Hello, New here, think I made a mistake..

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i searched the net & found this:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crash out&defid=2726261

i just want to say i have a very limited formal education (grade 7) & i found it much more simple a process then you are finding it.

sometimes you need to forget about how school teaches you "how to think" & just listen to simple instruction.

as an apprentice in the construction business (many years ago) i was told to keep my eyes open, my ears open & my mouth shut.
not to mean that we should not ask questions but to mean to listen to those that have done it for years & not interrupt while your learning something new.

everyone here is helping you & its like you are arguing about it.........
by the way, i mix my AR 3 parts hcl + 1 part HNO3
Pantherlikher said:
My bad.
As a novice in this field I did not see Sodium Nitrate when you wrote it. I saw Nitrate/Nitric... We use Sodium Nitrate do describe Poor man's AR to avoid the confusion.
But he also said 1 part HCl to 4 parts nitrate. It might have been simply a typo but could also have been a catastrophic mess. The devil is in the details.
Anybody who doesn't understand why we use the AP method hasn't done enough reading. I've spent too much of my time reading this post already. If he knows what he's doing, what's he doing here? We should be learning from him.

Einstein said it best. The only difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits (or something like that).
Barren Realms 007 said:
pu_239 said:
I am not sure if you're sharing your experience, but you start out with a "practical exercise" and say "input should be interesting at least" implying you're looking for my input on maximizing profit. Not sure if you're asking a question or making a comment. It appears you're asking question.

So to answer it, what/how I would do with ram to maximize a profit. I would ideally, crush everything(seen people mention this) in to a fine powder. Then separate all the metals one by one. Get whatever palladium, rubidium, gold, silver(found silver in my ram which was cool), copper, and sell each thing individually. For a least experienced person, I would just do the A.P. method as directed, and sell the boards.

Make a program that back calculates everything. How much gold did you recover from your first run, how many lbs did you use? How much gold did you get for pound of ram? then from there determine a price that you're willing to pay per pound to make a profit. This is what my program i made does, i also input the current market value of gold and the program adjust accordingly of how much I should pay.

I am all ears if "crushing everything" doesn't work out well. It was something i saw someone said and it peaked my interest. If it doesn't work well I wouldn't like to know, and why it doesn't? Is it due to lack of knowledge/experience, or something else?

Sorry folks I can't resist this.

1. You can't tell by the tone of the comment that he is screwing with you because you lack the experience to tell the difference. You are ass-u-me-ing something in the way you read the post. This is what a degree gets you now days.

2. Crushing RAM. All that get's you is a pile of trash. The material needs to be pulverized to be effective in any solution.

3. (seen people mention this) Please do some more searching on the forum for the correct terminology. Here is a good place to do your searches from http://www.goldrecovery.us.

4. rubidium. Now that is a new discovery that I haven't herd of I'll have to see how much of that I can recover and see if I can find a market for it.

5. can you do a ladder diagram to outline how you will separate each of the different metals?

6. How did you determine that you found silver in your RAM? This should be interesting to hear.

7. For a least experienced person, I would just do the A.P. method as directed I feel strongly that this is above your education level to understand this process.

8. and sell the boards Do you have a buyer lined out? If not send me a PM and I'll give you a price on the blank stick's.

9. Make a program that back calculates everything. How much gold did you recover from your first run, how many lbs did you use? How much gold did you get for pound of ram? then from there determine a price that you're willing to pay per pound to make a profit. This is what my program i made does, i also input the current market value of gold and the program adjust accordingly of how much I should pay.

I think you should post a copy of this program so everyone will have access to it so we won't loose money.

10. I am all ears if "crushing everything" doesn't work out well. It was something i saw someone said and it peaked my interest. If it doesn't work well I wouldn't like to know, and why it doesn't? Is it due to lack of knowledge/experience, or something else?

I feel that is the problem you are currently having now that is causing the issues you are having with following direction's.

This is what a college education get's you now day's. Lack of respect for people that are older and more experienced than you are. The lack of patience to learn anything because they feel since they have gotten a higher degree of education they know it all (oh wait that is what I put up with from my 17 year old son that is taking college courses while in high school).

That twinkle in your eye is your life expetency on this forum unless you learn some humility and listen to what the members are trying to tell you.

Sorry Mod's I tried to keep quiet. My rant is over.

2. Pulverize, crush same thing. There are "Degrees" of crushing, highly crushed is pulverized.

4. Spell check...

5. Sure, it's below the horizontal line. Above the line is my organic chemistry homework i am doing. It's above general chemistry(which gold refining is) so i am sure it's above your education, but the seperation looks something like this. I think you mean "flow chart" not ladder diagram(terminology)

6. Look at number 5

7. I highly disagree...

8. Yes I have a buyer, boardsort.com 5 dollars per lbs last time i checked. If you can beat that, then sure i'll sell them to you.

9. I have to be 100% sure it's bug free if I decided to release it.

Above the "BIDDING!" I entered the price of gold, listing price, mass It tells me how much i will spend, how much i will make (based on feed back of other members of how much gold is in 1lbs of ram) etc... It tells me my % profit near the end. YOu can get 50lbs or 1lbs, paying a vastly different prices. How do you know if it's a good deal or not? By the %. You can get a 150% profit if someone is selling 1lbs at a good price, you can get -150% profit if someone is selling a lot of ram and IT LOOKS like a good price, but in reality it's not.

The bidding section tells me the max i should pay for that lot(if i was bidding). It also calculations shipping and handling for shipping the boards to boardsort.com

Respect is a 2 way street, who's on who's case right now? Thank you

P.S. all B.S. aside, since we're both members of the forums, If you can "meet" the price of boardsort.com, I'll sell them to you.

ETA, i am looking at the % profit of the program, it's funky. 1 is really 100%, but that doesn't make sense, I think i made some quick last minute changes which i didn't check it out fully, but everything else should be working fine.
4. Spell check...

5. Sure, it's below the horizontal line. Above the line is my organic chemistry homework i am doing. It's above general chemistry(which gold refining is) so i am sure it's above your education, but the seperation looks something like this.

How to win friends and influence people.

People are good at different things. There are people in this forum whose spelling is pretty ordinary, but are damned good refiners. I'd rather listen to someone who can really refine but ain't so good at word-spellin', than one who merely knows there/they're/their and how to correctly place a semicolon. While you think about that, mister incorrect capitalisation of first person pronouns, yes your chemistry is well above my year 8 education. But there are real (i.e., not at school) chemists and physicists here, to whom I expect that sort of remark is probably really insulting.

While some others here are bailing out, I've been happy to assist you as I can with my limited experience. I've been a bit spoon-fed here so feel obligated to pass that to the next generation of would-be refiners, like yourself. You could be the smartest man in the world and one day a great refiner. But you're doing your dash and I suggest a pulling in of your head might be in order.

PS: Separation. Pot / kettle.
Once again, thanks for the replies and feed back everyone, i do understand constructive criticism, so no offense has been taken.

Butcher, you have been helpful.

Okay, thanks for the link. I do agree I should have thought things out more thoroughly, I just jumped right in.

Okay, maybe I've been too impatient with you. Maybe you aren't lost anyway.

Since you said, you know the special culture of forums in general, be aware of, that this forum is not like any other forum. Every fool is able to nuke some gold in 4:1AR. Dissolving gold and precipitate it with the least effort, gaining the highest purity with fewest steps, leaving you with less or no waste, having the least losses and introducing the least danger - this is the art of this craft. This is, how to impress us. I appreciate you are able to perform a complete qualitative and quantitative cation assay. All my pupils could. It is not much worth for refining. If I had something to give for a toll refining, I would rather give it to any one-year-autodidact forum member without a high school degree, but who has listened and showed respect to the senior members. You wouldn't even be my choice at all. Your degree does not impress me at all, you could have a Ph.D. or Sc.D., it wouldn't make a difference. I do not ask my doc to repair my car.

Did you read this:
In fact, I wonder you weren't banned, yet.

Your chemical assumptions and the way you think reminds me pretty much of the way I looked at the subject of refining before I came here. Understand that cobber II chloride leach isn't just copper II chloride, but it will behave differently depending on concentration, ORP and pH. As another example, silver chloride, almost insoluble in plain water, but pretty soluble in high chloride concentration. By the way, do you know the dangers involved, when complexing silver chloride with ammonia? I hope you do and I hope you know how to treat this solution safely. Even some chemists on the board avoid introducing ammonia to their waste stream, because it is an accident waiting to happen. The msds is a minimum safety approach, it will not protect you. It is a must, but it is a must, too, to read and know a process in all details. Introducing any other step or chemical makes it possible suddenly to have a big surprise. You don't want to have this big surprise outside a real laboratory that is laid out to those dangers. First read and learn from others. Then, when you know the process in all details and have researched and thought over it for weeks, you might modify the setting with great respect and cautiously expecting the unexpected, preventing any greater harm. 1ml HNO3 might burn your desk, 1l can kill you easily in several ways, even though you use your sweet minimum protection gear.

One of the first things I got to learn here is that nothing is as it seems. Expect variables affecting the processes, that you even can't imagine, yet.

I hope you get the right turn, because I really believe a biological chemist could be an enrichment to the board, ...at least when he first put his childish chemistry set aside and started to search and read the posts of real professionals before doing anything else. This is not a game, but until now you are just playing.

Doing so, listening, searching, reading, you will laugh and shake your head about your first posts.

edit: Spell check yourself, before saying so to others, - your posts are full of mistakes, pu_239!
necromancer said:
i searched the net & found this:
http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=crash out&defid=2726261

i just want to say i have a very limited formal education (grade 7) & i found it much more simple a process then you are finding it.

sometimes you need to forget about how school teaches you "how to think" & just listen to simple instruction.

as an apprentice in the construction business (many years ago) i was told to keep my eyes open, my ears open & my mouth shut.
not to mean that we should not ask questions but to mean to listen to those that have done it for years & not interrupt while your learning something new.

everyone here is helping you & its like you are arguing about it.........
by the way, i mix my AR 3 parts hcl + 1 part HNO3

The term i always heard by my professors is "crash out." That's part of the problem, "what instructions am I given?" I pretty much documents what I have been doing on this post. The only thing i heard was wrong was heating the solution to high the CuCl2. I was told it would "Dissolve" the gold. Which didn't make much sense to me, but the physicist mentioned what is going on. Which makes sense to some degree, but... it's a bit extreme. I mean even water dissolves gold to some level. It's very very tiny bit. For example, AgCl(s) appears to be insoluble. But it's not, AgCl has a disassociation constant of 1.8x10^-10. This means for every gram of AgCl(s) it will produce 0.00000000010 grams of Ag+ and Cl-. Pretty much everything breaks up in water to some degree. So i am not sure if he was over stating what he said, it might be completely insignificant.

People have been saying the CuCl2 solution dissolves gold if too much H2O2 is added. Which hasn't been stated clearly. What do they mean it "dissolves" the gold? Do they mean the gold foils break up in to smaller pieces. Or does it Go to AgCl4- ? If it does go to AgCl4-, I tested it with SnCl2... the test came back negative. The only way this will be true, and the statement "gold dissolves" is if the gold foils are just broken up in to extremely tiny pieces that they can pass through the filter... If that's the case, then I'll just get tighter filter paper. No big deal. So At this moment, I don't know what's really going on with that statement, I will look more at the issue in depth later.

Maybe now people can understand my point of view. I see people say things that simply don't make sense to me. I could be wrong about some of the things, I don't deny that. I have to personally look in to the issue myself.

As I mentioned my major is biochemistry/chemistry, I also mentioned above I have lost over 192lbs, health and fitness has been a big part of my life. For over 20+ yrs I read/heard things that i absolutely believed to be correct. Now since i am in the field of science, I go look at the scientific literature and find out that 90% of the things said where complete non-sense. They "sound good" they "make sense" but in reality, they're just non-sense. The same thing can be going on here. No offense to anyone, but it's a possibility. At this moment, I m going based on what i know to be correct about chemistry. That can be why people think "i am not listening" Until I have the time to verify the claims that I have seen here, I will keep on doing what I am doing. I am getting the results I want just fine at the moment.

I am a little bit rusty in my general chem 2(which this subject is), and I also have ADD which causes me to make mistakes in calculations and things of that sort. I have always been really good at the science of chemistry, but to sit down and do the calculations, I can do them, I am decent with it, but my down fall with it all is the ADD. And no, it's not the math, I am in calculus 3 at the moment, so math isn't an issue for me. It's just "misreading" or "miswriting/speaking"(which has been apparent here).
No, chloride and H2O2 dissolve gold, just as any other halide if there is an oxidating environment. Göran was not overstating. We actually you those processes to dissolve gold under some circumstances.

SnCl2 will most often give a false negative or a quickly disappearing reaction or a later reaction, when the oxidizer is gone.
solar_plasma said:
Once again, thanks for the replies and feed back everyone, i do understand constructive criticism, so no offense has been taken.

Butcher, you have been helpful.

Okay, thanks for the link. I do agree I should have thought things out more thoroughly, I just jumped right in.

Okay, maybe I've been too impatient with you. Maybe you aren't lost anyway.

Since you said, you know the special culture of forums in general, be aware of, that this forum is not like any other forum. Every fool is able to nuke some gold in 4:1AR. Dissolving gold and precipitate it with the least effort, gaining the highest purity with fewest steps, leaving you with less or no waste, having the least losses and introducing the least danger - this is the art of this craft. This is, how to impress us. I appreciate you are able to perform a complete qualitative and quantitative cation assay. All my pupils could. It is not much worth for refining. If I had something to give for a toll refining, I would rather give it to any one-year-autodidact forum member without a high school degree, but who has listened and showed respect to the senior members. You wouldn't even be my choice at all. Your degree does not impress me at all, you could have a Ph.D. or Sc.D., it wouldn't make a difference. I do not ask my doc to repair my car.

Did you read this:
In fact, I wonder you weren't banned, yet.

Your chemical assumptions and the way you think reminds me pretty much of the way I looked at the subject of refining before I came here. Understand that cobber II chloride leach isn't just copper II chloride, but it will behave differently depending on concentration, ORP and pH. As another example, silver chloride, almost insoluble in plain water, but pretty soluble in high chloride concentration. By the way, do you know the dangers involved, when complexing silver chloride with ammonia? I hope you do and I hope you know how to treat this solution safely. Even some chemists on the board avoid introducing ammonia to their waste stream, because it is an accident waiting to happen.

One of the first things I got to learn here is that nothing is as it seems. Expect variables affecting the processes, that you even can't imagine, yet.

I hope you get the right turn, because I really believe a biological chemist could be an enrichment to the board, ...at least when he first put his childish chemistry set aside and started to search and read the posts of real professionals before doing anything else. This is not a game, but until now you are just playing.

Doing so, listening, searching, reading, you will laugh and shake your head about your first posts.

edit: Spell check yourself, before saying so to others, - your posts are full of mistakes, pu_239!

I asked my professor the other day, "What makes a good organic chemist?" He simply stated, "Doing things quickly, minimal steps, and high yield." Pretty much what you said. That's what I am striving for with the gold. This is one of the reasons why i have been complaining, "it takes to long." Safety is a big part of all this of course. I invited my friend to join me over the winter break with this gold refining. Now that I have done it, no... not going to invite her. I have experienced some of the dangers/risks involved. I can get help/feed back here, but ultimately, it's just me by myself. If something goes wrong, I need to know how to handle it. There is no one here to correct my mistakes. If a reaction doesn't go as expected, no one to really help me clean it up, it's all on me and what i know.

As I said i added some water to the CuCl2 solution to wash, then the solution turned white. Confused me a bit, but then I thought it must be silver chloride, but i was kind of confused because It's insoluble for the most part.I thought maybe the dilution of the acid cause AgCl to form. Which makes some sense, this was just verified by you as well. You stated, "As another example, silver chloride, almost insoluble in plain water, but pretty soluble in high chloride concentration." It appears this is what happened.

I am well aware that obstacles can/will arise. I just need to know how to handle them. I tried to dry my gold powder in the beaker, i evaporated the water off, and it like got stuck to the beaker. It was difficult to get it off. What i ended up doing(well it's sitting outside) is i am trying to redissolve it all in the HCl-Cl solution. This is one of the issues that arose. I had the gold right there, but I just didn't know how to extract it. I don't/didn't trust the filter paper.

What i am giong to do is once i crash it out again, neutralize it of course then put the solution with the gold in a ziplock bag. I saw someone do this, they put the gold in a bag with water. They tilted the bag and put it in a cup. This allows the gold to settle in the corner of the bag. Then he put the bag in the freezer and froze the solution. He then just chopped off the corner that contained the gold.

i know I should have been more respectful to the senior members, but as i stated, I felt i was being attacked slightly by a few. The guy who went on a mini rampage, with the entire "auto correct thing" i just threw back what he threw at me. You know, an eye for an eye ordeal. But that doesn't help matters much, just perpetuates the cycle.

BTW: I am curious about the Silver complex with ammonia. wait no it wasn't silver, silver was crashed out with HCl... do you mean the Ni2+? Either way, can you elaborate, because it appears i am not aware of the risks, unless you're talking about the pH balance which is a bit tricky and can cause problems in solution. I have used NH3 many times to form complexes... so i don't think/(am not aware) of the risks..
solar_plasma said:
No, chloride and H2O2 dissolve gold, just as any other halide if there is an oxidating environment. Göran was not overstating. We actually you those processes to dissolve gold under some circumstances.

SnCl2 will most often give a false negative or a quickly disappearing reaction or a later reaction, when the oxidizer is gone.
Okay, I am curious what you mean by "dissolving" does it form a complex AuCl4-, or do you mean it just breaks up in to smaller gold particles? When i get things together(once school is over) i plan to separate all the metals from the CuCl2 solution, including the gold.

ETA: i guess it would be oxidized, i mean that's what H2O2 does.. Has anyone used MnO4 for oxidizing gold? (i know if it's done it can get messy, just wondering)
As I said i added some water to the CuCl2 solution to wash, then the solution turned white. Confused me a bit, but then I thought it must be silver chloride, but i was kind of confused because It's insoluble for the most part.I thought maybe the dilution of the acid cause AgCl to form. Which makes some sense, this was just verified by you as well. You stated, "As another example, silver chloride, almost insoluble in plain water, but pretty soluble in high chloride concentration." It appears this is what happened.

After using CuCl2 on copper, you get CuCl and god knows what combinations of copper chloride related complexes. When you dilute it, CuCl will precipitate as a white or gray powder, which can be used to make new CuCl2 by dissolving in concentrated HCl and with aeration used for dissolving more copper. That is what you got, CuCl. Silver chloride would darken in the light. Lead chloride would dissolve in hot water.

As I said, do not assume too much, nothing is like it seems to be.
Okay, I am curious what you mean by "dissolving" does it form a complex AuCl4-, or do you mean it just breaks up in to smaller gold particles?

What kind of gold complex is forming depends on what else is in solution. Gold will be oxidated by halides in an oxidating environment. Since there is a lot of garbage in this soup, it might get reduced again and then form fine or even colloidal particles. You don't want this.

When i get things together(once school is over) i plan to separate all the metals from the CuCl2 solution, including the gold.

Waste of time. Read butcher's posts about CuCl2 instead.

ETA: i guess it would be oxidized, i mean that's what H2O2 does.. Has anyone used MnO4 for oxidizing gold? (i know if it's done it can get messy, just wondering)

Please use your search button EACH time you want to ask a question. Several manganese compounds can help dissolving gold, as far as I remember, they will provide the oxidating environment or just evolve chlorine gas, that in solution is able to dissolve gold. http://www.goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=895&p=10627#p10627

Now, it has been said before: EVERYTHING we do, we do, because it has been developed and proven by generations of people, who aren't ignorant and naive students. Start believing there IS always a reason why this way and not the other. You will learn why, but not today.
By the way, IF you got silver in your CuCl2 leach, you did do something wrong: you dissolved tin from some ROHS solder that contains 1-5% silver and/or you leached mlccs, which can contain 5-10% silver. You don't want to have that garbage in your CuCl2 leach. If you wonder why, then start reading or make a mess on your own and you will know. *pedagog mode off*
kurtak said:
pu_239 said:
I read hokes book, didn't find much that's too appealing,

And that seems to be the case with those here are the forum that have been trying to help you as well --- Sooooo - why don't you just stop wasting your time & our time & just get on with it & do it --- after all you are paying for the education that clearly puts you way ahead of us --- so put that education to work - get it done - stop asking questions about something you clearly already know everything about with your vast knowledge & education

Based on the title of this thread --- "Hello, New here, think I made a mistake" --- I would suggest that the next time that happens - go ask your Chem teachers - that's what you pay them for - you clearly don't like the answers you get here

I am done reading anything you post from now on - its a waste of my time & I certainly will not waste my time answering any questions you have - that would only result in you telling me how much more you know because you are going to school for chemistry

Edit; to say --- my point pu_239 is you are letting what you know get in the way of what you don't know - which in turn is wasting both your time & the time of those trying to help you :!: :!: :!:


:shock: this guy is still here - Harold must be busy with things outside of the forum

I posted my above quote 4 pages ago (its at the top of page 3) but then I saw the thread had grown another 4 pages - so I thought - hmmm maybe he changed his attitude & has started listening - so I skimmed the last 4 pages - based on the replies by other members (& a couple of the long winded post of his I skimmed) I see no reason to change my position as underline in my above post

He is not interested in listening - he is full of himself & his education & is more interested in being heard :roll:

Hey Bill (Pantherlikher)

I thought you said you didn't look to sexy in a dress :lol:

I thought it (the pic) was the best part of this thread :twisted:

kurtak Come on now. You don't think this boy genius and his wonderous slighly off teachings are not delightful and furthering our edgamucation?

Just try to make cents of hiz last groupin off posts n cee.

Imagin... A very well educated person can not figure out what the white stuff is in his CuCl2 leach when water is added? Really? And he claims to be smarter then all of us? Huh... Or how about the explosive energy potential of Ammonia and silver? How about that A.D.D. type grammer that even I aint been figurein out. I look more in depth on that laters...

Oo..Ooo.. I really like the program and how it does not include...Umm.. huh... o yeh. Things like time cost and market fluctuations and uUu o cost of that super nice, knows what he's doin, kinda lab set up and chemicals he's very carefully measuin out so as to be exactin in the over use of said supplies to make costs go up...

Big wonder what he's usin Urea for and what it should be used 4.

Sorry for the proper use of the English language. But next to genius boy, I feel like the dumbassed person alive(see pic illustration above)

So... back to my proposed exercise on making the best of what you have. Read up a bunch of posts and see if there are better choices for memory processing.

How's your solution that has been sitting in the back? Back of where is of interest. Still smell of Chlorine? Where's the PH? Where is your gold? Dissolved or so small in particulate form it's not seen by the naked eye? I can't wait to hear how much of a pain it is filtering gold solution from AR with filter material gooing it up.

...Entertained yet?...
solar_plasma said:
Okay, I am curious what you mean by "dissolving" does it form a complex AuCl4-, or do you mean it just breaks up in to smaller gold particles?

What kind of gold complex is forming depends on what else is in solution. Gold will be oxidated by halides in an oxidating environment. Since there is a lot of garbage in this soup, it might get reduced again and then form fine or even colloidal particles. You don't want this.

When i get things together(once school is over) i plan to separate all the metals from the CuCl2 solution, including the gold.

Waste of time. Read butcher's posts about CuCl2 instead.

ETA: i guess it would be oxidized, i mean that's what H2O2 does.. Has anyone used MnO4 for oxidizing gold? (i know if it's done it can get messy, just wondering)

Please use your search button EACH time you want to ask a question. Several manganese compounds can help dissolving gold, as far as I remember, they will provide the oxidating environment or just evolve chlorine gas, that in solution is able to dissolve gold. http://www.goldrefiningforum.com/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=51&t=895&p=10627#p10627

Now, it has been said before: EVERYTHING we do, we do, because it has been developed and proven by generations of people, who aren't ignorant and naive students. Start believing there IS always a reason why this way and not the other. You will learn why, but not today.

That's the link i been trying to find, i seen it before. There was a link i think by lasersteve that had all of the reactions, I have been trying to find it if anyone can help me out on finding it.

I also saw the link by butch on poor mans aqua regia, that's exactly what i said I'd do, but he went more in to the numbers. I know the standard method has been tested and proven. I get that. As I said, I know people have been doing this for decades, I am sure the methods used have been proven through out time. I don't deny that.

To everyone else, most of my questions are mostly out of curiosity when i ask about some of the reactions.

A link i have also been trying to find is a a link by lasersteve, it was a little chart, I think it had "6M HCl and 0.22M H2O2 at 50 degree's C" and a few other temperature based reactions. I haven't been able to find it, i searched every where.
Pantherlikher said:
kurtak Come on now. You don't think this boy genius and his wonderous slighly off teachings are not delightful and furthering our edgamucation?

Just try to make cents of hiz last groupin off posts n cee.

Imagin... A very well educated person can not figure out what the white stuff is in his CuCl2 leach when water is added? Really? And he claims to be smarter then all of us? Huh... Or how about the explosive energy potential of Ammonia and silver? How about that A.D.D. type grammer that even I aint been figurein out. I look more in depth on that laters...

Oo..Ooo.. I really like the program and how it does not include...Umm.. huh... o yeh. Things like time cost and market fluctuations and uUu o cost of that super nice, knows what he's doin, kinda lab set up and chemicals he's very carefully measuin out so as to be exactin in the over use of said supplies to make costs go up...

Big wonder what he's usin Urea for and what it should be used 4.

Sorry for the proper use of the English language. But next to genius boy, I feel like the dumbassed person alive(see pic illustration above)

So... back to my proposed exercise on making the best of what you have. Read up a bunch of posts and see if there are better choices for memory processing.

How's your solution that has been sitting in the back? Back of where is of interest. Still smell of Chlorine? Where's the PH? Where is your gold? Dissolved or so small in particulate form it's not seen by the naked eye? I can't wait to hear how much of a pain it is filtering gold solution from AR with filter material gooing it up.

...Entertained yet?...

About the program, it does calculate based on the market, You personally input the price of gold per gram, go look up the price and input it in to the program. It is all based off the current market price. No i didn't calculate time, it's irrevelent, As I said with my first batch I enjoyed doing what i did. So it's not really "work." I haven't calculated the price of chemicals, I will do that once i finish this batch. Well I'll do it before I do my next batch. I'll do it all based on the numbers i.e. moles of gold, chemicals, reactions, etc... I will measure out everything, this is how I should have done it initially. This reaction has been carried out countless times in lab. It's a picture from the actual book we used.


About the "best choice with what you have." I completely agree, I said that previously, I believe the A.P. method was developed for limited resources/safety and for people who are just starting out.

My gold is sitting out in back, did what was recommended, just a little bit of bleach, it has been sitting out there since yesterday evening, still not dissolved fully dissolved. I knew i should have used aqua regia. But i gave the HCl-Cl another shot, it's just not for me. Never used it before, I have used aqua regia.

My first batch had a similar problem. SO what i did was just filter out what i had, the undissolved gold, I washed it, and put the filter paper and the gold in to some HCl(heated) then added some NaNO3. That worked. I filtered it, and this is the results.


I crashed out the gold in the Aqua regia version, then the gold of the HCl-Cl method. I also got a vacuum filtration going yesterday, so no worries on the clogging. It worked great.

I honestly don't know what the problem is, everything I have done has worked as expected. The only issue I had with the HCl-Cl solution, which I have never done before, and the gold sticking to the beaker when I tried to dry it(this is where the art form comes in)
it has been sitting out there since yesterday evening, still not dissolved fully dissolved. I knew i should have used aqua regia. But i gave the HCl-Cl another shot, it's just not for me.

CuCl2 for recovering and HCl/chlorox for the first refining is something all smart noobs do succeed with the first time they try, well, after they have read what has been advised. You failed. What is that saying about you?

Now and then you need to add small increments of chlorox with a large pipette into the solution. We are talking about milliliters. Then just keep adding from time to time until all gold is dissolved. It is chlorine, which dissolves gold here and chlorine has a limited solubility, -remember? The product is sodium tetrachloroaurate in this case.

AP...CuCl2 has not been made up for backyard beginners. And its chemistry is obviously too complicated to you.

I can see at least two more dumb mistakes in your process, but based on your ignorance you are not worth being taught this.

I have seen people getting banned for less ignorance. It has been a mistake to try to spoon feed you and to try to make you understand. Hopeless.

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