what's in my Auric Chloryde?

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I feel there are some things as a forum we all need look at, and try to improve on.

There seems to be a "Pack" type mentality on the forum, not by all members, but enough that it is sometimes disturbing. Most of the time it is meant to be helpful, but with new members it may not appear that way to them, they may feel like they are being backed into a corner by hungry wolves.

They do often need to hear the message, but we as a forum need also to be aware how we may be delivering that message, or how it looks to the new member, putting ourselves in their shoes (we were there once).

We have what I believe to be, in my opinion, the best forum on the world wide web, with the best people, we just need to work together to keep it that way.
Pack or not ... there are causalities anyone really smart and intelligent one easily will understand. If someone takes a leak onto an electric fence he will get an electric shock as if he were kicked by a cow. There are rules on the board and of common sense, that are easy understandible, even more for a smart and intelligent guy.

I asked before, but until now never anyone could point to a thread in which anyone has been mobbed. If anyone feels being mobbed, he should ask the mods to help him.

On the other side this professor shows a lot of his personality to the psychological educated eye. And what he is doing could easily be interpreted as mobbing in a psychological sense, simplified to fit into one sentence: One person or one group that over a longer time (month) is victim and/or aggressor against another person or group and at least one of the parts feels offended. So yes, we might have had a mobbing problem and it will probably return.

I had my episodes myself two times, a short with Marcel and one that went over some hours with niteliteone - it was said what had to be said and everything went well. I never donated money to the forum, I am not a star, I am a middle class intellectual, I only tried to give as much as I got, tried to be helpful and to follow the rules the best I could. I never felt wolf packed. So, what?

People who have problems here, will not have an easy living in any forum, since this is one of the best moderated ones I ever read. Everyone who visibly tries to follow the rules will find a lot of friendship, help and social fellowship on this board.
Dr. Poe was very educated in his own right. That didn't stop him from belittling people he thought was beneath him. Respect should never be expected or demanded. I was taught that respect was earned. The first few post I made here gave me some reservations about whether or not I should make another post. It's okay, I can take constructive criticism, my feathers are not easily ruffled. Even if Steven Hawking joined the forum, he would still have to follow the rules and take it easy on my poorly educated self or else I may take offense.
I typed a reply ealier and scrapped it, I decided to think about all that has occurred and the views expressed.
I'm sorry to see anyone banned especially if they have something to offer to the forum which professor seemed to have, it's our loss even if he had an attitude.
The mob reference is worrying but I believe true, but there is a caveat, the members who post regularly want newbies to be safe and succeed, not to fail get bored and dump the idea or worse hurt themselves or someone else.
Our interest is dangerous and can be deadly so if sometimes we have to repeat the same message because it's been missed or ignored then I see no fault there, we as a forum have a responsibility to ensure the safety of those seeking to learn the mysteries that are recoveries and refining of precious metals, we need to stop dangerous, irresponsible or even downright stupid ideas.
The mods have an overall view of the forum and can warn any member who steps out of line,we as members who try to help others have a duty of care to those who ask for help to protect them, their family, neighbours and the environment, if been a mob is about this then I say let the mob rule, if it's about bullying or insulting a new member then no that's wrong, we cannot sugar coat some messages or advice it is what it is, advice, given for the right reasons.
If anyone finds my views are against the aim of the forum I'm old and ugly enough to take critism or a rebuke or even been banned, but my attitude is what it is, I had to learn the hard expensive way, the newbies do not, they have Hoke and better still the forum.
From my perspective, the professor was either Poe or his identical twin. Same arrogance and insults. A lot wrong and a little bit right. Similar association with the Philippines.
I agree with you a 110%

Maybe I just could not put my thoughts in the right words, or explain it well.
Its hard for me to explain.
When playing football we need to tackle, the player who is crossing the lines, but does the whole team have to pile on top of him after he is down?

I just think we all need to be aware of how, and what we say will be received, nothing wrong with different points of views, or several members giving advice, or even constructive criticism.

As a whole I believe we all do our best to help, and we give good advise, we are considerate of other members, and do a good job of helping others.

I just believe we can improve as a forum, on some things, or in some circumstances.

I also should not have brought my concerns up in this thread, it had nothing to do with this thread, or about what has been going on lately.
Richard, I disagree with your last statement. As a mod, it is not only your right but more of your duty to state your opinion on anything that concerns how members conduct themselves on the forum. You do a good job on mitigating inflammatory situations. This shows that you care about peoples feelings and you want to try and fix whats broken whether it's a simple misunderstanding or a full blown argument. There is nothing wrong with that and is considered a good quality in a leader. Keep up the good work my friend.
Geo said:
Richard, I disagree with your last statement. As a mod, it is not only your right but more of your duty to state your opinion on anything that concerns how members conduct themselves on the forum. You do a good job on mitigating inflammatory situations. This shows that you care about peoples feelings and you want to try and fix whats broken whether it's a simple misunderstanding or a full blown argument. There is nothing wrong with that and is considered a good quality in a leader. Keep up the good work my friend.

What Geo said +1. Richard, you have always been fair and tried to defuse certain situations with your gentle approach to explaining things. We all have your back, Keep up the great work. That goes for all of our knowledgeable Admins. 8)
I agree with geo also you have always been fair butcher
And an excellent teacher
BTW if it was Dr poe( as much as I loved his posts and story telling) and I believe it was than his only purpose would have been to create trouble.

Now as to the op I had a awesome picture of red auric chloride (not chloryde..I'm not one to talk) due to having
Sulfuric acid in it.
Thanks steyr223 Rob

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