The hypochlorite leach rate is between cyanide and aqua regia.
For an ore comparison, generally hypochlorite is around 3 times as fast as cyanide but can be sped up by having more hypochlorite present.
This usually means leach times in hours rather than days.
The leach rate is controlled by the rate at which the oxidant can access the gold so some form of agitation is usual.
The agitation can be applied by stirring or by pumping the liquor, the former for ores and the latter for component leaching.
As you stated, the leach rate increases with temperature as does the evaporation rate.
The maximum loading of gold onto carbon is dependent on both the form of the gold complexes and the tenor of the gold liquor( think concentration of gold in the liquor).
The higher the gold tenor the greater the loading possible.
Gold chloride will load to a higher level and do so faster than gold cyanide.
The gold cyanide loading is an adsorption system whereas the gold chloride is mainly a reduction mechanism.
This means that gold chloride will reduce to gold metal on activated carbon and will do so to levels where the gold particles will fall off the carbon. Great care must be taken with carbon loaded from gold chloride not to get to this stage.
The maximum gold loading levels onto carbon are also very dependent on the levels of other metal species present in the leach liquors as these other metals will take up sites on the carbon and prevent gold from loading on these sites.
Temperature and pH are also among the major loading controllers.
In CIP circuits the gold loadings are anywhere from 2,000 to 20,000 ppm on the carbon depending on the mine conditions.
In artificial laboratory conditions under acid pH and low temperature gold loadings over 200,000 ppm have been achieved.
Note that gold cyanide complexes are stable under acid conditions, it is only when the acid conditions are strongly oxidising that the cyanide complex is degraded.