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Will this method work or not?

The question I would ask is not will a method work or not, but do I understand the process and can I make it work, do I understand the process enough to overcome problems when they arise...

Like our other new friend, you are jumping from process to process without learning much before you jump to a new one...

You have not studied the processes enough to learn them.
you are trying to learn on difficult scrap material, instead of gaining experience with some simple material and simple process, studying them well before you begin and following the process through to the end. learning on the simpler materials before trying to learn on more complex scrap, learning how to work safely...

This is like you are trying to teach yourself how to plow but you keep wanting to pull on the mule that will not move, and nobody is holding the plow handle.
Then Cmmon man write and explain the process, I did not see any book you write. We waiting for you and your I :lol:
Then Cmmon man write and explain the process, I did not see any book you write. We waiting for you and your I :lol:

Did you look for what I write?

The books that I write are for my personal use only, I do not publish them, but I have shared (most all) of the more important information they contain here on the forum through discussions and trying to help others learn.

I am a common man, and I have written and explained, not in a book, but here on the forum.

If you wish to read what is not in my book, but on the forum click below:

A good book written by the common man (or woman in this case) is Hoke's book, she wrote it in a way the common man could understand, and she explains the process.

It is not as much about how to do a process, as it is about understanding the process.

The processes can be written out in detail where you could learn to teach any monkey to recover and refine your gold for you.

But unless you have a good understanding of that process, you and the monkey would both be standing over a beaker of dangerous gases and colored salts scratching your heads wondering what went wrong and what to do next with some minor problem.

The written description in a book (a video) cannot cover every little minor difference in chemistry or reaction. it cannot teach you to think and solve problems, it cannot teach you how or why...
That is why we study, not only to learn everything we can about the process, but also so we can understand how and why it works, and how to fix it if it does not...
worker0 said:
Then Cmmon man write and explain the process, I did not see any book you write. We waiting for you and your I :lol:

That seems a bit disrespecting to say to the number one poster of this forum.

I'm waiting for an apology after you have read all his 8995 post to date.

g_axelsson said:
worker0 said:
Then Cmmon man write and explain the process, I did not see any book you write. We waiting for you and your I :lol:

That seems a bit disrespecting to say to the number one poster of this forum.

I'm waiting for an apology after you have read all his 8995 post to date.



I'm a new "member" here. But I have been reading and studying this forum as a guest for over 7 years. In that time I never even opened the first bottle of chemicals. I read, re-read, and read again. And the end result was great! My first time processing electronic scrap went text book perfect. And the first "problem" I ran into I knew exactly how to fix. I haven't had to ask for any help because all the information I need is already here.

And if you took a few days to search the forum you would certainly see that others have done sim cards before. I bet they even have posts that show the troubles they ran into and how they fixed it. I know for a fact that info is here because I read it myself and I have no sim cards to process myself. But the info in those posts have helped me to make decisions about how to process other forms of e-scrap.
I confess It sounds dissrespecting, but also his attitude is a litle bit arrogant.
My advice to you, worker0, is to put your toys away. Read Hoke’s “Refining Precious Metal Wastes”. Read it again. Read it again. Continue until you begin to have an understanding of the processes she describes. Perform the acquaintance experiments described until you have a good practical understanding of each of them.

When you come to a speed bump, or a roadblock, please ask questions.

Additionally, when I do any recovery or refining, I make a flowchart. Illustrated. This helps me respond when something unexpected comes up.

Time for more coffee.
worker0 said:
I confess It sounds dissrespecting, but also his attitude is a litle bit arrogant.

Wrong answer! Butcher is among the most helpful and least arrogant members here. Since Göran was the first moderator to mention it, I'll leave it to him to decide if you stay around.

worker0 said:
I confess It sounds dissrespecting, but also his attitude is a litle bit arrogant.


There are two approaches that can be taken here.

Door number 1.

One is to go into a liberal luvvy huddle and try to work out if your childhood and upbringing contributed to your apparent lack of anything remotely resembling politeness and courtesy, and to see if there were any contributing factors surrounding your comment. Things like maybe a member saying things that led you to be like this, or possibly didn't understand your issues and responded inappropriately. i.e. The apologist approach where nothing ever gets done.

Door number 2.

To inform you that you either make a full apology in public to Butcher otherwise your ass is history forthwith and you lose the chance of this absolutely brilliant place of learning.

I'll take door number two and I know for a fact that most other members would. Then again, my opinion doesn't count but I thought I would put it out there.

Butcher has put forth 14 replies in an effort to help you in this thread alone. Looks to me like you have not even read his last book let alone all the others he has posted on this forum.

Go back read AuPure's post and see what reading the forum can do. I know, I am one of those who learned much from reading the forum before jumping in as well.

AuPure said:

I'm a new "member" here. But I have been reading and studying this forum as a guest for over 7 years. In that time I never even opened the first bottle of chemicals. I read, re-read, and read again. And the end result was great! My first time processing electronic scrap went text book perfect. And the first "problem" I ran into I knew exactly how to fix. I haven't had to ask for any help because all the information I need is already here.

And if you took a few days to search the forum you would certainly see that others have done sim cards before. I bet they even have posts that show the troubles they ran into and how they fixed it. I know for a fact that info is here because I read it myself and I have no sim cards to process myself. But the info in those posts have helped me to make decisions about how to process other forms of e-scrap.

While I enjoy watching new members grow and progress it does have it's limits. Doing things, such as learning by reading free information, is how we help ourselves. It shows that we are trying. We can move up, and even might need to pay for some information later, but that is just an option, all though a good option at times. I used to tell people to read until it hurt then read it again, I still stand by that today. We have a saying around here that goes, "never look a gift horse in the mouth", and that goes doubly for the horse that is trying to get you to your destination.
Im done with reading Hoke's book for first time ( app. 20 days ago). And decided to try, To be honest, I did not know that some topics exist even if Im allready searched for them on this forum, I found them by going from page to page ( probably keyword or my mistake ).
I have no problem with you, and I can understand your frustration.
You think what we do is easy, and that it should be easy to learn, well it is not easy, and most all of us here on the forum have spent years to learn, and we have also spent years trying to help new members like you with what we have learned,

We spend our time studying, we also spend our time learning the dangers.

When I tell you that you do not know what you are doing and you should stop and study, it is only the truth it is and my attempt to get you to see that what you are doing is dangerous, it takes years to learn how to recover and refine gold, and the more you spend your time studying the faster you learn.

Read Hokes book again, and again, over and over, you will not understand much after reading it for the first time, we may have to read it over before we understand it, You will be learning a new language and at first will not understand much, but the more you study the more you will gain in understanding and before you know it the light bulbs will light up for you.

I also apologize for my bedside manners, my comments are not to degrade you, they are my attempt to help or steer you in a direction where you can better help yourself.

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