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Vintage test equipment, boards, gold cpus, memory.

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snoman701 said:
anachronism said:
Go on Mike- it's a buyers market now. 8)

I'm gonna open a bag of popcorn and put my feet up and watch- this is turning into an epic.


I feel like this thread needs a theme song to go with the popcorn!!!

Money....Pink Floyd

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Kinda reminds me of the weekly series episode(s) of "Gold Rush" --- stay tuned for next weeks "new" episode :twisted: :lol:

kurtak said:
snoman701 said:
anachronism said:
Go on Mike- it's a buyers market now. 8)

I'm gonna open a bag of popcorn and put my feet up and watch- this is turning into an epic.


I feel like this thread needs a theme song to go with the popcorn!!!

Money....Pink Floyd

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Kinda reminds me of the weekly series episode(s) of "Gold Rush" --- stay tuned for next weeks "new" episode :twisted: :lol:


That's what it feels like at this point :roll: . I am more embarrassed than I am mad. I've been on this planet too many years, to allow someone manipulate my actions (again). I should have never taken this last week off of work. I should have never spent so much time and energy moving all of this stuff. I should have waited until the buyer actually showed up, before doing anything. I know better, and I can't blame anyone but myself. And what's worse is, we lost a $6925 job this morning that would've taken 2 days to complete, because we are in the middle of moving all of this stuff back. I have no one to blame but myself, but I will be very gun shy from now on. Well I am still very grateful for all of the "ooh's and ahh's", and the support. Thank you.
Take some time, sort your material and grade it.
This will allow you to post a definitive and concise list of what you are selling so a prospective buyer knows what he is getting for his money. Making remarks like there's a lot of this and that will not help.
Posting a bunch of random pictures and making vague suggestions as to what is included is likely the reason you are still sitting with that pile of scrap. I believe you are asking for a fixed sum of money so you owe it to the potential buyer to present a list clearly.
Aristo said:
Posting a bunch of random pictures and making vague suggestions as to what is included is likely the reason you are still sitting with that pile of scrap.

I bought and sold stuff for over 15 years. The pictures and the information I've posted, speak for themselves. I gave you a chance to buy everything, and I gave you a chance to drive over here and look at everything, and you chose not to do either. That's fine, that was your decision.

Here's the good news, this morning my wife took 322 lbs of desktop motherboards and plug in cards, almost 720 lbs of old laptops, 151 lbs of laptop batteries, over 1000 hard drives (1138 lbs) (and some scrap steel and aluminum) and we got $2677. This was some of the stuff in one of our sheds that was part of the deal.
But now I don't have to go buy another shed, and I have plenty of room now to store this stuff, and it won't cost me a dime. And the best part is........it will all be out of our way!
So thank you to the few that showed their support, but unless I get the desire to do something with it, or someone shows up on my doorstep wanting it, it can sit out there and rot to the ground.


P.S. I took tons of pictures of some REALLY neat chips and stuff, so keep an eye out I may post them if I get the desire to.
"" this morning my wife took 322 lbs of desktop motherboards and plug in cards, almost 720 lbs of old laptops, 151 lbs of laptop batteries, over 1000 hard drives (1138 lbs) (and some scrap steel and aluminum) and we got $2677.""
Exactly my point.
When buyers know what you are selling, they will give you money.
Good luck.
Aristo said:
"" this morning my wife took 322 lbs of desktop motherboards and plug in cards, almost 720 lbs of old laptops, 151 lbs of laptop batteries, over 1000 hard drives (1138 lbs) (and some scrap steel and aluminum) and we got $2677.""
Exactly my point.
When buyers know what you are selling, they will give you money.
Good luck.

Not that I need to justify myself, but If you go to buy something, and the seller says it comes with a free gift, do you not buy the item because they won't tell you what the free gift is up front. :roll:
That stuff was buried in totes and drums, and was extra, and part of my deal with the other buyer. It was stuff that I wanted to get out of here, and in my opinion did not need to be itemized because it was EXTRA!!! And I made sure that the buyer knew that there was tons of EXTRA stuff, and I did not want any extra money for it. As I have said now several times, there was more than enough stuff in the pictures, and posts, to make the deal worth it. Now if you don't mind, please quit trying to find new ways to ridicule me.
You need to stop being paranoid about people ridiculing you. People here are interested in a straight deal, not your personal circumstances or emotions. We're adults here (most of the time.)

Some of the questions come from you constantly changing your story about what you're doing, what you have on offer, and what's really going on in this deal. A number of people have suggested you nail what's on offer and for what price. That's good advice, and if you can't do it then stop wasting everybodies' time, because you're making most of your own issues.
Had Johnny5 lived closer, this would of never had a chance of taken place. I would have bought it all then, period.
silversaddle1 said:
Had Johnny5 lived closer, this would of never had a chance of taken place. I would have bought it all then, period.
Agreed, but he is living on the wrong side of the big pond. :D

g_axelsson said:
silversaddle1 said:
Had Johnny5 lived closer, this would of never had a chance of taken place. I would have bought it all then, period.
Agreed, but he is living on the wrong side of the big pond. :D


Thank you guys, that means a lot. I wish more people knew what's inside of some of that test equipment.
Johnny5 said:
g_axelsson said:
silversaddle1 said:
Had Johnny5 lived closer, this would of never had a chance of taken place. I would have bought it all then, period.
Agreed, but he is living on the wrong side of the big pond. :D


Thank you guys, that means a lot. I wish more people knew what's inside of some of that test equipment.

I do . . . most of it. And I would have been on your doorstep long ago except for living on the wrong side of our sandbox.

James :D
cosmetal said:
I do . . . most of it. And I would have been on your doorstep long ago except for living on the wrong side of our sandbox.

James :D
You'll love this then James, We passed right through there (coming from the Portlander) about 1 week before Christmas, we did a job for Amazon in Tracy, and the week after Christmas we did a job for a Boehringer in Fremont. :cry: We spent New Years at the Ontario comedy club. Lol.

Well it looks as though a lot has transpired in a week.

I totally understand your position and frustration. Its really hard selling such a large lot, and arranging time so all parties can meet is near impossible in the age we find ourselves in. I am looking at everything from a resell point of view. Sure, I will probably keep an item here and there but my main focus is to turn it over.

My original plan was to come down and offer $2000 or so on the original lot, just business, but I also knew there would be extras so I was also prepared to pay the full amount if need be. Every time I have bought a lot of anything, there is always "extras." I tend to plan on these items as that is where the profit usually comes from. You are in business yourself so I know you understand. My only issue now, I keep asking myself, with the extras off the table is it worth it?

Please don't take that the wrong way Johnny as I am betting that in your eyes, of course its worth it. The time it took to gather all of these items was probably years. Some of it may actually have a little bit of sentiment to go with it. I still want this lot, but I will be honest, I am a little nervous. My settlement will come at the end of February and the asking price is 25 percent of that. Factor in the costs to get it back to Ohio and I am probably at 38 to 40 percent at the bare minimum. That is not your problem and I understand that but it is that fact alone which is scaring me. I am using this settlement to fund the start up of my recycling company so its starting to stretch pretty thin. It sounds as if your company is doing pretty well and your really not hurting for money so what if I give you a $1000. and I pay you the rest as I make it up in sells?

That's just an offer Johnny and we can work out the details later. I have to go for now but,"I THINK," that is a reasonable. What are your thoughts?

#sales not sells

Man I hate it when I publicly spell something wrong. I was trying to offer you an alternative and my guess is the timing is just wrong. First it was $2500, then $3000, then $5000 with refining materials included, then it was no money down, then it was sold, then it was for sale again. Anyways, I wish you the best of luck Johnny.

anachronism said:
Can we get this thread deleted?

24 thousand threads on this forum, yet you want this one deleted? There's nothing offensive on the thread. Everything is spelled out clearly. Can't imagine why you would want it deleted. If the thread is causing you distress in some way, I suggest that you stop reading, and responding to it. If you find anything offensive, or something that is breaking the rules on the forum, then I highly encourage you to report it to a moderator immediately so that it can be reviewed.
Since you already know what is on this thread, and you have no interest in purchasing it, and because you've shown an interest it getting the entire thread removed, I think you would be better served to not read, or respond anymore after this.

To everyone else, we are getting ready to leave, so we shouldn't be home for quite some time. What I am asking has been spelled out very clearly. If you are interested, and/or have questions, just send a PM and I'll respond when I can.

Please do not make any comments publicly, that make things sound confusing. You have the pictures, you have the terms. I don't want anything said that may cause other members any more distress.
Anything else concerning a transaction can be discussed privately.
Thank you guys,