Alegiance said:
and can i just use the chisel alone without hammer to remove this chips ?
because i cannot make so much noise in my appartement.
I use a thin metallic awl.... a couple taps with a hammer is usually enough to get it to seperate from the board enough to pry it appart.
I did not see where you mentioned anything about the chemical aspect of refining the gold, but thak is indeed a GIANT no-no to do in the house. But even the aspect of the physical seperation would be inadvisable to do in the hosue. Here are a list of my safty concerns concerning the seperation and grinding.
fiberglass - fine particles from tearing the bottom away from the top deffinitly go airborne.
solder balls - aside from containing a small bit of lead, they tend to scatter. they will get all over, so make sure you can clean up the area
Grinding (if you chose to go this route)
ultra fine particulate - the ash from burning/grinding is extreamly fine... it passes through my finest sieves, so it is at maximum 100um. you need to grind the material very fine to release all the gold wire.
silcon fragments - if you grind, the silicon chips will fragment in to tiny shards... look up silisosis (very similar to the effects of asbestos)
gold fines - if you grind up the chip to a powder, you will also grind up the wires very fine too... you have to have a way of recovering this, and its not easy. I dare say that the majority share of gold will end up like this if you grind.
In short, you have to make sure you have very good ventilation and/or a respirator. Outside in a garage would be a good place to do this. I also think it would be a very good idea to have a good set of goggles to keep thd fine dust our of your eyes too....I have started to use one becasue I can feel the grit in my eyes after dealing with dust.