***** The Platinumill Exposed and on Trial *****

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Secrets out! (thx platdigger daddy o') It's just SSN... salt
> water and nitric acid. 7 to 1 ratio. the formula
> is on our web site at http://
> There's you a free $7000 Rocky Ledge Mining formula well i wonder how it works on rh? With resins? or just carbon plate it? How safe is this formula? Dont answer I'll do my homework and find out by researching the forum , ,I'm sure its listed here somewhere,,,, frog
Will somebody in this forum do something already???????????????????????? My GOD all I see on this forum is a bunch of people that are investigating nobody is doing crap. We have been told already the leaching process is not 100% recovery of the pgms in catalytic converters by leaching is not sufficient enough to extract all pgm content. Why is everyone here still after this method??? I took a nice beating to my pocket book buying the platinumill, and learned the hard way about this method. Bottom line you cant do it its impossible as of right now. There are all kinds of methods for extraction out there but they are not cost effective this is what the whole thing is about. You cannot keep costs down to operate with the chemicals and time it takes. This is why the big boys smelt these cats. Why dont you guys try and find a small scale tilt pour furnace they are out there and try this method. Its by far the most cost effective and the safest. Seriously though, all this internet research for articles and blah blah blah and still nobody in this forum is anywhere near a solid way to take these pgms from the cats. Somebody give me a guy that knows what the hell hes doing and I swear I will spend the money to come out and meet you and pay you for your time.

When you called me to tell me you saw the numbers your friend got for those cats i didnt beleive you but now i do read this article.....

hvyshakes, I thought last we talked that you had it all under control and knew the best way to leach and were already processing? what happened? what did you assay show? did you just give up on that idea and toss in the towel on leaching and going to focus on getting enough cats to send to a smelter?

This is my opinion of leaching from my research. yes it may not get 100% of metals but let's take the toyota v6 cat mentioned in the article you posted there is 1.5 gm of Rh. the Rh content alone would be valued at $412.81 at spot value for the content. and given that say that same cat bought by larger places is being offered around $130. and figure you say you go a crappy 80% of over all content. on rh alone you would get about 330-130 spent for cat itself. it would look like a $200 profit or so to me cut the production cost out for a single cat that doesn't sound bad to me but maybe that's because I'm thinking that add in the Pt and Pd content and you are probably looking at more likely a 300-400 dollar profit and multiply that by say 10 cats even every other day and at the end of the month it appears to me about a 52,000 profit before expenses of processing. and to me that sounds like a decent income. after all by year end on small scale and providing my numbers are close would look like about 624,000 a year on that small of a scale. and of course those are all based off processing toyota v6 cats alone but still. and on the other side how long would it take any one of us providing it seems profitable to increase production beyond 10 cats every couple days?

hvyshakes bud don't take this as an attack as it's not my intentions I'm just trying to follow your thought process and speaking aloud. I understand your frustration as it's taking some time but heck I would be attempting action mining process if it wasn't averaging around 12 degrees here temp wise.
Theres no one on the forum making a buck at this, YET! I'm waiting on carbon plates,, In the meantime, I was just looking for a more solid answer on rh recovery, Trust me, I will be running cats as soon as ups shows up today or tommorow, with or with out the ideal leach solution. It shouldnt take much to correct your system, get after it. It appears that the rocky ledge guy has been selling a simple formula, I read complaints about it, but no one was complaining about the results of his formula, so caveat emptor, they bought something that they could have researched and found it was very cheap to duplicate, sound familiar? So give us a break. For the few people that were complaining about his pricey formula ,,there are a few who are using it in commercial applications making$$,, he has set up lrg leach operations worldwide. And i'm not 100% sure that his formula is just ssn? I posted that from another thread on another forum that was sent to me.. Frog BTW, that link you provided is old news, I posted that link on this thread a month ago.
I just spoke with "Mr.Dow" the guru at Dow, he said that a Iodide complex works great with Rh and pgm's,all metals become highly polarizable, and that the Dowex 21kxlt resin would prob. be the best product to collect the pgm's. for what we are trying to do. Finally, a real expert!! He started telling me the science of it, I got kinda lost, but he will send me an email with more info, I will post it as soon as I get it . Frog P.S Thank you Jesus!!!
gustavus said:

Speaking with his son, he informed me the leach was heated .

Some where I have Dr. Lashleys son's telephone number, he lives in New Mexico and has copies of his fathers works available for sale.

Now that you guys are vesting an interest in SSN as a probable leach, I might suggest some one invite forum member jamesrobinson from the Uk to once again become an active member of the forum.

Some of jamesrobinson earlier posts from this thread.

My thoughts for collecting the PGM's would be to ball mill then run the fines through an electrostatic separator, subjecting the heavys to a heated pressurized leach such as SSN

I'm personally interested in using SSN for leaching gold and silver because of its low toxicity. I had posted the documents from Lashley in an earlier post expecting some response in its use.

Seems every one prefers the stronger acid leaches - where there's smoke there's fire.



Lou said:
markqf1 said:
Frog says"The single most important element of the hydrometallurgical method of removing the ore is to be able to get the metal in the ore into solution".
Wouldn't a bath of acid have to eat itself from the outside in?
If this is the case, then there would be no need to dissolve all of the substrate unless you intentended to recover all of the other metallic values.

I'm still looking for someone to do some" before and after" fire assays of my material to see how much it contains and what percentage, if any, that I have recovered .

Anybody interested?

That is not necessarily true markqf1. Much depends on pretreatment of what you're extracting, and what you're extracting it with. There are acid cocktails that will not affect an ore, but will remove the fine values present in that ore, so long as they are not completely encapsulated by an inert material. I should also mention that Frog said this was used for leaching ore, not for leaching from a catalytic converter. It is incorrect to assume that they are equivalent processes.

As for fire assaying...I'm set up for it except for the cupels and inquarts.
The amount of assaying requests I see on this board makes me strongly consider purchasing a used ICP machine to do analyses for you all. Too bad the upkeep on those is $$. If only I could find a used one for 20 or below.

If only I could win the Megabucks lottery....



Varian’s Liberty Series II ICP-OES robust. axially viewed plasma delivers improvements. in detection limits and linear dynamic range.

Equipment mini tutorial

Haa, I emailed that guy 2 days ago!! Ha :lol: , Funny, Hope he shows up,, Frog OOOHH no irons, i'm turning into a nerd, that piece of equipment impressed me! :wink:
Hey gustavos, why was that deleted? CC deleted? I read it, it was pretty good,, I Invited mike from action mining onto the forum, along with Mr Dow
They're pretty nice aren't they Irons?

My friend's work has about 20 of them, and 48 GCMS amongst many, many other machines. Probably 6 million a year upkeep on them, more with standards' prices these days.

Ever used one (ICP) Irons?
Never said that I had it under control and i was producing loco. I dont even recall that. I have given you guys advise instead of buying the little setup from action mining and going out and getting quartz heaters like froggy did with a rectifier and carbon plates etc. You just need to stir the stuff occasionally it just needs agitation like our friend Paul at rockledge told us. Now Iam however going to make myself clear to this forum right now that I personally see no reason to leach pgms from cats and have rendered that process ineffective completely. What I am in the works of doing with a guy out here in california is to use a furnace and he can build them to reach 2600 degrees. Not enough to melt pgms but..............hee is the catch. You preheat the furnace(propane) then add the pulverized cat material. Then You add your borax to clean away all the impurities and then you add lead to the mix. Lead will take in all the pgms from the pulverized cat material so you dont have to heat it to that 3000 + degrees to melt it. Then, you pour out the lead with the pgms contained in it. Your cupel is worthless now and caked with glassy cat material and borax. Now you take a graphite cupel and throw your lead button in there and the graphite cupel will soak the lead in it and leave your pgms behind. Now you have a button of Pure PGM material to send to a refiner to seperate rh,pd,pt. Its as simple as that period!!! Its like fire assaying just like it . And it works! 2hrs max start to finish vs. breathing all those hazardous chemicals and spending a fortune on chemicals and getting sick. The furnace costs about 500 bucks and he builds to suit. I will visit his facillity in a few short weeks and learn this process from him directly. Do you see now why I keep reiterating that leaching is not effective to pull all pgms out of the cats??
Oh dear. If you think breathing lead fume is much better than aqua regia, you're sorely mistaken. In all cases, wear a respirator!!

You are using lead; copper is also used and then done electrolytically. The values are concentrated in the slimes. Those are then processed chemically.

Lead is cheaper than copper, but it poses a disposal issue. Additionally, the lead oxides formed will dissolve in the borax glass. Both are collectors for the platinum group, but I would prefer copper. I have mentioned elsewhere on my experiences with copper as a collector.
Lou said:
They're pretty nice aren't they Irons?

My friend's work has about 20 of them, and 48 GCMS amongst many, many other machines. Probably 6 million a year upkeep on them, more with standards' prices these days.

Ever used one (ICP) Irons?

Back in the 70's when I was in school, AA was the standard. I started Grad school but decided to do something more exciting for a living. I never did get to use one. Actually from reading the tutorial, there's not too much difference from AA except that its emission instead of absorbtion. Emission spectroscopy was passe in my time, now it's come full circle.
Actually for refining, some of the older equipment might be quite serviceable. Everyone needs the most sensitive instrumentation for environmental work but for refining, a few PPM accuracy is just fine.
GCMS has always been around, but who can afford one except for a lab with the resources to keep it running. We had a full time senior tech to run the one we had and it was a huge machine back then.
Oh, they're much more compact now with nice computer interfaces. The GCMS I use is a Clarius 7800 by Perkin Elmer. I think it was 79K brand new and that was a few years ago.

ICP is all the rage for trace metals. The company my friend works at is the premier (Severn Trent) lab for environmental testing. So they use a good bit of ICP there.

OK Lou, back to this disolving the substrate deal for a bit....

If the substrate is disolved in acid........now we have silica loaded acid?

What I am asking is, what to do with this mix?
I can see if the acid can somehow be recycled.......this may be viable.

Is there a simple way to free the acid of the disolved substrate?
Right, my mistake...I'm getting off topic, sorry!

No there's no silica per se present, there is an aluminosilicate that is solvated. HF alone dissolves silica.

I would spot test the pregnant solution for any values, neutralize it, then it should be safe to dump down the drain. Going after the acids is not worth it, when they're spent, they're spent.

Me too, can someone plz. change the title, I get tired of seeing "platinumill" anyone here have the POWER? I still think chems are the way to go, I will work on specifics but some can be re-used and they can run below $1 buck a gallon if bought in bulk,,, ther are alot of mining companies that leach the ores, Alot. Fire is used for final refining, leach is used to get the product out on the cheap, sorry HShakes, I'm sticking with the chems for now, following the examples of all the poor 3rd world boys. Wheres Steve been lately? Frog

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