***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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In my internet searches, I have found two chemical engineer consulting services. One gentleman did the feasability study, engineering, construction, testing and startup maintenance of a pilot plant processing catalytic converters for PGM content in Virginia.

This other gentleman is an expert in extractive, hydro- and pryo-metallurgy and has several patents. He has experience in roasting, smelting, leaching, solvent extraction, ion exchange, crystallization, precipitation, and electrodeposition.

We could possibly ask them to join this forum?

Here's the links below to both their websites.


Interesting contacts there Dave!

As for the ion exchange resin, I've never been very much of a fan of them. They have their uses and I've worked with and studied their use when I was planning a solvent reclamation company (effectively in limbo).

IERs can be used for PGMs, so can a lot of things, however, for me, it's the cost effectiveness. Without actually doing any testing and getting quotes for bulk materials, I'm shooting in the dark, but I'd wager that the would be comparable extraction efficiency for less cost by just dissolving away the substrate. That's what the big boys do (I know Heraeus buys industrial catalysts and dissolves away the substrate).
Yes sulfuric acid solution with some HCl will dissolve it away. It requires heat.

I do not think the amount of rhodium and palladium lost is significant. Rhodium is very hard to dissolve with sulfuric acid even when in its sponge form.
Platdigger said:
Yes, ok, but palladium can be a different story right? Depending on the chemical state of the palladium of course. I have read in certain forms of oxidation it can be taken up in HCL. Yes?

Palladium will generate Chlorine from con HCl. Try it and see. Put some catalyst in a beaker and pour some con HCl over it. It worked for me with Palladium Sponge. You can always add some bleach to give it a kick.
Help! Anyone take a guess to what this is:: The leach is inexpensive to produce and can be made almost anywhere. With a pH of –1 it is one of the most corrosive chemical compounds known. The unusual nature of the leach is that it is also buffered against all organic material rendering it safe to use and enabling safe disposal.

The single most important element of the hydrometallurgical method of removing metal from ore is to be able to get the metal in the ore into solution. Once in solution there are different ways to extract the metal. The system has been designed to selectively remove the dissolved metals with the use of designer resins. The designer resin industry has been extensively developed for the hazardous waste industry. We have found it to be an excellent, efficient and reliable method for removing the metals from our pregnant solution. I have the resin part down well, i just dont know what type of leach this would be?
Platdigger said:
"With a pH of –1 it is one of the most corrosive chemical compounds known"

I have seen that line somewhere...........hmmmm


Sounds like a crock to me.

a pH of -1 isn't that corrosive at all! Besides, an extremely negative pH doesn't mean how corrosive it is. A pH like that makes me think of dilute aqua regia :)

Remember that pH is logarithmic in nature, so for every pH unit you go down, it's a power of 10 more hydronium ion. The amount of ionization correlates to how ''strong'' an acid it is, not how corrosive it is. HF is very corrosive, dissolving even glass, but it is a weak acid, with a relatively high pH (sulfuric acid is thousands of times stronger).

To me, a lot of this just reeks of companies intentionally using loaded words to sucker people. That's why I encourage you all just to pick up a general chemistry text and protect yourself from getting had.

Just a little bit of chemical sense is enlightening.

Is not the resin a result of the leaching process?
You can bet the big boys know how and what and will not be willing to share.
Frog says"The single most important element of the hydrometallurgical method of removing the ore is to be able to get the metal in the ore into solution".
Wouldn't a bath of acid have to eat itself from the outside in?
If this is the case, then there would be no need to dissolve all of the substrate unless you intentended to recover all of the other metallic values.
I conversed with a gentleman from a refinery that was familiar with several different" leach resins" including some from Dow.
He said that these resins could contain up to 12% pgm content.
Is this what you are reffering to?

I'm still looking for someone to do some" before and after" fire assays of my material to see how much it contains and what percentage, if any, that I have recovered .

Anybody interested?
markqf1 said:
Frog says"The single most important element of the hydrometallurgical method of removing the ore is to be able to get the metal in the ore into solution".
Wouldn't a bath of acid have to eat itself from the outside in?
If this is the case, then there would be no need to dissolve all of the substrate unless you intentended to recover all of the other metallic values.

I'm still looking for someone to do some" before and after" fire assays of my material to see how much it contains and what percentage, if any, that I have recovered .

Anybody interested?

That is not necessarily true markqf1. Much depends on pretreatment of what you're extracting, and what you're extracting it with. There are acid cocktails that will not affect an ore, but will remove the fine values present in that ore, so long as they are not completely encapsulated by an inert material. I should also mention that Frog said this was used for leaching ore, not for leaching from a catalytic converter. It is incorrect to assume that they are equivalent processes.

As for fire assaying...I'm set up for it except for the cupels and inquarts.
The amount of assaying requests I see on this board makes me strongly consider purchasing a used ICP machine to do analyses for you all. Too bad the upkeep on those is $$. If only I could find a used one for 20 or below.
I read, as i'm sure you did, that action mining was leaching more gold than the fire assay said it should have.
This water souluble gold was a little different to contend with.
I read on a couple of other theads here, that pgm's could also be, in a certain sense... water souluble.
Do you think a fire assay would be representitive of these, if any are present?
Well, I have been reading and asking. After 17 pages , there is still not a difinitive answer on the Action Mines cls26p ability to recover RH.. Now, RockyM, claims to have this special compound that will do it all, , unlike some Elixer salesman(diller) that try to come on here and yank a few chains, I understand the dow resins , in a commercial applicatiom each tank ( http://www.usplastic.com/catalog/product.asp?catalog%5Fname=usplastic&category%5Fname=20726&product%5Fid=5179 ) has its own resin formula for a particular ion particle, pt,rh etc...one particular particle is combined with the ion, the rest of the metals collect at the bottom , are collected and moved to another tank that has a resin designed to pull out different metals. From what I understand (for the low budget guy) I should be able to leach my substrate with his formula ( http://rockyledgemining.tripod.com/testreport.pdf ) ( this one happens to be gold) I believe the leaching solution and the resin are combined and immediatly react, thus settleing the materials ionized. ... You take these resins (dry them I think?) and very slowly pour sodium borohydride (belgian Bomb) to clean off any non pgm's.... REVISED!. Frog
Thats something I am working on.. they use to ship, not anymore ,,, restrictions have gotten tougher over the years. I will keep you posted. Sure would like to get a sample out to a few of you guys soon...... Frog ---------- Oh , sorry (the formula) i havnt a clue? ----
Its what I sent to platinumill :lol: ,After sending it out, I always seem to get it back after awhile...

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