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50 kilos gold bars x day from Peru

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People in Peru rarely buy gold. It is kept by the rich but in general, they have their own access and their own mines.
It is really not that easy to find buyers in Peru. Almost all the gold is exported. Every bit of metal I produced went straight to Callao and was exported.
Jimmy said:
People in Peru rarely buy gold. It is kept by the rich but in general, they have their own access and their own mines.
It is really not that easy to find buyers in Peru. Almost all the gold is exported. Every bit of metal I produced went straight to Callao and was exported.

It sounds like there is just gold everywhere, and it's difficult to sell gold in Puru? There is a market set up for it, security to transport it, and yet it's difficult to sell in Puru? Even inspection companies to ensure nobody is grifted, and you are claiming it's hard to sell gold in Puru? Gold is the most valuable noble metal, in terms of monetary value, and you are leading us to believe it's difficult to sell in Puru?

Why is it so difficult? That makes no sense, you just said yourself where the stream of gold moves from, and to. In a country producing so much gold, why in the world would it be difficult to sell? Truly? Nobody want's gold from Puru? That makes no sense.

I'm going to suggest, and this is only my own humble opinion. Someone from Puru who you know contacted you and asked for you to support their post on this site because you have a better command on English than they do. It's notable that as soon as you started defending this scam, the scammer stopped, meaning there are no more posts by the scammer as soon as you started posting. That would lead me to believe that you two are connected and working together. Since you have already admitted to working in the gold industry in Puru, it seems far more than just likely.

This deal is not legit. If you are endorsing this deal, why don't you give your important identity information to a law enforcement agency, or verify it through some other means, so that when someone gets scammed, we all can go to Homeland Security, FBI, State Department etc, and point fingers at you as a possible associate of this scam artist.

Just small research: http://www.bnamericas.com/news/mining/Analyst:_Gold_Fraud_Crackdown_Positive
They can sell up to 18% lower than spot price, but.....: http://www.bnamericas.com/news/mining/IRS_Investigates_Alleged_US*100mn_Gold_Fraud
Big Brother watching you in Peru since 1999... :)
That one looks similar : http://www.mining.com/how-to-avoid-being-caught-in-a-common-gold-scam/

SBrown said:
Jimmy said:
People in Peru rarely buy gold. It is kept by the rich but in general, they have their own access and their own mines.
It is really not that easy to find buyers in Peru. Almost all the gold is exported. Every bit of metal I produced went straight to Callao and was exported.

It sounds like there is just gold everywhere, and it's difficult to sell gold in Puru? There is a market set up for it, security to transport it, and yet it's difficult to sell in Puru? Even inspection companies to ensure nobody is grifted, and you are claiming it's hard to sell gold in Puru? Gold is the most valuable noble metal, in terms of monetary value, and you are leading us to believe it's difficult to sell in Puru?

Why is it so difficult? That makes no sense, you just said yourself where the stream of gold moves from, and to. In a country producing so much gold, why in the world would it be difficult to sell? Truly? Nobody want's gold from Puru? That makes no sense.

I'm going to suggest, and this is only my own humble opinion. Someone from Puru who you know contacted you and asked for you to support their post on this site because you have a better command on English than they do. It's notable that as soon as you started defending this scam, the scammer stopped, meaning there are no more posts by the scammer as soon as you started posting. That would lead me to believe that you two are connected and working together. Since you have already admitted to working in the gold industry in Puru, it seems far more than just likely.

This deal is not legit. If you are endorsing this deal, why don't you give your important identity information to a law enforcement agency, or verify it through some other means, so that when someone gets scammed, we all can go to Homeland Security, FBI, State Department etc, and point fingers at you as a possible associate of this scam artist.


The gold market of Juliaca, Peru move 800 kilos of gold per day. Most of this production comes from not exporting gold mining companies. Production is mostly of miners microentrepreneurs. It was formerly (until 2010) an informal trade (unofficial). Today each mining producer has to have an official register as individuals and as mining gold seller. In that city, for its mineral, are headquartered leading mining service companies. The main buyer of gold in this mining town is Metalor, known internationally. The idea of these producers associated buyer is having a partner that offers better opportunities for your product. All transparent, verifiable.
I have family that live throughout Ecuador, Peru and Columbia. It is common to find the very small scale miners selling small quantities of gold for a less than spot price. Usually these people are the mine workers themselves that slip small pieces into their shoes or underwear. Then they give it to a friend to sell for some quick cash, at a big discount. These miners, along with a lot of the local population are very poor, so the risk of sneaking out some gold to sell for some quick cash is worth it when you make very little money. However, I have never heard of a business selling their mined gold like this. Behind every successful mining company, one that can produce 50 kilo gold bars a day or even close, is a business man that knows how to get the most out of his mined gold. This story doesn't add up in any way.
srlaulis said:
I have family that live throughout Ecuador, Peru and Columbia. It is common to find the very small scale miners selling small quantities of gold for a less than spot price. Usually these people are the mine workers themselves that slip small pieces into their shoes or underwear. Then they give it to a friend to sell for some quick cash, at a big discount. These miners, along with a lot of the local population are very poor, so the risk of sneaking out some gold to sell for some quick cash is worth it when you make very little money. However, I have never heard of a business selling their mined gold like this. Behind every successful mining company, one that can produce 50 kilo gold bars a day or even close, is a business man that knows how to get the most out of his mined gold. This story doesn't add up in any way.

That is correct. They own numerous miners. And poor relative. The truth is that your income is better than the average wage in Peru. This large group of miners always produces 50 kilos per day. But what sells the first to offer immediate payment. A great chain involved in this process. Finally, gold reaches Metalor and other international traders. These miners want to escape from this chain. They started installing a small foundry producing bars and 5 kilos. They are represented by Puno Gold mining to launch this offer. If no posotores best, they continue to sell to which comes first. What I want is to find a better option for them. It seems not so simple. But I think at some point will be able to jump. I have some good news. But also your comments encourage me a lot, both good and negative.
To all of you who have realized this is a scam I say thank you. I may be new to this forum and new to the gold recovery methods here but I am not new to the ways of life and I smell the stink of a scam all the way over here to North Carolina, USA.
These people want to pull on your heart strings with a story; in this case a group of miners struggling to make it own their own. I forget the name man who posted on here about the laws and regulations required to make a purchase like this but I would listen to him and listen to your common sense. When you start doing international business (And that means buy or sell to any other country than the one you live in) then you open up a can of worms that you might not be ready for. There are so many rules and restrictions on what you can and can't do. Inspections, customs, not to mention that you also begin to be subject to some of the laws of the other country when you are over there. You can't just go to another county and make a deal like we do with each other here in the US.
If this were anywhere legit they would have samples up front and some kind of structure for shipping and payment already set up within the workings of customs and international shipping laws. I would never touch this deal in any way. If it is legit in any way then this guy has no idea of what is involved in a correct international transaction that protects both parties. That is why just anybody can't do this sort of thing. You have to have international business education and/or experience behind you with the knowledge of people in this kind of trading between another country. If you try to do a deal like this without a legitimate trustworthy shipping company and all the customs laws checked and abide by, and also personally check the quality of the gold you are receiving then I say beware of your fate because if this is legit you are dealing with an amateur at the very least which could end up costing you with terms of international trade that only someone in that business could be prepared to protect the buyer from.
This is just my opinion but I think a lot of others share it. Don't all of you on here have experience in shipping within the US using either UPS or USPS? Have any of you tried international buying and selling on ebay? Just those little transactions can end up troublesome and costly.

My motto is: Always do the research before jumping in with both feet. 8) 8)
I got my claim there just from an add like this. I went and looked and offered to buy the guy out.
The gold looking stuff is well, Gold and the green is copper oxide.




You can be either uber careful or you can take some risk. You will never get rich being uber careful.
Jimmy said:
I got my claim there just from an add like this. I went and looked and offered to buy the guy out.
The gold looking stuff is well, Gold and the green is copper oxide.

You can be either uber careful or you can take some risk. You will never get rich being uber careful.

Consider yourself extremely lucky. Not that I believe everything what people type on internet forums but lets pretend that I believe what you have said.
For every single success like you said you had while taking risk, there are thousands of losers and tragedies.
From thousands of people taking plunge well over 99% will not make it and lose everything.

I will never advise to do business buying or selling gold in kilograms from foreign country from strangers based on ad on discussion forum.
Whoever hold that quantities of gold do not need to look for buyer. They do have buyers lined at their door.
Of course you dont just buy from anyone. Even your neighbor. You do your due dilligence and check them out. You hop on an airplane and go meet them. Buy a sample and inspect it. If it is good, you buy another and inspect it too.

Another thing about business in general. Especially minimg and minerals. Everyone, and I mean everyone wants what you have. It may not be called stealing but still they either want your money or want to short change you in some way. It could be your government wanting 50% of your sales or the local chemical supplier watering down your chemicals. But it happens all the time. You still have to do business. You deal with it and if someone really steals from you you dont do business with them and you move on. Being wary is good. Being paranoid gets you nothing.
Jimmy said:
I got my claim there just from an add like this. I went and looked and offered to buy the guy out.
The gold looking stuff is well, Gold and the green is copper oxide.

You can be either uber careful or you can take some risk. You will never get rich being uber careful.

So did you get rich quick?

Twice in my life, once through international trade, and once via the real estate bubble I have made a very good living, and have watched it slip through my fingers. No matter how careful you are, you can loose it all, even when being very careful and taking only calculated risks.

Getting rich quick? Not unless you win the lottery. Usually it takes a lot of hard work and effort. So I'm curious...

So are you saying you are rich from this claim, at the very least it seems you are insinuating, or leading people to believe this. You purchased it, but have you produced anything? And if so, did that not take a good sum of money to do so? "it takes money to make money" usually. I personally do not know anyone who has taken ridicules risks, such as risking any money on the deal that started this thread, and got rich. But I do know people who have thought they could get rich by taking unreasonable risks and lost it all.

I'm also curious how you can relate your claim, with the claim of the person who originally started this thread. It doesn't make any sense to me at all, the two are mutually exclusive. He is posting about 50kgs of gold, not selling a gold producing claim. You cannot even start to compare the risks of the two. If you test, and prove out your claim before you purchase it you are taking a calculated risk. If you travel to a 3rd world country just on faith, and then again based on faith believe that this transaction is real and will actually happen, legally, and that the gold is real, and will assay that way, and doesn't have lead in the center, and you will be able to bring your gold back into the United States without issues and problems that just sounds, unrealistic, to me.

Fantasies like the deal the poster would have us believe, are for people who cannot face reality.

Do you believe in the Philosophers Stone also? Because this is what this particular deal amounts to so far as I am concerned, a pipe dream, someone ate a mushroom they shouldn't have eaten.

There are so many people sourcing gold in the world, so many people who know what they are doing, travel to places like Peru, and purchase from reputable sellers. How is it these miners cannot find someone willing to pay a fair price, in a country where other people on this thread have stated has a large gold market, and are producing large amounts of gold. Seems like people would flock there to purchase gold, why in the world would people need to be solicited in order to get a fair price?

I have seen way too many of these types of deals being offered in South America and in West African countries. It's pretty much the norm. It's the same words, the same scam, rinse and repeated over and over and over again. There are generations of people who have been exposed to these schemes. I remember the first business I owned, I bought a fax and the first thing that showed up on my fax was an offer from someone in a West African Nation offering to sell me x amount of KGs of alluvial gold dust. The scheme has never changed since but rather become more modern in it's makeup.

Why would you ever encourage someone in the form of your comment "You can be either uber careful or you can take some risk. You will never get rich being uber careful." Would you feel any responsibility at all if someone went to Peru and ended up getting ripped off? Before you write and endorse actions that are way outside the realm of what actually happens in real life, maybe you should really think hard about what you are actually stating. Would you encourage someone who had never used acids before and new nothing of Chemistry, to make up a batch of Aqua Regia to dissolve gold with?

Never does it cease to amaze me how quickly people loose all reason, even when the numbers are way out of line, when it comes to gold.

Lets put this to rest right now!

According to this article by Bloomburg:


Puru will produce 1.6 million ounces of gold in a year.

For the sake of arguing I am assuming this is measured in troy ounces.

1.6 million ounces of gold divided by 365 days in a year = 4383.56 OZt per day.

There are 32.15 OZt in a kilogram. Now keep in mind the person who posted is claiming he represents miners that product 50 kilos PER DAY

So, 4383.56 ounces per day divided by 32.15 OZt per kilogram = 136.4 kilograms of gold, per day.

That amounts to about 37% of the total gold production, per day, this person is claiming the miners he represents produce, per day.

What makes this number impossible to bear is the fact that the largest mine in puru, owned by the 2cd largest gold mining company in the world, produced out of the largest gold mine in Peru 1.46 million OZts of gold last year. That changes all the numbers above in such a way that it makes it glaringly obvious that the post is a lie, the claimed amount is a lie, the person posting this unreal amount of gold per day, is lying. There is just simply no other way to slice or dice it according to the numbers, this post is a lie, utterly a lie, there is no truth to the 50 kilos per day, it's a LIE. I cannot stress or say this enough, everything about this deal stinks, and is a outright LIE!

And if you think otherwise, investigate the numbers like I did, it didn't take too long, I just googled everything.

There are many falacies in your argument and google search.
Yanacocha is not the only mine in Peru. Most of the gold produced dosent even come from Gold mines. It comes from Polymetalic mines that produce copper or Zinc as their main metal. Your 1.3 million OZ is less than this single mine produces. There are dozens of large gold mines such as Yanacocha and littlerally 10's of thousand small and artisinal mines.

Ive operated my mine for 10 years. Did quite well. Still own it and the company. Just about starved the first year living in a rock house, eating rice and chicken.
If you made a lot of money and then blew it, Im sorry to hear that.

Arguing about this is a mute point. My only reason for commeting is trying to point out that there ARE good deals to be found if you are willing to use your brain instead of your googlefu.
Ive lived worked and sweated there. My daughter was born there. I do know the way things work. Your trust of any individual including this guy is up to you. Make your own decisions win or lose.

By the way. I sent him a PM and he never wrote back.

There were lots of extrusions like this:
I don't like arguing, we are on the same page there. And although my post might sound a bit aggressive or insulting, it wasn't my intent.

I dealt in international trade like I have said before, for a decade. I have heard first hand, numerous people being ripped off on deals just exactly like this. Because I do understand that this type of deal is bogus, without a doubt, I feel that I should warn people in the same way that people warn about safety. It's what the forum is all about, making sure that we continue to accumulate correct and exact information to help us all better ourselves.

I also feel that if I am not standing up for something, I might as well fall for anything.

With that being said, that was a cute remark about spending money. I laughed, and I mean that in the best way possible. I didn't fail because I spent money, I walked away from international trade after a large transaction was absconded and I was responsible for paying the brokers involved what I legally was obliged to according to the broker agreements I signed. The person I worked with walked with the money that was suppose to pay them out. And I think we all understand what happened in the real estate market. I want to be clear on this point because I live a simple life, and I don't want people getting the wrong impression about the type of person I am. My reputation as being honest, conservative and trustworthy means a lot to me.

I didn't take offense however because this has afforded me the opportunity to express the type of person I hope other people see me as being. So no harm, no foul and no apology is necessary.

If I did offend you, I apologize, like I said it wasn't my intent. My blunt, say exactly what I think and feel personality has got me into trouble more than a few times but I can assure you I am not here to offend anyone, and so far as this thread is concerned I am just simply stating truth so that the scam artists get the picture and stop trying to scam us here. Every once in awhile there is a rash of these characters on this forum, you can search and see what I mean.

And if I posted incorrect information, please correct me. I would appreciate it. I don't mind criticism or being corrected when I am wrong, it makes me a better person in the end. It's practice for being a better person.

I also think it's great you started from nothing and built something out of it. While attending college, if it wasn't for cup-noodles, I think I would have starved. I understand exactly how that feels. In your case, your risk paid off but I get the feeling that it was well calculated because you do not seem like you are stupid at all.


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