***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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Cool. Maybe fresnel lenses would be a good way to melt the platinum into buttons. Cheaper to try than an oxy-hydrogen torch.
From the Science Department at Northeastern Illinois:

An ion-exchange method for selective separation of palladium, platinum and rhodium from solutions obtained by leaching automotive catalytic converters

5 M HCl =~ 16% (dilute 31.45% HCl with equal volume of water):

ie.: 500mL 31.45% + 500 mL of H2O = 1 L of ~5M HCl

0.4 M NaClO3 = 106.44 g/mol * 0.4 = 42.576 g of NaClO3

1 mL of NaClO3 = 2.5 g

42.576 / 2.5 = 17.03 mL for 0.4 M

1000 mL - 17.03 mL = 982.97 mL of H2O to make a 0.4 M NaClO3 solution

So Guys, I have a big old igloo cooler that I want to use for my tank, I can drill a hole for my solution inlet, drill a hole for an exhaust tube going outside, and it already has a drain hole I can use that will go to my pump, close the lid and no fumes! Will Igloo plastic be ok with the solution? It will help in keeping the solution at temperature also.....
I remember seeing posted on this forum several times that Pt will go into solution with Nitric acid when silver is present. What if you spray/dip or otherwise coat the cat material with silvernitrate, then heat them good and hot to decompose the said nitrate then treated with nitric to get your

once again just thinking out loud.

What is the point of depositing silver on the catalyst? The nitric would just turn it right back into silver nitrate. If silver allows it to go into solution then perhaps it is the simple the presence of the silver ions.
Got this email from diller last night We no longer are selling the machine. You have caused us too many problems and have broken some laws along the way. You are evil and will have a fast path to hell. You have the wrong idea about our company, and It is unfortunate that 1 person had a bad experience with the machine and set out to ruin an honest company. I just think that you didn't realize that you actually had to put some thought into running the machine and a little labor. Obviously you do not have the intelligence level or are just simply to lazy to put the work into this process. I am sorry, I should have had you take an intelligence test before you bought the machine.
In fact I had a 2 hour interview with a company that shoots documentaries for the Discovery channel. I am flying to Houston to shoot a How to Video on this process. So it must be a scam. Right?
See you on T.V!!! I'll send you a free autograph, so don't worry This jerk needs to be put to sleep
I asked him to come to me or Rob Cali. to show us the thing works!!!!!
Really, I live here in Houston and it will be a cold day in hell before he comes here and tries to do a special (which I doubt!), I will contact the Disc. channel myself,, (mike Rowe (dirty jobs) is my cousin. What a bafoon, I'm sure he quit before fraud charges taken by the D.A's office.... Why doesnt he "Man Up" and come back here to the forum and try to expalin his piece of crap machine.....
I spoke to the gentleman that Harold reffered me to. They have been doing cats for over 15 years, they could never get any of the rhodium out. 0- zilch, nada.... they pulled the other pgm's off and then saved till they had enough (<1000lb) to go to a smelter that has an arc furnace. So the small timer will have avery,very difficult time if he doesnt have deep pockets, without the Rh. values being put in your pocket in the form of cash, small timing in this buisness will kill you, he did average 90% pt with just AR ,,, Frog
Back on Oct of 07 in the tread titled "Catalytic Converters - Small scale recovery/refining"

I asked this question:

"Platinumill, what percentage of recovery can one expect for the rhodium in cats with your system? "

There was no answer. I guess he had already left the forum by then.

Here is the thing, Platinumill was using the same chemicals as action.

Anyone Ask Mike what percentage of Rh his system will recover?
Thats one huge question I would like answered, I saw a few figures from a company that sold to techemet (500 cats at a time) and were paid on the direct content , the #'s were huge, much more than I could have ever expected ... P.m me for more info, I dont want to start a panic! Recovery of the Rh is vital. Techemet is suppose to have some, flux capacitor,ion exchanging super dooper testing thingamajigy analizer than can tell all the pgm's in a sample the same day, the guy in charge of metals at this place said they get a check sent the same day after techemets fancy assay spits out the #s,,,, kinda funny, HONDA thats right, I said Honda!! sends him the check!!!! Guess techemet keeps the overhead cost by directly selling to the end user,smart guys... i think the guys I talked to this a.m that were doing this for 15 years were either subversive or they have never switched from plain ol' AR, and were not recovering the Rh? who knows?
Froggy said:
Really, I live here in Houston and it will be a cold day in hell before he comes here and tries to do a special (which I doubt!), I will contact the Disc. channel myself,, (mike Rowe (dirty jobs) is my cousin. What a bafoon, I'm sure he quit before fraud charges taken by the D.A's office.... Why doesnt he "Man Up" and come back here to the forum and try to expalin his piece of crap machine.....

I know exactly who he is talking about. Our old friend Gold writer.
The earlier forum members will know who he is. Let him get tangled up with him. ROFLMAO.
He's getting scammed and don't know it yet either. Oh the justice.
lol lol lol lol lol lol lol lol .
Well, sadly his brother passed 4months ago, he said he does nothing with cats now, but he did mention that you could put your hand in Ar for up to 10 seconds,wash it off and it wont hurt you! I didnt ask what his bro. died from, but I could just imagine? The guys I'm talking about are the Utah guys Harold mentioned, I dont think they were on here? your talking about platinumill getting hooked up with goldwriter, gotcha..... Steve, lou,harold, Irons HELP!, Anything solid on the rh recoveries with the action mining solution mix? I keep hearing conflicting stories. I would like to settle on a formula before this weekend, I plan on starting, I just want something that is easy on the lungs and eyes, like lemon juice! :lol: Well, I will take all precautions, but you know what I mean, I have never worked with chemicals ever! Just alot of lime with my tequila.. :D thx Frog
The guy who is interviewing him is the same guy who invented the Cue cat scanning device for magazines. He also bought and reworked the company that makes them dam triple edge wiper blades that you see on tv all the time. Jovan is his name. He has a bad rap with investors around Dallas and Houston. He tried to get me in on a deal to build him a processing facility in tx. He's got the money, but he took it from others in a fu**ed up way. They will be perfect cell mates. Hey, maybe i can get old Gold toutor in on this too. Three blind mice, see how they run .............

:p :p :p
Crap! I can see the late night infomercials, Billy Mays pimping the Ronco/George Forman do it yo'self cat converter/juicer/burger combo! But wait thers more if you act fast we'll include this fine set of Ginsue knives that will cut open cat cans that never need sharpening,,,, but wait if you act in the first 5 minutes will give you instructions to make your own solar furnace for refining and throw in some Blueblockers to protect your eyes...... Geez...
Now let me see huuuummmmmmm.

Got this email from diller last night We no longer are selling the machine.( wonder why ? ) You have caused us too many problems and have broken some laws along the way ( Yeah right ). You are evil and will have a fast path to hell ( now that's just messed up ). You have the wrong idea about our company, and It is unfortunate that 1 person had a bad experience with the machine and set out to ruin an honest company ( Let me get this right honest company. Dude, you use 2 x 4's and plywood. What did you do with the money for the real parts. I could have bought that stuff at lowes for $ 200 and that includes the 2 x 4's Dam, where's the quality) I just think that you didn't realize that you actually had to put some thought into running the machine and a little labor. Obviously you do not have the intelligence level or are just simply to lazy to put the work into this process.( To lazy. I would say any man that would stand over a fire with a turkey pan is anything but lazy.) I am sorry, I should have had you take an intelligence test before you bought the machine. (Oh if he would only say that in person. ) You don't tell clients these things. :roll:
In fact I had a 2 hour interview with a company that shoots documentaries for the Discovery channel. I am flying to Houston to shoot a How to Video on this process. So it must be a scam. Right? ( You dumb ass )
See you on T.V!!! I'll send you a free autograph, so don't worry

I just don't know if i should laugh or what. Is he for real. Oh i might have some fun with this one. Reckon i can get him to fly to Atlanta and put on a show for a group of fake investors. OMG Yes Yes Yes. Let me ponder this for awhile.

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