Gold,Gold,and More Gold!!!!

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Well-known member
Jul 13, 2012
Hi Yall

I got these out of my newest load.The load came from Delaware,OH.I ran a preliminary test on one of the bigger ones and the test indicates that there should be some where around 0.5-1gram per piece.Just wanted to see if any one else has ever run these before.Thanks in advance.



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If you take off the white ceramic you'll probably find even more because the gold will be both under the white ceramic and on the base beneath it.
spaceships said:
If you take off the white ceramic you'll probably find even more because the gold will be both under the white ceramic and on the base beneath it.

Hey spaceships

I know your right on that point.The problem is that the ceramic is bonded straight to the box.I have a way to get to it that's way faster than what the 1 pound is taking in poormans AR.I just want to see what the yield for the 1 pound is first,before I change up on my processes.If I get anything close to what I'm thinking,it will be time to speed things up.I agree with that post you made the other day on the "best of ebay" thread.This is the load that will allow me to make $3000.00 dollars profit.Thanks for your honest input,it means allot coming from you.

Nice score Jerry 8) 8)

And based on our talk on the phone the other day there are a lot more goodies in the load & you paid a MUCH better price on this haul then on your last haul - you should make a "real good" profit on this one my friend :mrgreen:

spaceships said:
If you take off the white ceramic you'll probably find even more because the gold will be both under the white ceramic and on the base beneath it.

So your saying there's not just Gold,Gold,and More Gold - but even MORE Gold 8) :lol:

I want some microwave Telecom gear to :mrgreen:

kurtak said:
Nice score Jerry 8) 8)

And based on our talk on the phone the other day there are a lot more goodies in the load & you paid a MUCH better price on this haul then on your last haul - you should make a "real good" profit on this one my friend :mrgreen:



You should see what I got paid for 3/4 of the scrap metal out of this load alone.I'm going to post some more pics later today of the other stuff.That was the funnest 2 trips I've taken so far,and plan to make many more.Your ss pieces looked really good to,I want some LOL :mrgreen: .

spaceships said:
I have similar material Jerry- what did you use to take the gold off?


For the first test piece I used boiling Ferric Chloride,which was pretty fast.Then on the 1 pound yield test I'm running it through Poorman's AR,which is slow.The next batch will go into a much faster process,which I hinted at in one of my other threads.Here's something to think about,we know that gold will not stay in a over saturated iron solution when leeching gold ores.So how can we apply that to what we do with E-waste.We also should Know,if we have actually done the research,that rust will also cement values.I have figured out allot of things for myself that others fail to see the potential for,but like I always say "You can learn allot from a Dummy.Thanks in advance for your interest in my thread.

modtheworld44 said:
Your ss pieces looked really good to,I want some LOL :mrgreen: .


I stripped the gold off about 8 lbs (not foils - gold goes right into solution - leaves SS as is) only took about 800ml chem & 3 hours --- that was after melting some other gold & filtering some other solutions - so a good day

Sorry I can't tell you the process but the guy that gave it to me told me to keep it between him & I so that's the way it will stay


Edit; - to change 600 ml chem to 800 ml chem


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kurtak said:
modtheworld44 said:
Your ss pieces looked really good to,I want some LOL :mrgreen: .


I stripped the gold off about 8 lbs (not foils - gold goes right into solution - leaves SS as is) only took about 600ml chem & 3 hours --- that was after melting some other gold & filtering some other solutions - so a good day

Sorry I can't tell you the process but the guy that gave it to me told me to keep it between him & I so that's the way it will stay



That is a very good process for ss,but how does it stand up against all the other base metals we encounter? My best time so far is 6lbs of fully mixed pins in 8 hours with nothing but gold foils left.HEHE you have his way and I have mine,and each to his own LOL :mrgreen: .Who knows we might actually be able to make some money one of these days,doing what we do and how we do it :mrgreen:

The way Kurt is doing it would not work for copper based substrates without putting in certain agents that protect the copper from attack.

Even then, so Kurt understands, if you are not exceedingly careful with the reverse-AR, it can go to hell on you in a bad way.
Lou said:
The way Kurt is doing it would not work for copper based substrates without putting in certain agents that protect the copper from attack.

Even then, so Kurt understands, if you are not exceedingly careful with the reverse-AR, it can go to hell on you in a bad way.


Are you referring to the boil over you get,when you add too much HCL back to it at a time?Thanks for the lead on the polypropylene filter cloth I bought two of the types they had and it was cheap and works great.


The first pound,which includes the white ceramic substrate weight,yielded 3grams.The pound consists of 5 boxes,so far that averages out to 0.6grams per box.The boxes did not dissolve as you can see in the picture and because of this the acids were unable to penetrate the bonds holding the ceramic substrates in place.This means that once I finally get the gold from under the ceramic and weigh the trash and ceramics I can get my true average per piece.This is a good start though in my opinion.I'm going to run a separate 1pound test on the smaller boxes to see how much better they yield since it takes 7 of them to make a pound. I think the smaller boxes will produce way more gold per pound,theres more surface area and more visible gold in them than the larger boxes.I had almost 15pounds of these boxes when I started,so that should put me in the 45+grams minimum range just for the boxes alone.Heres a picture of my receipt for 3/4 of the scrap metal that came with this load,the rest is still waiting to be dismantled.Thanks for all the Knowledge yall share with us on a daily basis.Maybe one of these days I'll actually learn how to make some money from refining,who knows only time will tell.

P.S My boxes didn't dissolve,Oh what will I do?
P.S.S Sorry just thinking out loud,I'll figure it out like I have always done. :mrgreen:



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Lou said:
The way Kurt is doing it would not work for copper based substrates without putting in certain agents that protect the copper from attack.

Even then, so Kurt understands, if you are not exceedingly careful with the reverse-AR, it can go to hell on you in a bad way.

Correct - it is reverse AR --- the process was given to me through PMs by another one of our most respected long time members & I was asked to keep it under my hat & because of my respect for this member I was not going to break the confidence he asked me to keep

However - now that Lou let the cat out of the bag - and - because I also received a PM with this link Anyone came up with a technique or process for watch bands ? --- its not really a secret - its just not a well known &/or discussed process

It is just what it says - AR in reverse & it works very well on SS gold plate &/or gold filled - however - there are a few down sides to it

As Lou said "if you are not exceedingly careful with the reverse-AR, it can go to hell on you in a bad way" (ask me how I know :lol: :oops: :lol: )

First you don't want to start with to much HCl & then be "very" careful with following additions - if you start with to much HCl &/or over do additions it will attack the SS & you just started a mess - if you "exceed" the HCl "limit" you have a mess --- also - NO heat - warm is ok (which is why I was working out in the sun) but no real heat

Nitric does not react with SS (which is why it comes in SS drums) but HCl does - so you need to control the HCl in a manner that the nitric keeps the SS passive allowing only the gold to be dissolved - to much starting HCl &/or additions & or heat will cause the HCl to go to work on the SS & then you have started the gold in gold out cementing process - you need to let your "starting" HCl become "loaded" with gold ions & then you can make addition of HCl to dissolve more gold - but only to a point so that the HCl does not over come the nitric keeping the SS passive

This means that your ending AR solution has "a lot" of free nitric - that means a ton of sulfamic to de-Nox - or burn up a lot of copper to cement - or drop with hydrazine sulfate

Having access to &/or the price you pay for nitric is another factor

How I did the 8 lb batch the other day

Start - 2 beakers - 1 lb SS/GP each --- 400 ml nitric 12 ml (3%) HCl --- let react so HCl "loads" with Au - make 2 additions (per beaker) that brings HCl up to 5% --- decant - rinse/wash SS to another beaker (first lite rinse goes to decanted beaker - rest goes to another beaker)

Take decanted AR solution (started with 400 ml nitric) - ad 6 ml HCl (1.5%) ad to next 1 lb SS - make 2 additions HCl of 1.5 to 2 ml each addition

repeat that once more - (I went twice more but was gritting my teeth on exceeding the HCl on the 4th go round - but no problem) :mrgreen:

pour all rinse water in with main AR solution & evap back down some - recover gold as you prefer


Edit to ad; - when I talk about using this on gold filled above - I am of course talking about gold filled SS
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I've used similar procedure for gold on aluminum. The same principle applies there as the high oxidizing power of the nitric passivates the aluminum.

It's not that big a secret. No one told me how to do it, with knowledge of how the acid and metal reactions works it becomes a normal conclusion when you think about the problem for a while.

There's a big difference between gold on Al Goran and gold on SS. It's more involved. You can actually recover the gold from Al using Nitric because of the copper base that's normally between the Al and the gold without the need to dissolve it in that one step. So you're effectively recovering gold flake (or you should be.)

The SS recovery with reverse AR does require a lot more care and attention to detail because it can run away with you rapidly and get extremely messy. As others have already pointed out it's also fun and games getting the gold out of a solution that's mostly Nitric 8) 8)
Yeah, I understand that but the same principle is in work, the rest is up to the skill and experience of the refiner. But I guess that when you reach the tipping point between stable and unstable it's too late to do something... that gives you plenty of experience fast.

Gold on aluminum that is plated usually have copper as a base and is easily removed as gold flakes by pure nitric. But there are pieces with gold straight onto the aluminum, for example sputtered. I've encountered both types before.
Gold on copper on aluminum
Gold directly on aluminum

I've got another idea but I'll tell you more about it if it works out.

So with the above mentioned process to remove gold from stainless steel, one thought that comes to mind, is that instead of just neutralizing the nitric acid with sulfamic acid, one could use the gold bearing "reversed AR solution" to then process other karat scrap to use up the nitric acid.

I guess you would need karat scrap to process though.
Could you not just add some gold plated copper pins to use up the nitric?
That is if it's not a customer refining job.
spaceships said:
Why would you want to contaminate the solution ?


Here's how I analyze that question in my own opinion.
When I start a process,I think to myself "This is just a recovery right now at this stage." I don't let the amount of contaminates dictate the use of my process,because I have the ability as a refiner to fix it later with a second or third refine.I have a video on my youtube channel that shows my variation of this process in action.My variation doesn't dissolve the gold unless you over balance the HCL.The base metals get dissolved instead and your left with gold foils.

Here's a picture I took the other day right after I finished calcining the gold powders.This is a step I use to help check my purity before I do the melt.From looking at the picture,what melt would you say I'm about to do the first or second?



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