are missing the boat where it comes to dealing with this material by furnace. Instead of melting, you should be thinking about dissolving. That's the way silicon is dealt with. It melts at about the same temperature as platinum, yet it is put in solution at much lower temps, regularly, by dissolving instead of melting. Fluorspar is an excellent solvent, but keep in mind, it's just as hard on furnace lining as it is the charge. That's the problem with dealing with ceramics.

One other thing that appears to be escaping common logic here is that even if you melt the materials in question, in spite of the weight of these metals, they rarely will agglomerate and collect in the bottom. That would be particularly true of something that is as finely divided as it is in catalytic converters. A collector of some nature may well be required to effectively recover the values if you resort to melting as the method of operation. That will require an operation to sort the values from the collector. Has anyone addressed this issue?

Frankly, I'm of the opinion that most of you guys would be far better served to put your energy into recovering gold, even if it was only from electronic scrap. The investment you'll have to make to recover the platinum group is likely to be far more than you're prepared to pay, and its going to get harder and harder to procure the old cats unless the market does a serious turn-around.


. A lot of problems some appear to have is getting the beads hot enough to melt. there is an easy solution(provided you have sun) that will not cost anything yet reach high enough temperatures to melt any rock or ores.. Most know that solar ovens use fresnel lenses to generate high temperatures by focusing the sun on to a small spot. the small one foot square ones are too small to be of much use in assaying but htere is a source of large ones available for almost nothing . These are the plastic screen fronts from projection tv sets. the screens consist of two layers of lenses stuck together, but easily separated.. One has just rows of straight lines through it, but the other has the circular grooves or rings engraved in it . this latter one is actually a large , powerful fresnel lens, that can be used to melt anything. (potential temperatures that are reached can be almost 9000 degrees with a 36" diagonal lens focused on a small spot).. I have used these to melt any type of small pieces rock. They can even vaporize pennies, which means you have to be careful not to focus on too small a spot. This will require experimentation to get the right results depending on the metal you are refining or assaying. great thing to play with when the sun is brightly out. There is no flame or torch pressure to worry about, and no impurities from any gas to worry about. It is also very fast. just rig up an adjustable frame for your lens and be carefull of what you focus on.. it will start fires anywhere. please use welding type glasses as the white focus area is exteremly bright and could cause eye damage the same as welders flash. When your not refining you can widen the focus spot to about 6" diameter and cook your lunch.

I dont know if its feasable, but is sounds fun as hell!!! finally a way to rid my yard of all those pesky fire ant mounds. Looks like you guys up north can only use this method half the year. Thanks, India Dude, you rock. I can find those big old projection tv's for free all over craigslist! 9000 degrees!!! sound like you can do alot with this! melting pgm's, burn the house next door from across the street, make a steam generator, roast hot dogs and marshmellows in seconds, the list could go on.... What do ya'll use these for in india besides melting rocks and cooking lunch? :D I can see them on ebay now as a package deal, THE PALTINUMILL&SOLAR FURNACE COMBO only $16,995.99 not all parts or solar radiation included.......
You guys are missing the boat where it comes to dealing with this material by furnace. Instead of melting, you should be thinking about dissolving. That's the way silicon is dealt with. It melts at about the same temperature as platinum, yet it is put in solution at much lower temps, regularly, by dissolving instead of melting.

Ever hear of ?

Exactly Frog !!!!!

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