Thank you Samuel!
Like Sam said, we've been exchanging some information on our findings on ceramic cpu's, mainly the P-Pro's, but i believe that it applies to some of the older ceramic cpu's, too.
"Hi Sam!
I want to share my recent experience with Pentium Pro's. I bought 12 of them & tried 2 different batches of 6.
The first 6, I just broke into a few pieces & proceeded with AR. Decanted & precipitated & had a yield of 1.8g.
The second batch & broke into more smaller pieces, then proceded with AR like the first batch; decanted.
I added more HCl to the ceramics, brought to a lite boil for a few minutes; decanted & added to solution to the solution that I had set aside. I then proceded to precipitate & recovered 2.4g. That's an extra .6 of a gram.
When I broke these P-P's, I noticed with my loupe some gold strands connecting the different layers of ceramics, so maybe, by crushing more, the acid can reach them.
So, I think I'll be crushing a bit more the 10 or 15 # of ceramics that I've collected from previous batches & have the yellow color to them, maybe I'll be able to recover more gold off of them.
My very first test with 2 P-Pro's last year, the yield was 1 gram, I crushed them, though; so when I had less than that yield on following batches that I didn't crush, the yield was much lower.
Shalom, Brother!
"Hi Phil
This is interesting.
I can't say that i saw any wires within the ceramic of a PP, maybe i have missed it.
I'm saving all of my processed ceramics to be leached again anyway just in case (such as this), i'll take your advice and brake them further and see if i can poll extra juice out."
"Hi Samuel!
I had to try breaking the ceramics down a bit more because I remember last year, when I came across my first PP's, I took 2 & crushed them down pretty good. The yield was 1 gram right on. Since at that time I had another 60, & after reading Lazersteve's post on processing ceramics & that he didn't brake them, I just broke them up a bit, (like you did in the video), but the yield was much lower.
This time, having 12 PP's, I opted with the 2 test of 6 each, having the result mentioned before.
I'm going to crush the ceramics, (I've saved them all), & I'll try another leach.
I also noticed that there is a golden film on the spots were the pins were at, as well as the big plated ceramic. I thought, maybe some of the gold is cementing there? That's why I ran the ceramics thru some HCl a second time. Next time, I'll add a few drops of nitric, too.
I know you're more scientific & knowledgeable than me in these areas, so I'm
sharing my Q's & findings, so we can figure out WHY a higher yield with the first 2 PP's but less with the others. (Especially when wiki reports that the yield of a PP is 1.1g! )
Again, I think it could be the fact of having to crush the ceramics more, & running thru a second or even 3rd time, (if stannous test is still positive).
Thank you & take care!
"Hi Phil
It is indeed odd, though i always keep in mind that not all cpu's created evenly, even if they are the same type.
In the next few days, i'll grab a lb or two of processed lightly broken cpu's (assortment), smash 'em & leach again with hot dilute AR and test, i would imagine i will get some sort of positive test, though probably faint.
Time will tell...
Have you kept some yields avarage per unit for you PP's ?"
"Hi Sam!
The 2 that I crushed some months ago, they yield 1g, thus .5g each.
The 60 or so that I did a few weeks later, (I didn't crush them), the yield was about .3g.
Of the 12 I did a few days ago, the first 6 that I only broke in a few pieces, the total yield was 1.8g, thus (.3g each).
The second batch of 6, I crushed a bit more, the yield was 2.4, or .4g each.
I believe that if we crushed them good, we can then expect the .5g or, maybe even a bit more.
As soon as I get a chance I'll dry my left over ceramic, crush them, then AR.
There is also the posibility that the older PP's might have a bit more gold the the newer Revised ones. Who knows..."
"Sam, I just went outside & checked my left overs of the PP's, the 60 that I broke and ran thru AR some months ago, & LO & BEHOLD!!!
I found gold leafs & sections of gold solder... I'm afraid one must crush the ceramics more & run a second leach to assure the most gold recovery.
Many still have the silicon waffers on & probably with gold still underneath, that's why my yield back then was so low."
So that's why Samuel just posted;
"So... Me and Phil have been exchanging some of our findings in regards to the ceramics cpu's process.
Before, i was quite convinced that there is no gold within the ceramic substrate.... I guess... just because i can't see it, doesn't mean it ain't there !
As a habit, I'm saving all of the bits and pieces of the processed ceramics and accumulated many pounds of them. So i took some of it, an re-processed it with hot dilute A/R, the results were quite disappointing (but somewhat expected), only very faint gold stain with SnCl2.
Later, I dried this same batch and broke every piece into few smaller ones and again into hot dilute A/R.... boy was i surprised to see the color of the solution and SnCl2 test...
Though, i still think powdering the ceramics will be counteractive, i reckon the suggestion to brake the ceramics into very small pieces is spot on and will give much better results in terms of yields.
A good crushing size will probably be somewhere under 0.2 inches...
So... crush 'em..."
Thanks again, Samuel! 8)