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  1. K

    Quartz Gold? us then trying to have to fix the problems & the messes people come to us with after they have been watching youtube videos Concerning the MLCCs - how do you even know if they even have any palladium in them ? Not all MLCCs have Pd in them There are 2 types of MLCCs NME (Noble Metal...
  2. K

    What do I have Here?

    Yes - smelting MLCCs is hands down better then leaching them The BIG problem with leaching MLCCs is the ULTRA FINE ceramic MUD that results in the breakdown of the ceramic when leaching - when I say ultra fine MUD I am talking about mud that is like clay which makes it IMPOSSIBLE to get all...
  3. K

    Quartz Gold?

    ...the material you are smelting - plus the flux - plus the collector metal - so to make the smelt load ------- Example; - if you have 100 grams MLCCs (which has "some" metal in it) - to that you want to add (or start with) 200 grams flux = 300 grams MLCCS/flux - so if you add 100 grams silver...
  4. K

    Quartz Gold?

    You do NOT need formic acid to recover your Ag/Pd from MLCCs - there are MUCH better ways to do that You need to stop watching youtube videos & start doing research here on the forum Kurt
  5. K

    Quartz Gold?

    ...& even then you need to know what you are doing when you cement Pd with copper because cementing Pd with copper is NOT the same as cementing gold or silver with copper Or better yet - smelt the MLCCs in the first place - instead of leaching them - smelting will save you all kinds of problems...
  6. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    Also - for what it is worth - I am still working with Lars100 "trying" to get his values back from the 33kg of MLCCs he leached --- that has been an on going "daily" project for 7 months now We are now "finally" to a point of working on the recovery of the values from the leach - AND - we have...
  7. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    This is absolutely correct Kurt
  8. K

    Quartz Gold? you have Pd that then needs to be recovered from both the slims and the electrolyte Now you might ask - why not just leach the Ag/Pd out of MLCCs in the first place & then follow option (1) to recover the Ag & Pd Because when you leach MLCCs you end up with (mostly) ULTRA FINE ceramic...
  9. K

    rough estimate of 200 pounds of processed materials

    ...chips ram - or the (not very old) but older thin chip RAM - or the newer BGA chip RAM & as well the very old RAM will likely have Pd in the MLCCs where as new RAM will have little or no Pd in the MLCCs --- so there is no way to tell because it will depend entirely on how much of each type RAM...
  10. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    Not sure where you heard that MLCCs have Au Pt or Rh in them (although I have seen "some" with gold "plating" on the ends - but - they are rare) OLD MLCCs were made with Pd/Ag Or as orvi said (old) Soviet made stuff will have Pt in place of the Pd There are two types of MLCCs - NME (Noble...
  11. K

    Old MLCC Capacitors

    Per the bold print - did you mean to say - "when I get my furnace built in spring" ? Kurt
  12. K

    Palladium precipitation by formic acid

    ...provide a link to that video I have a hard time believing you can dissolve ceramic with HCl I have leached a lot of ceramics over the years (MLCCs, CATs, CPUs, ICs) & I have never seen HCl dissolve the ceramic - ever if very finely ground to powder Are you sure he is not using HF...
  13. K

    Palladium Capacitors Recycling and Recover the Palladium

    The orange ones are tantalum - they contain no Pd page 3 the link I provided Kurt
  14. K

    Processing MLCC's

    ...Then Rreyes097 asked Rreyes097 --- I think you miss understand what Geo is saying here - so to clarify IF (the BIG IF) you are going to leach MLCCs - do NOT use AR to leach the MLCCs --- that is because the AR will create silver chloride which will then end up being tied up in & lost in the...
  15. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    I could be wrong - but - it sounds like the steel wool cemented copper Which would be the case IF (the BIG IF) the MLCCS were BME MLCCS instead of NME MLCCs Cemented Pd should be a "dark" gray to black - not brown Can you post a pic of the brown mass that stayed in your filter ? Kurt
  16. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    ...move up to leaching bigger batches - that will most certainly result in nothing other then bigger problems/messes In other words - leaching (MLCCs) is a case where bigger is absolutely not better --- in fact - the bigger you go - the WORSE it gets !!!! If you are going to go after the...
  17. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    One more note - you said --------- If it is the seller telling you all those metals are in MLCCs you are more then likely being scammed There is NO Rh in MLCCs Au ONLY if they are "plated" on the ends (which is rare) Pt ONLY if they are OLD Soviet MLCCs Ag/Pd if made BEFORE 1997 - if made...
  18. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    ...means lots of evaporation is needed before going to recovery of the values from the leach/washing process At every step of trying to leach MLCCs you are likely to lose at least some values LOTS of chem waste - time wasted & values lost in leaching MLCCs Smelting = MUCH less time MUCH less...
  19. K

    What is the best tool for heating or evaporating chemical solutions?

    Per the bold print - I completely agree with you on this one Orvi - smelting of the above materials (& so much more) really is the way to go IMO Investing in a furnace that takes a #40 crucible for smelting in order to eliminate leaching low grade &/or DIRTY crap was one of the best investments...
  20. K

    What is the best tool for heating or evaporating chemical solutions?

    ...them together with other chips the glass fiber/fluff will cause lost gold when running the milled ash on a concentrator table 3) Leaching MLCCs - I posted about that yesterday in the "Processing MLCCs" thread ---------- I said ----- IF (the BIG IF) you are going to leach MLCCs The reason...
  21. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    ...old saying - "there is more then one way to skin a cat" - is true This is true - in order to leach all the Ag/Pd out of the ceramic bodies of MLCCs the ceramic bodies need to be broke down to the "fine" silt/dust - which will put (dissolve) all the Ag/Pd into the nitric leach solution Edit...
  22. K

    Refining MLCC´s for Palladium and Silver !

    That is correct - so he does NOT need to dilute it & as a "matter of fact" do NOT dilute it !!! You beat me to it ;) It is a waste of chem as well as time to process the magnetic ones --- there is little or NO value in them - they are made with an alloy of nickel & copper - the nickel is...
  23. K

    For Sale 250g Batches Non-magnetic MLCCs - No Inductors

    ...metal to) $34.61 (money lost on this deal) AND - that does not include my cost in time - chemicals - waste treatment/disposal to process the MLCCs in order to recover actual metal I can send to refinery To put that above recovery cost in perspective (time/chems/waste treatment) the refinery...
  24. K

    Processing MLCC's PMN is not recommended for dissolving silver As we know --- HNO3 + Ag + Cl = AgCl --- (& therefore PMN is not a good choice for leaching MLCCs) Also as we know --- HNO3 + Cl = AR Therefore using PMN to dissolve base metals & there is also gold present (like gold plated fingers/pins)...
  25. K

    Need Toll Refiner for Gold Filled is much easier & more straight forward to refine something like karat scrap, gold filled, fingers etc. then say something like IC chips or MLCCs --- so not only does batch size factor in - but type/grade of material also factors in 3) whether the costumer/client (you are refining for)...
  26. K

    Highgrade telecom boards

    ...boards - but "in" components "on" the boards) Telecom, military, & aerospace boards (especially older ones) tend to run high in Pd (& silver) MLCCs are just one component "on" those type boards Here is an example of components with Pd (& silver) "in" them - they look like IC chips but are...
  27. K

    mlcc recovery

    Due to the increasing cost of PMs (Precious Metals) in the mid 1990s company's that made MLCCs "quite" using Pd & Ag (as an alloy) to make their MLCCs & switched to making them with nickel & copper (as an alloy) So - BEFORE the mid 1990s the MLCCS are called PM (Precious Metal) MLCCs AFTER the...
  28. K

    Recovery of the Palladium

    What makes you think the MLCCs had/have palladium in them BEFORE the mid to late 1990s MLCCs where made with Pd & silver - AFTER the mid to late 1990s MOST MLCCs are made of copper & nickle The fact that your solution "has plenty of copper" tells me the MLCCS are the ones made AFTER mid 1990s...
  29. K

    Recovery of the Palladium

    To clarify - if the MLCCs came from circuit boards made AFTER the mid 1990s there is likely little or no Pd/silver in them --- that's not an absolute - but more likely Kurt
  30. K

    Depopulated Boards

    ...First question is are they fully depopulated (bare) boards - or selectively depopulated (chips pins fingers removed but other stuff like MLCCs other SMDs heat sinks transformers etc. still on the board) Some buyers will buy them whether fully depopulated or selectively depopulated as low...