Hello, New here, think I made a mistake..

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yar said:
pu_239 many members here are trying to give you guidence in what you are endeavoring to do. I gave you a linq regarding AP which should have led you to other linqs on that topic. This topic has been covered more than most and any questions you have will be answered if you just read. You are making this more difficult than it has to be.

I have no academic scuence backround beaides what I have learned through high school. Anything I have learned regarding recovery and refining has come from reading Hoke and reading here on this forum. I work in a profession where things are right or wrong, black or white, is or is not. I can not deviate from the facts that are presented to me or lives may be lost. I approach my study's here the same way and have results to prove that. If you devitae from what has been proven here time and again you will have more problems than results. I have been here almost 2 years and I don't think I have asked as many questions as you have in your short time here.

I understand what you're saying, as the panther lady said as well. Do what has been proven, once you have got that down you can start to experiment. I agree with that statement if you're venturing off in a field you have no experience in. This is just general chemistry, which i have done many times. As I said before, the "techniques" used are more of an art form. As I think about it, the techniques used are needed due to lack of proper equipment. With proper equipment it's just general chemistry.

I believe the A.P. method as i said before, is for people who dn't have much experience in chemistry(if at all). I do agree the A.P. method if down as followed, will limit problems. I see it as a safety net. I do have some NaNO3 and I want to make the poor mans aqua regia correctly. If I had my pump set up, i'd just make my own nitric acid which will be fuming nitric acid, which is incredibly strong and intense. It literally has fumes coming out of it. This obviously is not for the inexperienced. It can be very dangerous and it's extremely corrosive.

From my experience, I am 90% sure I can extract gold from the gold fingers from start to finish(powdered gold) within 2-3hrs total time with a high yield. I will just need the proper equipment. A centrifuge would be a god send, that's why so many people wait "for things to settle" in a centrifuge you don't have to wait a day, it can be done in 5mins if not less. I am planning to make a centrifuge. For me, the A.P. method doesn't make much sense. For beginners/inexperienced people, i think it's good way to learn and it's less risky.

People talked about dissolving gold in the CuCl2 solution. I crashed out the copper, and tested for AuCl4-, results came back negative. unless the gold is in a different form, there is no gold in my solution. As I said, I will have to look at the reactions more deeply, at this moment I don't have much time to do so, have a test on tuesday, then 2 of them the following week(finals). After all that is done, i'll look at each reaction in depth.
solar_plasma said:
Pantherlikher said:
Please stop this post from continuing...

'He knows it all and is going to do it his way because it's right and by the book...According to him so please stop trying to change his mind with wrong answers and let this post die out...


Just what I thought. Rrrright! In the beginning I believed, this guy just needs some help to find the right direction. Then it got somewhat entertaining. Now his ignorant behavior gets boring, it spams the forum with misleading assumptions stated as facts and correcting seems to be waste of time. This' my last comment regarding the I-do-it MY-way-man.

You're right, I have been making assumptions, as i said countless times i haven't looked at these reactions in depth. I am reading what people are saying and taking it in to consideration. Some things just seem off the wall, but as i said, I am taking things in to consideration and will look at everything in depth when I have more time. But honestly, you have been helpful to some degree.

The issue is the unwelcoming advice given. I have felt attacked by a few members on this topic. There are multiple ways to say things, "you're lying, you're wrong, you might be mistaken, you might want to consider..." all pretty much say the same general thing, that something is wrong. no one has to be rude about it.

As I said countless times, yes I might be wrong about some things, as you pointed out I am making some assumptions, this is all i have at this moment in time with out looking at the things in depth. When I have time I will look at them in depth, taking in to consideration what people have said things like gold dissolving in CuCl2 and what not. Do my calculations and things of that sort, right out the reactions, determine if they're endothermic/exothermic and concentrations and work from there. I will see how the A.P. method stacks up to the chemistry.

To insult my chemical background is pretty insulting. This is my majoring subject, all the other students when they need help with their chemistry they come to me. I understand it pretty well. As I said, this subject is general chemistry mostly second semester chemistry. At my school, which is close to Berkeley it's very intense. It's the most intense course I have taken. The reason for this is that Berkeley is where the upper division students go to. So these professors I have, teach and have graduated from Berkeley(most of them), so they pound you pretty hard. It's the most intense course at my school. I know 5 people who have changed their majors because they just don't want to go through general chemistry again, many of them have dropped.

I took this course last semester, i know i am a little rusty on some things. I have to review some things and work from there, but at this moment in time i can't do that. So yes, I know some things might be slightly incorrect. The Cu3+ and Al(s) thing, how you said I was making a mess is not entirely correct. I did notice some reactions i said where off, so i agree with you "it wouldn't have worked out how i expected" that doesn't mean "i don't know." Doesn't mean "I have A LOT TO LEARN about chemistry" It means, I haven't looked at it in depth, and a little rusty, this problem will be solved after finals.

If people address things respectfully, there are no problems. If you simply said, "you might want to take a closer look at your reactions, it won't work how you expect." then okay, no problem there. After you said what you said the way you said it, i looked in to it and you where partially correct. But in the end, I showed reactions that extract the metals which have value that can be sold(all of the metals) and now I have more profit and easy disposal(down the sink). So once again, it doesn't mean "i don't know."
So sorry to have to again add to this ....um...thread..

I do not look very sexy in a dress with my beard covering my boobies.
So I would assume you are slightly incorrect by stating that I am a lady.

...Billy Scott in case you would like to know...
Correct me if I am wrong. We have in this thread alone at least one Physicist, a Chemist and another is a collage Chemistry Professor. And a single student can do better than they can! Yep, nothing you can learn here, but we are looking forward to being taught these new super methods. Now, I must get back to my gold, I have real studying to do later.
Going to school to learn about something like chemistry, and doing it in the real world can be very different. Although basically the same subject, school and real life can be two different worlds, you have learned some about the subject, you have no real life experience to go by with what you studied.

I have seen many people schooled in a subject that when faced with that subject in a working environment new nothing about what or how to do the job, they could read, learn and memorize to pass a test in a school book, but where lost when it came to a problem on the job.

I have also seen people who would do terrible at a school test that were very good at figuring things out on the job.

You have an excellent opportunity to put what you learn in school to good use in what you will learn in the real world, but first you will have to learn how things work in the real world.

in my mind school is basically to teach you how to study, it does not teach you how to work.
Work in a subject can teach you to understand the subject and be skilled at it, school will just give you some details about the subject.

In my experience it is better to work in a field for 30 years and then go to school on the subject, this way you basically already have a very good understanding of the subject, and schooling can help fill in some of the blanks.

if you go to school before you work in a subject you are trying to learn a wide field of many different aspects about that field at once, you are being introduced to everything at once, you only pick up, retain and truly understand only a small of what is taught, even if you do have a good memory and can pass the tests.

But when you work in a field you see many of the problems and experience how things work, basically getting a knowledge in the subject, going to school after working in that field for many years can fill in the blanks of small details that will help you understand what you have already experienced, you already know by experience most of what the class is teaching, and you just have small helpful details to learn, so your not overwhelmed with a lot at once, and can gain a lot of understanding from that class, basically the class can fill in some blanks to give you a better understanding of what you have learned in real life.

Believe it or not I am trying to be helpful with my comments, to get you to begin your study to learn to recover and refine precious metals, and to learn the chemistry involved in this kind of work.

Hoke's book, advice from GSP, Harold, Lou and many others here on the forum, will not necessarily teach you the chemistry involved directly the way you are learning it in school, but by reading Hoke's and what members here provide you have a great opportunity to learn the chemistry your school is trying to teach or introduce you to, with study on the forum and its materials, and with your small experiments in this field you have a great opportunity to learn chemistry, and apply that with what you learned in school.

In some way my advice to you would be like what advice I give to many new members who think they know most everything about this by reading information on the internet and watching a bunch of U tube videos on the subject.

Forget what you think you know, and study to learn it, begin with Hoke's book, The safety section, guide to the forum...

I too feel this thread has gone too far, many here have tried to help you understand you need to study, we do not have time to hold your hand, I do not have time to show you every small details as to why I believe your thinking is wrong in this subject, it would not help anyway if we did, what will help you is if you can realize you have a lot to learn about this subject, and spend your time learning it.

Forget the chemistry for a while, learn from those who may not even be able to put together a chemical formula, or even if they can, see no reason to do so, you will be surprised of how much of the real world chemistry of recovery and refining of precious metals, you can learn from them.

Learn the field of work first, then use what you learned in school to further your education in this field.
How about a practical exercise to add to an otherwise boring lesson on text book knowledge vs real world knowledge.?

As a start, I took a gallon plastic bucket put a straw out of the top for vapor passage. Ran an air tube through the lid to the bottom with an air stone.
I put several finger boards inside, filled bucket about 1/3 of HCL and a splash of H2O2?(peroxide), measure that for me.
Let air bubble for a bit, I let go while sleeping.
Next day my findings are all gold easily rinsing free so experiment successful.
Now I run all fingers I have overnight, maybe 12 hours.
{edit for safety}
Secure shed dedicated for use with fan moving in far window and air moving fumes "AWAY" from me.

Now I have no more fingers but lots of memory to go through.
For me at least it's a pain and seemingly waste of effort to depopulate and trim the little fingers off. From memory only.
So, for processing, I have learned to...

A. Put memory in Aqua Regia and Crash out? Crash out cracks me up still...

B. Add memory right into AP? (see bucket up top)
Then filter everything and dissolve and crash out?

C. Put memory into another container and cover with HCL. Filter and put memory sticks in AP. Then dissolve and crash out?

D. Spend lots of $ getting equipment and text books and getting a college degree on how the book says to do it.

Here is the catch: Unlimited supply of memory but everything else is at cost and you must make a profit.

Input should be interesting at least.

Pantherlikher said:
How about a practical exercise to add to an otherwise boring lesson on text book knowledge vs real world knowledge.?

As a start, I took a gallon plastic bucket put a straw out of the top for vapor passage. Ran an air tube through the lid to the bottom with an air stone.
I put several finger boards inside, filled bucket about 1/3 of HCL and a splash of H2O2?(peroxide), measure that for me.
Let air bubble for a bit, I let go while sleeping.
Next day my findings are all gold easily rinsing free so experiment successful.
Now I run all fingers I have overnight, maybe 12 hours.
{edit for safety}
Secure shed dedicated for use with fan moving in far window and air moving fumes "AWAY" from me.

Now I have no more fingers but lots of memory to go through.
For me at least it's a pain and seemingly waste of effort to depopulate and trim the little fingers off. From memory only.
So, for processing, I have learned to...

A. Put memory in Aqua Regia and Crash out? Crash out cracks me up still...

B. Add memory right into AP? (see bucket up top)
Then filter everything and dissolve and crash out?

C. Put memory into another container and cover with HCL. Filter and put memory sticks in AP. Then dissolve and crash out?

D. Spend lots of $ getting equipment and text books and getting a college degree on how the book says to do it.

Here is the catch: Unlimited supply of memory but everything else is at cost and you must make a profit.

Input should be interesting at least.


Please stop saying "crash out". Not sure where you got that term from. The correct wording is "drop out".
Pantherlikher said:
So sorry to have to again add to this ....um...thread..

I do not look very sexy in a dress with my beard covering my boobies.
So I would assume you are slightly incorrect by stating that I am a lady.

...Billy Scott in case you would like to know...

what i would give for a photo of that :p
necromancer said:
Pantherlikher said:
So sorry to have to again add to this ....um...thread..

I do not look very sexy in a dress with my beard covering my boobies.
So I would assume you are slightly incorrect by stating that I am a lady.

...Billy Scott in case you would like to know...

what i would give for a photo of that :p


  • beard.jpg
    38.9 KB
butcher said:
Going to school to learn about something like chemistry, and doing it in the real world can be very different. Although basically the same subject, school and real life can be two different worlds, you have learned some about the subject, you have no real life experience to go by with what you studied.

I have seen many people schooled in a subject that when faced with that subject in a working environment new nothing about what or how to do the job, they could read, learn and memorize to pass a test in a school book, but where lost when it came to a problem on the job.

I have also seen people who would do terrible at a school test that were very good at figuring things out on the job.

You have an excellent opportunity to put what you learn in school to good use in what you will learn in the real world, but first you will have to learn how things work in the real world.

in my mind school is basically to teach you how to study, it does not teach you how to work.
Work in a subject can teach you to understand the subject and be skilled at it, school will just give you some details about the subject.

In my experience it is better to work in a field for 30 years and then go to school on the subject, this way you basically already have a very good understanding of the subject, and schooling can help fill in some of the blanks.

if you go to school before you work in a subject you are trying to learn a wide field of many different aspects about that field at once, you are being introduced to everything at once, you only pick up, retain and truly understand only a small of what is taught, even if you do have a good memory and can pass the tests.

But when you work in a field you see many of the problems and experience how things work, basically getting a knowledge in the subject, going to school after working in that field for many years can fill in the blanks of small details that will help you understand what you have already experienced, you already know by experience most of what the class is teaching, and you just have small helpful details to learn, so your not overwhelmed with a lot at once, and can gain a lot of understanding from that class, basically the class can fill in some blanks to give you a better understanding of what you have learned in real life.

Believe it or not I am trying to be helpful with my comments, to get you to begin your study to learn to recover and refine precious metals, and to learn the chemistry involved in this kind of work.

Hoke's book, advice from GSP, Harold, Lou and many others here on the forum, will not necessarily teach you the chemistry involved directly the way you are learning it in school, but by reading Hoke's and what members here provide you have a great opportunity to learn the chemistry your school is trying to teach or introduce you to, with study on the forum and its materials, and with your small experiments in this field you have a great opportunity to learn chemistry, and apply that with what you learned in school.

In some way my advice to you would be like what advice I give to many new members who think they know most everything about this by reading information on the internet and watching a bunch of U tube videos on the subject.

Forget what you think you know, and study to learn it, begin with Hoke's book, The safety section, guide to the forum...

I too feel this thread has gone too far, many here have tried to help you understand you need to study, we do not have time to hold your hand, I do not have time to show you every small details as to why I believe your thinking is wrong in this subject, it would not help anyway if we did, what will help you is if you can realize you have a lot to learn about this subject, and spend your time learning it.

Forget the chemistry for a while, learn from those who may not even be able to put together a chemical formula, or even if they can, see no reason to do so, you will be surprised of how much of the real world chemistry of recovery and refining of precious metals, you can learn from them.

Learn the field of work first, then use what you learned in school to further your education in this field.

I completely agree with everything you said. I have personally read a lot of self help/success informatoin/books/dvds/cds etc.. One thing that always stands out to me about success is this quote. It's backed by Dr.Paul Dobransky, psychiatrist. He made a unification theory of psychology. He simply states, "success is 2 parts, 1 part education, the other part is experience." If you're not successful at something it's because you're either lacking experience or education.

My friend is taking organic chemistry at another school, he transferred. He doesn't have lab, no hands on experience. I can promise you if you put him in a lab doing organic chemistry, he would be terrible at it. He has the "education" but not the experience. I do have experience, in actually doing chemistry. As I told you already what one of my projects was in lab. Yes this field of gold refining is new to me. I don't deny that, but from my perspective it's just metal separation.

I am listening, don't think i am not. I have listened to you and everyone else. I do appreciate the feed back, but in the end I ultimately have to make my own decision. The HCL-Cl method for dissolving gold, I never done that before, and I did have a bit of problems as stated previously. There are ways of doing things which i am not aware of. That's apparent, but there are also other ways I know how to do to achieve the same thing. More approriate feed back than "you're doing it wrong." would be, telling me "why"

I have been on the internet for a long time, since around 96. I know how things go on forums and online in general. A new comer comes a long, he gets criticized by the older members, that's how the cookie usually crumbles. I completely understand and agree that I can come off irritating/(cocky) sometimes. I don't deny that.

What I would like to know if anyone can answer is the method to poor mans aqua regia. My hunch is to add 1 part of HCl and 4 parts nitrate.

Once again, thanks for the replies and feed back everyone, i do understand constructive criticism, so no offense has been taken.

Butcher, you have been helpful.
Barren Realms 007 said:
Pantherlikher said:
How about a practical exercise to add to an otherwise boring lesson on text book knowledge vs real world knowledge.?

As a start, I took a gallon plastic bucket put a straw out of the top for vapor passage. Ran an air tube through the lid to the bottom with an air stone.
I put several finger boards inside, filled bucket about 1/3 of HCL and a splash of H2O2?(peroxide), measure that for me.
Let air bubble for a bit, I let go while sleeping.
Next day my findings are all gold easily rinsing free so experiment successful.
Now I run all fingers I have overnight, maybe 12 hours.
{edit for safety}
Secure shed dedicated for use with fan moving in far window and air moving fumes "AWAY" from me.

Now I have no more fingers but lots of memory to go through.
For me at least it's a pain and seemingly waste of effort to depopulate and trim the little fingers off. From memory only.
So, for processing, I have learned to...

A. Put memory in Aqua Regia and Crash out? Crash out cracks me up still...

B. Add memory right into AP? (see bucket up top)
Then filter everything and dissolve and crash out?

C. Put memory into another container and cover with HCL. Filter and put memory sticks in AP. Then dissolve and crash out?

D. Spend lots of $ getting equipment and text books and getting a college degree on how the book says to do it.

Here is the catch: Unlimited supply of memory but everything else is at cost and you must make a profit.

Input should be interesting at least.


Please stop saying "crash out". Not sure where you got that term from. The correct wording is "drop out".
Actually it's "crash out" never heard the term "drop out" in chemistry, ever... until i came here.
pu_239 said:
Barren Realms 007 said:
Pantherlikher said:
How about a practical exercise to add to an otherwise boring lesson on text book knowledge vs real world knowledge.?

As a start, I took a gallon plastic bucket put a straw out of the top for vapor passage. Ran an air tube through the lid to the bottom with an air stone.
I put several finger boards inside, filled bucket about 1/3 of HCL and a splash of H2O2?(peroxide), measure that for me.
Let air bubble for a bit, I let go while sleeping.
Next day my findings are all gold easily rinsing free so experiment successful.
Now I run all fingers I have overnight, maybe 12 hours.
{edit for safety}
Secure shed dedicated for use with fan moving in far window and air moving fumes "AWAY" from me.

Now I have no more fingers but lots of memory to go through.
For me at least it's a pain and seemingly waste of effort to depopulate and trim the little fingers off. From memory only.
So, for processing, I have learned to...

A. Put memory in Aqua Regia and Crash out? Crash out cracks me up still...

B. Add memory right into AP? (see bucket up top)
Then filter everything and dissolve and crash out?

C. Put memory into another container and cover with HCL. Filter and put memory sticks in AP. Then dissolve and crash out?

D. Spend lots of $ getting equipment and text books and getting a college degree on how the book says to do it.

Here is the catch: Unlimited supply of memory but everything else is at cost and you must make a profit.

Input should be interesting at least.


Please stop saying "crash out". Not sure where you got that term from. The correct wording is "drop out".
Actually it's "crash out" never heard the term "drop out" in chemistry, ever... until i came here.

See you learn something new everyday.
Pantherlikher said:
How about a practical exercise to add to an otherwise boring lesson on text book knowledge vs real world knowledge.?

As a start, I took a gallon plastic bucket put a straw out of the top for vapor passage. Ran an air tube through the lid to the bottom with an air stone.
I put several finger boards inside, filled bucket about 1/3 of HCL and a splash of H2O2?(peroxide), measure that for me.
Let air bubble for a bit, I let go while sleeping.
Next day my findings are all gold easily rinsing free so experiment successful.
Now I run all fingers I have overnight, maybe 12 hours.
{edit for safety}
Secure shed dedicated for use with fan moving in far window and air moving fumes "AWAY" from me.

Now I have no more fingers but lots of memory to go through.
For me at least it's a pain and seemingly waste of effort to depopulate and trim the little fingers off. From memory only.
So, for processing, I have learned to...

A. Put memory in Aqua Regia and Crash out? Crash out cracks me up still...

B. Add memory right into AP? (see bucket up top)
Then filter everything and dissolve and crash out?

C. Put memory into another container and cover with HCL. Filter and put memory sticks in AP. Then dissolve and crash out?

D. Spend lots of $ getting equipment and text books and getting a college degree on how the book says to do it.

Here is the catch: Unlimited supply of memory but everything else is at cost and you must make a profit.

Input should be interesting at least.


I am not sure if you're sharing your experience, but you start out with a "practical exercise" and say "input should be interesting at least" implying you're looking for my input on maximizing profit. Not sure if you're asking a question or making a comment. It appears you're asking question.

So to answer it, what/how I would do with ram to maximize a profit. I would ideally, crush everything(seen people mention this) in to a fine powder. Then separate all the metals one by one. Get whatever palladium, rubidium, gold, silver(found silver in my ram which was cool), copper, and sell each thing individually. For a least experienced person, I would just do the A.P. method as directed, and sell the boards.

Make a program that back calculates everything. How much gold did you recover from your first run, how many lbs did you use? How much gold did you get for pound of ram? then from there determine a price that you're willing to pay per pound to make a profit. This is what my program i made does, i also input the current market value of gold and the program adjust accordingly of how much I should pay.

I am all ears if "crushing everything" doesn't work out well. It was something i saw someone said and it peaked my interest. If it doesn't work well I wouldn't like to know, and why it doesn't? Is it due to lack of knowledge/experience, or something else?
Here is my update, I was decanting my gold flakes, I added some water to wash it, The solution turned white and cloudy. Pretty sure it's silver, correct me if I am wrong. I know that Siliver forms AgCl in dilute acids, but not sure about strong acids. Adding the water diluted it.

I was oing to separate it all out, but i decided not to, I'll deal with it later. I got some ammonia, this will convert any AgCl(s) to Ag[NH3]2+. Doing a test on it now to verify it's silver, but i'll look at it later. Someone ran to the store and i told them to bring back some ammonia, in the mean time I got the pump going. So I just vaccum filtration everything. This is the results before the Aqua Regia step.


The filter worked wonderfully. I will probably finish all this up tomorrow. If something is "wrong" with all this, I'd like to know, and i would like to know the "why" behind it.
pu_239 said:
What I would like to know if anyone can answer is the method to poor mans aqua regia. My hunch is to add 1 part of HCl and 4 parts nitrate.
Um... No. Your "hunch" will leave you with "a bit of a mess".
Here is today's homework. I give you the same link that was figuratively handed to me on a platter. As a chemistry student you should find it a heck of a lot easier to understand than I.


Really, you ought to stop doing anything until you've studied enough to visualise the process from start to finish. I'm still new (< 1 year) and I still ask questions too. But I won't blindly start anything until the process makes sense to me.
4 parts HCL and 1 part Nitric acid does Not make poor man's AR.
It makes AR the right way but will waste Nitric acid and make more steps and take more time to rid the solution of excess Nitric.

Reading through the forum will explain in both plain english and advanced chemistry. You need only look and learn.

My described AP process and question was directed to the Forum. You included which you have given your reply as expected. You went outside the guide lines and assumed you had everything and anything to use to get the most return. I should have stated the only cash to begin is what you got for the fingers. Limiting the thought process.

You over thunk it...

Crushing the whole stick would be another way of extraction. But was excluded in the exercise as you did not have unlimited cash to begin with. Looks perfect on paper but dive in head first would be disastrous fast. You would literally need unlimited memory as well as unlimited cash on hand to make it work as well as the real world knowledge.

Everything said in this group of posts and replies is to help as needed and not to put you down personally or attack you. Cockiness is evident and needs to be humbled so you allow yourself to open your eyes and see the real problem here. You are strictly by the book which 4-1 HCL+ Nitric will prove very wasteful and lead to poor results. The processes here may seem academically bad or slightly wrong, but this is from real world people whom have learned to do all of this in a way that works the best.

People from all walks of life and language come here to learn which is why it is very important to be accurate and not "slightly off" or wrong when describing processes as you have repeatedly done in your posts thus far.
Do a search here on Crash Out and see how many times it's used. Only by you and I thus far I'm guessing.

I really hope you do great on finals and then begin to read through the forum and find things interesting enough for you to learn enough to be able to be a great asset to us all.

Good luck
jason_recliner said:
pu_239 said:
What I would like to know if anyone can answer is the method to poor mans aqua regia. My hunch is to add 1 part of HCl and 4 parts nitrate.
Um... No. Your "hunch" will leave you with "a bit of a mess".
Here is today's homework. I give you the same link that was figuratively handed to me on a platter. As a chemistry student you should find it a heck of a lot easier to understand than I.


Really, you ought to stop doing anything until you've studied enough to visualise the process from start to finish. I'm still new (< 1 year) and I still ask questions too. But I won't blindly start anything until the process makes sense to me.

Okay, thanks for the link. I do agree I should have thought things out more thoroughly, I just jumped right in.
Pantherlikher said:
4 parts HCL and 1 part Nitric acid does Not make poor man's AR.
It makes AR the right way but will waste Nitric acid and make more steps and take more time to rid the solution of excess Nitric.

Reading through the forum will explain in both plain english and advanced chemistry. You need only look and learn.

My described AP process and question was directed to the Forum. You included which you have given your reply as expected. You went outside the guide lines and assumed you had everything and anything to use to get the most return. I should have stated the only cash to begin is what you got for the fingers. Limiting the thought process.

You over thunk it...

Crushing the whole stick would be another way of extraction. But was excluded in the exercise as you did not have unlimited cash to begin with. Looks perfect on paper but dive in head first would be disastrous fast. You would literally need unlimited memory as well as unlimited cash on hand to make it work as well as the real world knowledge.

Everything said in this group of posts and replies is to help as needed and not to put you down personally or attack you. Cockiness is evident and needs to be humbled so you allow yourself to open your eyes and see the real problem here. You are strictly by the book which 4-1 HCL+ Nitric will prove very wasteful and lead to poor results. The processes here may seem academically bad or slightly wrong, but this is from real world people whom have learned to do all of this in a way that works the best.

People from all walks of life and language come here to learn which is why it is very important to be accurate and not "slightly off" or wrong when describing processes as you have repeatedly done in your posts thus far.
Do a search here on Crash Out and see how many times it's used. Only by you and I thus far I'm guessing.

I really hope you do great on finals and then begin to read through the forum and find things interesting enough for you to learn enough to be able to be a great asset to us all.

Good luck

So you recommend the HCL-Cl method compared to the Aqua regia method? When i said "nitrate" i didn't mean nitric acid. I have sodium nitrate. NaNO3. The ratios of Aqua regia are 5H+'s (4 from HCl 1 from HNO3) so I should have said, "5 parts hcl and 1 part NO3-" this gives 5 H's and 1 NO3-, same ratio of aqua regia. I will look in to the ratios again for HCl-Cl method, I'll give it another shot. Actually, I don't think this run will be done with HCl-Cl method. I just can't, I still have that filter paper in my current HCl-Cl mixture that's sitting in the back. I don't think it has(or will) dissolve the filter paper. I know aqua regia will dissolve it. I'll see how that flask is doing, it might be dissolved.
pu_239 said:
I am not sure if you're sharing your experience, but you start out with a "practical exercise" and say "input should be interesting at least" implying you're looking for my input on maximizing profit. Not sure if you're asking a question or making a comment. It appears you're asking question.

So to answer it, what/how I would do with ram to maximize a profit. I would ideally, crush everything(seen people mention this) in to a fine powder. Then separate all the metals one by one. Get whatever palladium, rubidium, gold, silver(found silver in my ram which was cool), copper, and sell each thing individually. For a least experienced person, I would just do the A.P. method as directed, and sell the boards.

Make a program that back calculates everything. How much gold did you recover from your first run, how many lbs did you use? How much gold did you get for pound of ram? then from there determine a price that you're willing to pay per pound to make a profit. This is what my program i made does, i also input the current market value of gold and the program adjust accordingly of how much I should pay.

I am all ears if "crushing everything" doesn't work out well. It was something i saw someone said and it peaked my interest. If it doesn't work well I wouldn't like to know, and why it doesn't? Is it due to lack of knowledge/experience, or something else?

Sorry folks I can't resist this.

1. You can't tell by the tone of the comment that he is screwing with you because you lack the experience to tell the difference. You are ass-u-me-ing something in the way you read the post. This is what a degree gets you now days.

2. Crushing RAM. All that get's you is a pile of trash. The material needs to be pulverized to be effective in any solution.

3. (seen people mention this) Please do some more searching on the forum for the correct terminology. Here is a good place to do your searches from http://www.goldrecovery.us.

4. rubidium. Now that is a new discovery that I haven't herd of I'll have to see how much of that I can recover and see if I can find a market for it.

5. can you do a ladder diagram to outline how you will separate each of the different metals?

6. How did you determine that you found silver in your RAM? This should be interesting to hear.

7. For a least experienced person, I would just do the A.P. method as directed I feel strongly that this is above your education level to understand this process.

8. and sell the boards Do you have a buyer lined out? If not send me a PM and I'll give you a price on the blank stick's.

9. Make a program that back calculates everything. How much gold did you recover from your first run, how many lbs did you use? How much gold did you get for pound of ram? then from there determine a price that you're willing to pay per pound to make a profit. This is what my program i made does, i also input the current market value of gold and the program adjust accordingly of how much I should pay.

I think you should post a copy of this program so everyone will have access to it so we won't loose money.

10. I am all ears if "crushing everything" doesn't work out well. It was something i saw someone said and it peaked my interest. If it doesn't work well I wouldn't like to know, and why it doesn't? Is it due to lack of knowledge/experience, or something else?

I feel that is the problem you are currently having now that is causing the issues you are having with following direction's.

This is what a college education get's you now day's. Lack of respect for people that are older and more experiensed than you are. The lack of patience to learn anything because they feel since they have gotten a higher degree of education they know it all (oh wait that is what I put up with from my 17 year old son that is taking college courses while in high school).

That twinkle in your eye is your life expetency on this forum unless you learn some humility and listen to what the members are trying to tell you.

Sorry Mod's I tried to keep quiet. My rant is over.

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