chloroauric acid

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teddy garcia

Well-known member
Dec 24, 2011
hello forumer's
im teddy garcia from the philippines, i want to ask if chloroauric acid has been spilled on a clay surface soil and the soil sip it in and lasted for about a year ,can it still be recovered to gold?
secondly if gold powder ( thru precipitation ) mix in soil can it still be recovered?
thank you very much for explaining in advance !
i see no reason the gold cant be reclaimed if its in a confined space. it may be difficult because of the form it was in, auric chloride from what i understand will convert back to elemental gold in the presence of organics and clay and soil should have alot of organic material.some of the other members may be able to help with a process to reclaim the gold.
Has the soil been rained on over this year period? That would probably affect the answer. I would think that rain would carry the gold away or spread it around.

thanks so much for the answer guys !
i guess i will have to show you the clay that i was pertaining too, it turned rusty colored and i think some precipated gold was stuck in it? i really dont know
but yes sometime it rains.
i just got some history that someone wants to conceale some gold and dissolve it thru aqua regia
and hid it on this small property, i tried digging for it and i found this type of clay?
sounds funny and unbelievable but its true...


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I think if someone was going to hide some "liquid gold" they would have it in a plastic tank to avoid metal detectors finding it. As that is probably their point in hiding it as liquid. I think if it was to leak out it would have a certain smell to it?

Hi Teddy!

Who was processing; what happened, how did it leak; & how much do you think is in the ground?


P.S. Okay, after re-reading, I understand that someone tried to hide the gold by dissolving it. I read that in Europe, during the WWII, gold was dissolved I hidden in plain sight from the the German troops, they couldn't identify the liquid that was in front of them.
i got history that someone wants to conceal a hidden loot bigtime, and afraid that it would be discovered.. but i could not prove it of this time
there are some symbols left buried..
but i got some of them just like this broken glass in which i think a sign og kings water or aqua regia? ( just my own assumption guys )


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Lots of whiskey bottles had crowns on them, I doubt anyone would make a bottle for aqua regia and mark it with a crown. I have old newsletters on treasure hunting that had a book chapter at the end of each. They told of an old guy that hid his gold in "liquid form" tanks underground. I am pretty sure it was fiction, but it made you wonder.

Teddy should have some of the dirt asseyed; the purple color might just be indicating the presence of gold. It would be the way to prove the presence or absence of any PM, I would think...

thanks so much phil and everybody out there, i will try to find people who knew somthing about refining here in the philippines
i already had about 100 sacks of this rusted clay it starts at 40 feet deep and ends at 50 feet and they are a top of a 5 feet thick wooden boards
i also found this symol "deposit" in a broken dark brown reddish bottle..


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Deposit just means that you had to put a certain amount, say 5¢ deposit, that you would get back when you returned the empty bottle.

Could he make a simple test with stannous?
If it was AR, if he takes a clumb of the clay, placed it in a heating vessel,
added some HCl, applied some heat, then stannous test?
Would that give him a clue?

i found some theeth with gold fillings and crown in it..stuck in the clay,i'm not familiar with any chemical treatment to check presence of gold in the clay . besides we are short of technology here in PI , some gold was not attack by the acid i presumed
maybe someones in a hurry back then and not cautious enough to finish the job, i am just wondering if indeed there is chloroauric gold present in the clay would i still be able to recover and pull it out it as metal? is there such a procedure?


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Now that looks better. It seems to give some positive clues. Others with more experience could give you better expert information that I can.

Did you stumble on a hidden grave?

Acid would not have effected the man made porcelain but would have eaten the roots off that tooth.

This is getting very strange.
Teddy, I'm not an expert on testing soil or ores, but, this is what I would do if I was you.
First, find some tin (stannous), no lead in it, 95% tin minimum. Also some hydrochlouric acid, (muriatic).
Take 5grams of stannous & dissolve in 30ml of muriatic acid. This solution is stannous chlouride & it is used to test the presence of precious metals, by dipping a cotton swab into the stannous solution & then in the "suspected solution". Gold will give a purple color, black if gold content is higher.

Now, take a couple of ounces of the clay, break it into powder & place it in a glass coffee pot.
Add muriatic acid until all the powder is under the acid.
Apply heat until a light boil starts, then lower the heat.
At this point, take the cotton swab & dip it in the stannous solution,
then touch the clay solution & tell us the color on the swab tip.

Be careful handling the chemicals!!! They can kill you & you won't be able to enjoy your gold! (If indeed you find any)

Take care & be safe!

Please, GRF experts, could you share your advised!


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