my first attempt

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now the solution is 2:1 hcl - h2o2 like steve's videos, i'll see tomorrow in the morning if anything happes, thanks for support
i'm back, after 4 days the solution ha sa nice green color, all the silver color metals are now copper colored, now i only have to wait untill only gold will remain , or i have to add peroxide each day to make the reaction active?
if you have a air pump with a bubbler in the solution theres no need to add any more peroxide. if its bubbling just let it sit for a few days. if you can agitate or shake the material without causing a spill it will speed up the process a little.use a sturdy piece of plastic to stir it around.
I used a similar set up to that of Lazersteve last week for 5# of ceramic cpu's for the first time. It worked great, since I could shake the cpu's without fear of braking my coffee pot, plus it adds more air as you agitate & dip with frequency, together with the air pump.
By the way, that was rejuvenated left over AP, with an air bubbler, from 3 other small batches.


  • aug '11 003.JPG
    aug '11 003.JPG
    1.2 MB
looks like a milk jug with the top cut out except the handle. i believe he's using that to put the material in to soak in the reaction bucket. theres probably holes in the bottom of the milk jug.
Geo said:
looks like a milk jug with the top cut out except the handle. i believe he's using that to put the material in to soak in the reaction bucket. theres probably holes in the bottom of the milk jug.

Oh duh, I was talking about what was in the yellow bucket. At first glance I thought it looked like granules, but then I just looked at it again and smacked my forehead, what I thought were granules are BUBBLES...he's pulled the milk jug out of the AP solution it's the solution that's has fine bubbles....sheesh I need to have a coffee or two before I look at pictures and post. :lol:

Thay's correct Geo!

Rusty, I found myself that evening without a coffee pot big enough & strong enough, I remembered Lazersteve's set up. So I proceeded to cut open an empty 1 gallon plastic water container; with a heated 5/16" bolt punctured a number of holes &... perfect!
I also have an aquarium air pump & an air bubble stone running to rejuvenate the AP.
I believe it was in Steve's AP video...

i usually stir a coupe times a day the solution but tomorrow i'll use the air pump (with stone?????) to make the reaction run, as you can see in photo at day4 there are no bubble in the solution.

lotrogold said:
i usually stir a coupe times a day the solution but tomorrow i'll use the air pump (with stone?????) to make the reaction run, as you can see in photo at day4 there are no bubble in the solution.


Try simply to close hose at the end where you want to put stone. Then use thin needle (can be heated) to pierce say about 5-6 cm of hose. Make a lot of small holes. Stones tend to break up in few days of use so this way you can avoid having to filter broken stone out.
philddreamer said:
Thay's correct Geo!

Rusty, I found myself that evening without a coffee pot big enough & strong enough, I remembered Lazersteve's set up. So I proceeded to cut open an empty 1 gallon plastic water container; with a heated 5/16" bolt punctured a number of holes &... perfect!
I also have an aquarium air pump & an air bubble stone running to rejuvenate the AP.
I believe it was in Steve's AP video...

Yes Phil, I remember seeing the video on Steve's site. I also have the silver and gold video of Steve's. I didn't get the platinum video because PT is a little out of my league right now. Maybe later.

I take one 5 gallon bucket and drill holes in the bottom for a strainer effect. Take that bucket and place it in another so you can just pick the first bucket up by the handle and twist it from side to side to agitate the materials and to give you a easy view of the materials. Then let it back down into the solution to do its work. I let the hose rest between the two buckets to hold it in place. You will need a small spacer or shim to stop the buckets from pinching the hose between them. The hose runs under the bucket so the air is forced up through the holes you drilled in the bottom of the bucket (strainer). The bubbles then percolate through the material. By doing this you are adding two things to the air bubbles, retention time and surface area for the bubbles to be better absorbed into the solution which translates into less time and more efficiency.
Good idea palladium. I can see right now I'm going to have a weee bit of a problem having to work out side. I'm going to have to purchase a weather resistant power bar some where (or make one)...I only have one plug-in and it's one of those that screw into a light socket with only one extension cord...sigh. The ideas and stumbling stones just never cease do they? It shouldn't be too difficult to make a weather resistant breakout box...get a plastic outlet box, mount 2 outdoor plugs and seal with silicone...should work.

lotrogold said:
i usually stir a coupe times a day the solution but tomorrow i'll use the air pump (with stone?????) to make the reaction run, as you can see in photo at day4 there are no bubble in the solution.


is that a layer of white precipitate over the pins? did you add water to your solution? there doesnt seem to be enough material to have that much tin in the solution.
I've done several things. One is to sit the bucket on a heating pad like for ear aches. I have also taken an electric blanket and wrapped it around a 15 gallon drum. But that's just me. lol Just remember Liquid and electricity don't play well together. Use proper safety precautions.
I actually love cold weather and have found my ap works better then. The key I have found is air. The more the better.
You should be using a GFCI oulet as Palladium said "Just remember Liquid and electricity don't play well together. Use proper safety precautions."

acids and metals dissolved in acids and the electricity are even more dangerous, even indoors in a lab I think they should be used for refining.
The white layer is typically copper I chloride or a compound of lead from solder if present.
Geo said:
lotrogold said:
i usually stir a coupe times a day the solution but tomorrow i'll use the air pump (with stone?????) to make the reaction run, as you can see in photo at day4 there are no bubble in the solution.


is that a layer of white precipitate over the pins? did you add water to your solution? there doesnt seem to be enough material to have that much tin in the solution.

no there are only h2o2 and hcl in the solution, the white is a kind of gelatinous thing...

EDIT. i just seen steve's post, thanks
i believe that is stannic acid. could be a real problem for you. do a search in the search box for stannic acid.

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