Having an issue with Ralph Mathes AKA 'Palladium' / Aquilla Refining

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There's probably something quite wrong with Ralph if he's not responding. Actually sending a certified mail receipt requested letter might be a good move to check on his welfare.

He doesn't seem like the guy to care overmuch on 74 ounces of silver. Boy, I wish that was the least I'd gotten hosed for in this industry...
There's probably something quite wrong with Ralph if he's not responding. Actually sending a certified mail receipt requested letter might be a good move to check on his welfare.

He doesn't seem like the guy to care overmuch on 74 ounces of silver. Boy, I wish that was the least I'd gotten hosed for in this industry...
In one of his videos he spoke of having battle cancer. That will take a lot out of a person. I speak from experience for I have battled the cancer demon 3 time, so far have kicked its butt 3 times. But some are less fortunate. I have wondering about how to get his dvd kit he talks about. Hope for the for both of you guys.
In one of his videos he spoke of having battle cancer. That will take a lot out of a person. I speak from experience for I have battled the cancer demon 3 time, so far have kicked its butt 3 times. But some are less fortunate. I have wondering about how to get his dvd kit he talks about. Hope for the for both of you guys.

Ralph and I spoke at length early on in this process, if I'm not mistaken he was over the cancer. I sincerely hope he's in good health.

Let's just hope it's something stupid and all will be well soon. Maybe he smacked someone and caught a charge? Lol
There's probably something quite wrong with Ralph if he's not responding. Actually sending a certified mail receipt requested letter might be a good move to check on his welfare.

He doesn't seem like the guy to care overmuch on 74 ounces of silver. Boy, I wish that was the least I'd gotten hosed for in this industry...

I agree. He strikes me as the kinda guy who wouldn't trade his integrity for something so meager.
Ralph and I spoke at length early on in this process, if I'm not mistaken he was over the cancer. I sincerely hope he's in good health.

Let's just hope it's something stupid and all will be well soon. Maybe he smacked someone and caught a charge? Lol
I speak from experience cancer can return with a vengeance. I have had to battle the cancer demon 3 times, hopefully 3rd time is a charm. I'm fortunate either to be able to be here to speak about.
I hope Ralph is in good health. I was interested in his kit and dvd set he talked about in some of his videos.
I speak from experience cancer can return with a vengeance. I have had to battle the cancer demon 3 times, hopefully 3rd time is a charm. I'm fortunate either to be able to be here to speak about.
I hope Ralph is in good health. I was interested in his kit and dvd set he talked about in some of his videos.


Is anyone able to reach out to him via some other means?
Starting to get quite pissed off to be honest. I have half a mind to hop in the car and make an appearance.
Just discovered he blocked me on YouTube. What the actual ?!+&?
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Thanks everyone who shared kind words via PM.

Unfortunately there is no update. I've been swamped with my business and haven't dedicated the time to pursue the next step. I'm a lot more irritated about it now, so eventually I'll end up doing something.

Is anyone in the Alabama area able to pay him a personal visit and attempt a recovery? I might even share part of what's recovered if it goes down. If nobody is able/down to help out I'm going to be filing a complaint with the FTC, and possibly his local police department for grand theft.

I must say I'm rather disappointed with how some folks have only made excuses for Ralph or offered some fairytale rationale for his behavior. There is no excuse for bad business, let alone outright theft.

Ralph, if you're reading this you picked the wrong guy to steal from buddy ;) Is it really worth ruining your reputation over $1500? Give me what is rightfully mine without a fuss and I might even do you a solid and delete my thread.
Thanks everyone who shared kind words via PM.

Unfortunately there is no update. I've been swamped with my business and haven't dedicated the time to pursue the next step. I'm a lot more irritated about it now, so eventually I'll end up doing something.

Is anyone in the Alabama area able to pay him a personal visit and attempt a recovery? I might even share part of what's recovered if it goes down. If nobody is able/down to help out I'm going to be filing a complaint with the FTC, and possibly his local police department for grand theft.

I must say I'm rather disappointed with how some folks have only made excuses for Ralph or offered some fairytale rationale for his behavior. There is no excuse for bad business, let alone outright theft.

Ralph, if you're reading this you picked the wrong guy to steal from buddy ;) Is it really worth ruining your reputation over $1500? Give me what is rightfully mine without a fuss and I might even do you a solid and delete my thread.
I'm worried for him.
He has not replied to any means of contact I have tried.
I'm worried for him.
He has not replied to any means of contact I have tried.
I'm not. He's alive and well enough to delete my inquiries on his YouTube channel and block me so that only confirms his intent to be a thief/scammer/liar/swindler/con-artist, etc.
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I'm not. He's alive and well enough to delete my inquiries on his YouTube channel and block me so that only confirms his intent to be a scumbag.
Please refrain from that kind of language.
As I said, on my side I have been met by complete silence.
The reason why I can not speculate.
I must say I'm rather disappointed with how some folks have only made excuses for Ralph or offered some fairytale rationale for his behavior. There is no excuse for bad business, let alone outright theft.

Ralph, if you're reading this you picked the wrong guy to steal from buddy ;) Is it really worth ruining your reputation over $1500? Give me what is rightfully mine without a fuss and I might even do you a solid and delete my thread.
let me say first: I'm very sorry for you this issue has not been resolved yet.

Please stay polite and refrain from character murder.
Everyone is innocent until proven.

Your deal with Ralph is between the two of you, there can be lots of reasons, which we don't know, possibly you including. You could be telling only part of what happened. Not to defend him, but everybody's rights and privacy here.
This seems to be a way to vent grief lately.
I would prefer issues like this to be taken out of the public realm and into a closed disussion with admins and mod's.

It seems to be more about getting back at a private person/ hobbyist and disclosing personal info than seeking help in a civilized way.

Like these posts: has too much personal info that I don't know if the owner wants to be disclosed or has before. Can this be better guarded on this forum?
Privacy means a lot to me.
This sounds like the same issue i have with Eric Tackett ..... aka etack aka dayton recycling . Please beware. I have never sent him a signature required notification letter. I do wonder if he has been institutionalized as well. He hasn't answered or responded to text or emails in two years now. He has fallen off the face of the earth; (he could be ralph for all i know) - i have never met Ralph, although Ralph does have a distinct dialect.

Erics's email address should have been enough of send off warning form me Eric Tackett <[email protected]> I would highly recommend not doing business with him. I do have his address and should i be in dayton area i may pay a visit as Macfixer01 suggests. I allowed him to stay at my home also. He picked up a van load of tantalum and gold bearing material. I still have the pics and I can share all the emails he sent to me with all of you if you are interested. At first the emails did not make sense.

However, he brought me .08 lb of AU after his first visit or little over 1.1 t/oz. He said, the rest was still being processed from first materials he took.

Then he picked up more material --- i let the material travel with him because he gave to me a token of his work. What a scam artist. I have given him at least 32 degrees of chances. Any of you that are "traveling men" understand what I am saying.. Lots of chances to contact me - never on a public forum however - where he has tried to conduct business before with some of you. So please heed my warning.

I have texted ralph. No response from him to me either. I told him I was here to help. I sincerely meant the text i sent to him. But alas,... he has not gotten back to me either. I have never wanted to take the ugly steps.

Interesting, well I’m glad I never did any business with Eric. He contacted me on Facebook Messenger back in January 2021 and we texted a few times. He seemed really flaky. He claimed to be looking for a higher amperage power supply for his silver processing cell. But after I presented several options to him, there was always some reason it wouldn’t work for him, or just didn’t reply. I wondered what his malfunction was, and remember looking at his Facebook profile. I realized I didn’t like his politics much, maybe he did the same? 🤣

Anyway I just looked and I still have him in my list of contacts in Messenger. His status there says that he’s active right now? I’m tempted to ask him about this, but it’s really none of my business I guess. I was going to suggest mentioning this issue on Jeff Massey‘s Facebook group since I thought Eric was still a member there, and that’s how he got ahold of me. It doesn’t look like he’s a member there anymore now though, he doesn’t turn up in the group search anyway. He still shows up in Facebook’s General search though.


Just go by and demand your property back. (if you have proof it is yours, which you should have secured)

Lastly: when YOU do business with someone private, YOU are taking the risk and YOU should have taken steps to ensure YOUR goods and interests are secured.

So my question to the forum owners: is this allowed? Is this breaking privacy rules?

Are we allowing this type of "help" pleads loaded with personal info and accusations?

Geo followed through with Poudouche, right? Remember the things he was called? Was all that correct looking back? We can do better.

Please have the respect for others as you would want it.

Please refrain from that kind of language.
As I said, on my side I have been met by complete silence.
The reason why I can not speculate.
Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me fix that.

My remark was an earned, warranted, and accurate assessment.

You're a moderator. Why are you policing my speech while allowing a member who has been outed as a thief/scammer to remain on the forum?

Rather disgusting how other members who attempted to offer advice in this thread were sent PM's telling them to stay out of it instead of taking ANY action or offering some kind of worthwhile assistance in the matter. And you guys have the guts to beg for money in my inbox over and over? HAH! Disgraceful.
I'm not. He's alive and well enough to delete my inquiries on his YouTube channel and block me so that only confirms his intent to be a thief/scammer/liar/swindler/con-artist, etc.
You are crossing the line here. from this point imo Palladium does not have to answer anything or give anything back to you. Do you have proof? Without crossing anymore lines, forum rules or violating his privacy??

Anyway i reported you and suggested an time out or a ban.

Oh, I'm so sorry. Let me fix that.

My remark was an earned, warranted, and accurate assessment.

You're a moderator. Why are you policing my speech while allowing a member who has been outed as a thief/scammer to remain on the forum?

Rather disgusting how other members who attempted to offer advice in this thread were sent PM's telling them to stay out of it instead of taking ANY action or offering some kind of worthwhile assistance in the matter. And you guys have the guts to beg for money in my inbox over and over? HAH! Disgraceful.
I have tried to contact Ralph a few times in the latest couple of years, both before and after your initial post of your grievance with him.
No answer so far, he was on the forum last in February I think, at least his account was active then.

When it goes for your dealings with him that is entirely a thing between the two of you,
the Forum can not intervene and have no powers in such dealings.

As for slandering another member in the public, we do not like that much as we only see one side of the story.
The solution is to either get in physical contact or take it through the legal system as far as I see it.

I assume you have the proof of ownership to the material and all things needed.
let me say first: I'm very sorry for you this issue has not been resolved yet.

Please stay polite and refrain from character murder.
Everyone is innocent until proven.

Your deal with Ralph is between the two of you, there can be lots of reasons, which we don't know, possibly you including. You could be telling only part of what happened. Not to defend him, but everybody's rights and privacy here.
This seems to be a way to vent grief lately.
I would prefer issues like this to be taken out of the public realm and into a closed disussion with admins and mod's.

It seems to be more about getting back at a private person/ hobbyist and disclosing personal info than seeking help in a civilized way.

Like these posts: has too much personal info that I don't know if the owner wants to be disclosed or has before. Can this be better guarded on this forum?
Privacy means a lot to me.

Just go by and demand your property back. (if you have proof it is yours, which you should have secured)

Lastly: when YOU do business with someone private, YOU are taking the risk and YOU should have taken steps to ensure YOUR goods and interests are secured.

So my question to the forum owners: is this allowed? Is this breaking privacy rules?

Are we allowing this type of "help" pleads loaded with personal info and accusations?

Geo followed through with Poudouche, right? Remember the things he was called? Was all that correct looking back? We can do better.

Please have the respect for others as you would want it.

Stop the nonsense. He's blocked my cell, refused to correspond via email, deleted my questions on YouTube, and blocked me there as well. How much more proof of guilt do you need? A mugshot?

there can be lots of reasons, which we don't know, possibly you including. You could be telling only part of what happened.
How dare you speculate that I might 'possibly' be a reason for the thievery. That's sinking low, pal.

You could be telling only part of what happened. Not to defend him, but everybody's rights and privacy here.
Now you want to bring into question my honesty........ when I'm the one who was stolen from? What is WRONG with you?!?!?!

everybody's rights and privacy here.
It is a publicly registered business with himself listed as the chief executive officer. That is public information, nothing private about it.

I would prefer issues like this to be taken out of the public realm and into a closed disussion with admins and mod's.
The fact that all the controlling entities of this forum have done thus far is attempted to excuse, pander, and minimize the LITERAL criminality of this man is plain awful. Of course you want it removed from the public eye, your buddy is eating an accountability sandwich that he made for himself. Let him deal with it rather than attempt to silence the victim.

It seems to be more about getting back at a private person/ hobbyist and disclosing personal info than seeking help in a civilized way.
Nonsense, complete and utter waffle. Anyone with an IQ north of room temperature can deduce the tone of concern in my writings in the beginning. Of course, as time progressed the intent was evident. That's not my problem. As for personal info, none have been disclosed. Ralph is a business owner, and all the information shared is public information.

Privacy means a lot to me.
Lol. Not getting my property stolen means a lot to me.

Just go by and demand your property back. (if you have proof it is yours, which you should have secured)
Ah, yes. Let me just put my life on hold while I travel hundreds of miles across multiple states in pursuit of a man I don't even have a picture of in the hopes of maybe not ending up further in the negative. How am I supposed to recover property that's been dissolved in acid? You cannot be serious.........

Lastly: when YOU do business with someone private, YOU are taking the risk and YOU should have taken steps to ensure YOUR goods and interests are secured.
Uuuuh, that's not how the law works buddy. YOU need to take a step back and reflect. YOU're off in lala land, pal.

So my question to the forum owners: is this allowed? Is this breaking privacy rules?

Are we allowing this type of "help" pleads loaded with personal info and accusations?
I love how your concern for me sharing public information and appealing to the peers of the perpetrator is of far greater concern to you than the crime alleged. Do you not see how backwards that is?

We can do better.

Please have the respect for others as you would want it.
If that's true, I've yet to see it. Respect for others? I find it highly disrespectful that all you and many others have done is attempt to put the brakes on further discussion and resolution when I am the one who was wronged. How can you even write that with a straight face while moments before you insinuated that I could somehow even remotely be at fault here.

Absolutely shameful! Shame on you. Put yourself in my shoes and take a good look in the mirror and stop trying to protect your friend. If you're not going to offer assistance, at least take your foot off my back and stay out of it.
As far as I read, there's no reason to not give an answer for that long. You should do all that is in your power to find truth and maybe teach/learn a lesson.

I find it a disgrace that someone can make money on youtube while stealing from others.
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