need to neutralize my mess

Gold Refining Forum

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Some forums have a minor section for those under age 18 or 14 or whatever age the moderator chooses. People who are members there only have access to that section and not the main forum. I don't know why there couldn't be a section for beginners here that worked the same way. Maybe require the passing of an exam in order to gain full access to the forum. Make sure some of the questions on the test are the same questions new members are repeatedly asking, that way when they do get full access, they won't be asking those questions. Just some thoughts. :|
Wow this took off...

look i said before i don't have a problem learning that was what ended up leading me to this forum. i post a question cause i was in a bind and am thankful no matter how fowl the outcome has become. but the fact is you have remember that all the ins and out are never displayed in most the stuff that a newbie comes across. i repeatedly searched this forum for info and picking up little by little after i had already made my mistakes.
hokes book was not a easy find it took until now to get it.. had even ran a search for it multiple times.

it would be nice if the it was simpler to locate the book through search......

i am not a XP Leach......i am not looking for easy answers our help on every step

remember not everyone new is out to half a## what they do......

i have the book now and i will read it

Maybe Sticky it in the books section so it will remain the first in the list that would have helped drastically
I don't think all of it is meant for you godofwar. It just so happened your thread was the one it got reviewed on. I have several accounts on the forum with a couple of thousand post between the accounts. Each on of those post carry my sig line in which you can find a copy of Hoke and hundreds of books and articles related to refining.
i am not taking it as a personal attack..... i just don't want people to assume that i am lazy... because i had to take a easy out in a hard lesson learned..... that i really don't want to go through again
The point everybody is trying to make here is;
We would like everyone to understand the basics and all the safety concerns before they get started.You will learn a valuable lesson by "your mess".
Others can learn the same lesson,by reading of your situation and others.
Also learn how to avoid them,by learning the basics.The lesson will not be remembered like you hopefully remember,but with the hazards involved in this hobby it should always be safety first.Its hard when everybody wants to rush to see some gold.So all this is not aimed at you,like Palladium said this post just happened to be where it got aired out.

Claudie said:
Some forums have a minor section for those under age 18 or 14 or whatever age the moderator chooses. People who are members there only have access to that section and not the main forum. I don't know why there couldn't be a section for beginners here that worked the same way. Maybe require the passing of an exam in order to gain full access to the forum. Make sure some of the questions on the test are the same questions new members are repeatedly asking, that way when they do get full access, they won't be asking those questions. Just some thoughts. :|

This is what I said.
goldenchild said:
jimdoc said:
Maybe Oz's newbie section would work if they are only able to post there for the first few weeks,and are offered all the forum handbooks and Hoke to read in those weeks.
And others can be banished to the newbie section as punishment when needed.

It would probably help keep the spammer problem down also, as they would be locked into the newbie section long enough to forget to come back when they could post in the regular forum.


I think something along these lines is the only way it will work. If a "newbie section" is put up they will simply skip over it. I was thinking there could even be something set up where you can't even see the forum topics until you download Hoke from a provided link. Or you have to download Hoke and then can only see the "newbie section" for a week or two. Maybe they can only see the forum topics after taking a 10-20 question quiz of very basic refining knowledge after the week. There are many combinations and possiblities.

Yes you did! :shock:
Please accept my apologies.
My main concern is that in trying to help someone, it turns out that they haven't a clue as to the dangers, and so have no idea of what safety precautions they should be taking, and end up getting themselves and possibly their family seriously hurt, or worse.

Sometimes newcomers have already worked in a lab, with many of the same chemicals, and have already developed good safety habits. But most times it's hard to tell exactly how much knowledge or common sense they actually have.

The thought of reading in the papers that someone you tried to help, got hurt doing it the next day, is really creepy. Not to mention bad press for the site, and you can figure how that would go.

The moderators and senior members of the forum jump on any dangerous or ill thought out processes or ideas for that very reason and you and most other members try to push newbies in the direction of learning before attempting any refining or recovery.
Much of what we do is available in garbled and often misleading snippets all over the net, at least if they get here we can try to educate them into safe practices and correct procedures but and it's a big but you can't always get them to listen,a problem that does seem to be getting worse, as does the I want attitude!
We all try to offer tried and tested processes and point out the dangers to those who obviously know little about our hobby and that I feel is all we can do....if members won't listen and as Harold says insist on reinventing the wheel so be it they have been warned.


One thing I thought about is that many people probably come to this site from search engines. So, depending on what search words they enter, and which of the resulting links they choose, they could directly arrive at any page within the forum, rather than the site Home Page or the Forum Main Page.

Thus they would bypass the lists of contents, where the Safety section is shown. When they jump right into posts discussing whatever it is they are interested in, lots of times all they might see is "add this chemical to that acid," etcetera. And it all seems kind of safe and simple. So they just ask their question without realizing what they are getting into, you know?

Sure, most of us in that kind of search engine situation would probably read many posts, and check the main page for announcements, and get the feel of things before posting. But I think that with the Internet being so common these days, and kids having been practically raised on it, I think maybe they feel like it's normal to just jump right in and start posting their questions, and get to learn the site that way.

But, like someone else said, this isn't exactly your run-of-the-mill Internet site. So when they jump into it, they really "step in it" sometimes.

It's frusrating for them, and frustrating for the members, too.

It would be great if someone could find a way to sort of break it to them gently, that this is not just a "jump right in and play with the chemicals" kind of site. (And let them know the reasons why it is not.) I think that would calm things considerably, without giving people a creepy "police state" feeling.

Just my thoughts.
i think i had to register even know search is what originally brought me here...... cause i was having problem find the proper nitric acid formula... i was not able to order it.
which led me to poor mans AR then lead to that disaster.... then my last event leading to this disaster......

it all came down to my separation process prior to AR......

but any way besides lessons learned.....

people are going to try to get into this if you help them our not ... you restrict them access they will try to find it somewhere else.... all you can do is focus on providing safe technique..... just hope it's taken.... you can't be responsible/feel responsible for idiots that don't want to try to keep from painful life altering mistakes.
godofwar said:
people are going to try to get into this if you help them our not ... you restrict them access they will try to find it somewhere else....
Those that don't understand the wisdom in learning first should do just that. I wish them luck. The net is already overly filled with misinformation, which they'll glom on to because it makes refining look like it's easy---when in fact you must understand things or it's not easy at all. Just ask the huge number of clever people that have tried to follow the great advice dispensed on the net and have accomplished nothing.

Refining is perfectly safe, not only for the refiner, but the environment, when good work habits are enforced and good sense is at the disposal of the refiner. Those that think they can blindly process gold, disregarding everything of importance, should not come to this forum. They won't last long---they'll get booted because of their stupidity and entitlement attitude. What we hope to do here is help those that are eager to gain knowledge and are willing to jump through a few hoops by reading and gaining knowledge and coming to understand the terms and processes involved. That would include understanding how to test. If they want instant gratification, as many do, they came to the wrong place. We help those that show initiative.

yeah gold fever grabs alot of people and the more i read, well the dumber i feel ... if that makes sense. it is made out to be easy and all you ever see is the last few steps then a melt.. they never show the 100's of steps from start to safe waste removal.... i jumped in after about a month of research...

i was rocking along until i hit this site and a few problems and started to really locate the good info.... i have cut down to smaller scale... slowing my process down to really get ahold of those smaller details that can be missed.

i have started my primary focus on getting a cleaner material before i get to the AR.. and really trying get perfect at it...

gold is awesome and i really want to get to that end product but {{{{{{ if you are not learning you are not doing anything important}}}}}}}
First, I am a noobie and I just produced my first button this past weekend. I stumbled across this forum during the first week of Dec. when I was off work with mono and the more I read, the more questions I had. As soon as I found the answer to one, two more questions popped into my mind. To be quite truthful, you guys scared me into not asking any questions until I at least had put the time and effort in to read and attempt to understand the recommended materials. I now research this forum on a daily basis. Sometimes my questions are answered and sometimes they are not. But, I always learn something new through the research. Maybe someday I will post a question. But, it will not be until I truly feel I can not locate the anwer (or do not understand). I am learning (slowly)everyday and I have you expert members to thank for that. Noobies need to understand they have to crawl before they walk. Keep up the good advice and thank you all for this wonderful site.
fishntrox said:
First, I am a noobie and I just produced my first button this past weekend. I stumbled across this forum during the first week of Dec. when I was off work with mono and the more I read, the more questions I had. As soon as I found the answer to one, two more questions popped into my mind. To be quite truthful, you guys scared me into not asking any questions until I at least had put the time and effort in to read and attempt to understand the recommended materials. I now research this forum on a daily basis. Sometimes my questions are answered and sometimes they are not. But, I always learn something new through the research. Maybe someday I will post a question. But, it will not be until I truly feel I can not locate the anwer (or do not understand). I am learning (slowly)everyday and I have you expert members to thank for that. Noobies need to understand they have to crawl before they walk. Keep up the good advice and thank you all for this wonderful site.

What happens with post's is not ment to deture or intimidate people it is just ment for them to use the knot on top of thier shoulders and learn. What you learn thru your searches will help you a lot and you will find little trick's to processing that will be time saving.

Congradulations, the time you spend looking for information will pay huge dividends in the future for you with the knowledge you aquire during your searches.

You should post a picture of your button.
Barren, scared probably wasn't the best word to use. I really don't feel I've had any questions over the basics that aren't already covered here and will eventually be able to find. I know in the long run I'll learn way more more researching and reading than someone just giving me an answer. Also, a picture of my button is posted in the gallery section, just look for fishntrox.
fishntrox said:
Barren, scared probably wasn't the best word to use. I really don't feel I've had any questions over the basics that aren't already covered here and will eventually be able to find. I know in the long run I'll learn way more more researching and reading than someone just giving me an answer. Also, a picture of my button is posted in the gallery section, just look for fishntrox.

You are possibly correct so I changed the wording. Thanks.
Barren, I was talking about me. You did not need to change anything. You were only repeating what I said.

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