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Lino1406 said:
You wouldn't want even gold powder in your lungs. Use dust mask
Thanks, will try soon and post more ,
Reconnect with all you masters whenever get any issue
Lino1406 said:
Here is the way I worked: Grinding to around 100 mesh. Activation with 20% H2O2 (alternative to roasting at 700C) for few hours until end of bubbling. Addition of H2SO4 to resume bubbling - 1/2 hr. Replacement of the liquid with aqua regia 20 hrs (occasional stirring). This gave some iridium in solution. Next I took the rest solids and added oxone and water - 24hrs (occasional stirring). The resulting solution contained additional iridium

What is preffered ratio of oxone to water ? How much expected metal will affect on ratio of oxone
Lino1406 said:
I used saturated solution. I assume some Cl- , NO3- presence is also helpful

Here what we get
Potassium peroxy sulphate and they add extra monosulphate , will this combination work as oxone
Lino1406 said:
Not sure where this discussion is aimed at. Please describe what you have done so far

H2o2 not captured, later addition of h2so4
Replacing liquid with Aqua regia
At this point, precipitate values. Check for PM's (iridium and others). Do not wash the residue. Add oxone. Mix. Wait few hours. Check again for PM's. See what you get (give details)
Lino1406 said:
At this point, precipitate values. Check for PM's (iridium and others). Do not wash the residue. Add oxone. Mix. Wait few hours. Check again for PM's. See what you get (give details)

At this point precipitate values!!!
English is little hard when it's explaining science terms
What I understand is
I have to remove aqua and then precipitate values( PT , IR) from aqua regia.
Not wash the remaining residue ( some aqua regia will still present) .,........?
Lino1406 said:
At this point, precipitate values. Check for PM's (iridium and others). Do not wash the residue. Add oxone. Mix. Wait few hours. Check again for PM's. See what you get (give details)

One more strange hapenning
H2so4 from first sample precipitate off-white colored powder as it cools down, and no reaction with zinc
H2so4 from 2nd sample gives no precipitate and working fine with zinc.
Positive. To have Cl- HNO3- ions working with oxone. White precipitate from sulphuric acid can be Ag sulphate, SnO2, TiO2, Al2O3, SiO2 and more
Lino1406 said:
Positive. To have Cl- HNO3- ions working with oxone. White precipitate from sulphuric acid can be Ag sulphate, SnO2, TiO2, Al2O3, SiO2 and more
Zinc is quite not working on sulphuric that precipitate white stuff, should I look for metals in that sulphuric?

I am going to use zinc as well on Aqua regia. Saperating PD with nitric from black pgm powder, Aqua for pt., and remaining is rh and ir, ( or may be sulphuric before aqua regia for rh to leave ir behind)
Lino1406 said:
Seems you have all the information. Tell results when advancing

Thanks but experts are always on demand
At the time using zinc to get black pgm from AR and sulfuric. Will keep you informed with further results
Percolation from Aqua regia with zinc. Two different color powder, black sitting beneth and grayish hanging on top
I might be having a blonde day, but I thought that adding Zinc to AR would result in every metal below Zinc on the reactivity series to be precipitated out.

That's a lot of metals unless of course I have misinterpreted what you are doing.
Ashir, the large amount is suspected of having not noble ingredients. Re-dissolve a part and precipitate with less active reducer

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