Fume Hood, Will it work?

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spaceships said:
If I may be so bold to the OP. I think that to try and scrub both the fumes from your fume hood along with the fumes from your processing in one system is a little ambitious, and unnecessary.

You'd be better served splitting the two.

This is my thinking. Get the right tool for the job at hand.

I don't see a need to scrub every cubic inch of air in the fume hood 100% of the time. (Unless you are setting up a large scale commercial operation of course.)

You only need to scrub what is coming off any digestion/reaction vessel while it's in operation, then feed the scrubbed outflow from the scrubber into the general hood exhaust.
Rick I tell you what annoys me.

People come and ask for advice and in many cases when they are told something that they don't want to hear- they just disappear (probably ignoring the advice completely to boot.) Even worse they ignore the posts they don't want to hear and only acknowledge those that might fit into their view of things.

In this particular case professional refiners (I don't include myself in this) have stated that for a home user this plan is impractical and too expensive, and maybe a different approach is required. However every post where this is stated is completely ignored. Do people really think that the "pros" are stupid and that they know better?

From a personal perspective and after having spent my time trying to help, I find this (respectfully) to be completely ignorant.
I agree sometimes that is the case, sometimes too often, and it can be frustrating for those trying to help, and dangerous or unprofitable for the offenders.

We can also give the benefit of doubt.

In this case it can be more of not understanding, or needing someone to say things differently before it clicks, or that light bulb comes on, I think in this case studying would help to answer most of the questions, give a better understanding of what is needed, then questions would also be more in line, and the answers would also make more sense, having at least a basic understanding of what is needed to build the system, and a better understanding of questions and answers needed along the way.

There seems to be a lot of work and planning going into this system,which is good, but I also think he just needs to learn to hitch his horse in front of the cart, before going to town on it.
Study and then make the plans.
yes Butcher, i agree.

what the OP needs to do is not over think things, its great that they want to scrub everything but its not needed

its like looking for your glasses for an hour then remembering that there on your head :oops:

take 2 steps back, make a sandwich do something different & the thoughts will come on there own. forcing a thought sometimes makes it harder to think

climb outside the box, take a deep breath & next thing you know you will be building your hood.
Part of what makes this forum so good is that there is such a wide range of experience all looking at the topic, any topic, from a different perspective. From that come some very good and fresh ideas.

As far as the chemistry of refining goes, the new "discoveries" come to the group because of the same diversity or from the lack of ability to acquire the required chemicals. This is all good and it helps all who read and follow these threads to be more diverse.

But for something like a hood and scrubber, there are alternatives, all of which have been tried and proven or disproven. At this point its like re-inventing the wheel. It can't get any more efficient than round!
spaceships said:
Rick I tell you what annoys me.

People come and ask for advice and in many cases when they are told something that they don't want to hear- they just disappear (probably ignoring the advice completely to boot.) Even worse they ignore the posts they don't want to hear and only acknowledge those that might fit into their view of things.

In this particular case professional refiners (I don't include myself in this) have stated that for a home user this plan is impractical and too expensive, and maybe a different approach is required. However every post where this is stated is completely ignored. Do people really think that the "pros" are stupid and that they know better?

From a personal perspective and after having spent my time trying to help, I find this (respectfully) to be completely ignorant.

I am currently rethinking my design hence why I have not replied yet. I have taken everything on board. I am not ignorant. Allegedly I think pro's are stupid which is definitely not the case. No disrespect on my part.
Thanks for the reply Intel, look forwards to seeing your re thought out design.

IntelGold, have you looked at the Fume Hood Guide?

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