I, too, have been BUSY with stuff pouring in (yes, folks, a bit of advertising does work....
I'll post more later, but I, like joem have had soooo much stuff come in, we've had to expand our area as well.
However, I must agree with Claudie that the price for that (while nice) shop, is a bit much.
We have been working out of self-storage units for years - both in California and Nevada and they work just great. Be sure to find one that is more mom-n-pop as most of the national chains frown on someone being around all day, every day, but they are out there.
Where we are right now, we have now TWO 12' w x 30' d x 18' h spaces and have built mezanines in them to have a second floor - gaining a LOT of extra space! And, at $250/m with electricity included, the price is hard to beat anywhere!
Of course, we don't have that SNOW to deal with! (WOW - it made me cold just looking at that stuff - I almost considered putting on long pants! [we've been in shorts around here for about two weeks now....])
More later, with some pics and such........ Oh, I will tell you that recently we brought in a couple FLIGHT RECORDERS from the '50s (reel to reel, about 100 lbs apiece....) and today I got a call on that craigslist ad (still running every day...) from a guy that has a bunch of helicopter radios and electronics that he wants to "clear out to make room for two new helicopters coming in" - makes me wonder just how much JUNK this guy has! But, he did tell me to bring a 24' truck as they plan to clear the room! (oh, and we also got a call from another guy to pick up 100 computers sometime this weekend.........)
Gonna be a busy weekend, but a great month!
Keep it up folks, it WILL come!