No nitrates available (that I can afford to buy) so question

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jeneje said:
Thanks, Ken. I'm pretty sure the copper has settled. I didn't use a bubbler and it's been just mixed once in a while. I need another outlet to allow me to use my bubbler where I currently have it.
Rusty, did you use copper first to cement out any PM's that may have been left, before putting the Iron in?

edited; I re-read the OP and see that you did use copper first. If you decant the solution, leaving any solids in the bottom for further refining, you will have Ferrous Chloride. You can then re-use this solution to remove base metals until it gets saturated, once it becomes saturated it is spent and will need to be neutralized and disposed of safely.

Thank you for your input Ken. Yes I have two (soon the be 3) buckets running, one with copper, one with iron and the last will be to neutralize.

You may find this useful.
Some post on on the topic of FeCl3 by Butcher:

Lets look at a aqua regia solution of gold HAuCl4, and palladium H2PdCl6, and platinum H2PtCl6.
Now we add ferrous sulfate (copperas), the gold is reduced to metal, the palladium is reduced to a lower oxidization state but stays in solution as H2PdCl4, platinum in solution is unreacted by the ferrous sulfate.
PtCl6 + FeSO4 --> No reaction
PdCl6 + FeSO4 + e- --> PdCl4 +Fe(+3) + 2Cl
HAuCl4 + 3FeSO4 --> Au (s) + 3 FeCl3+ Fe2(SO4)2 + HCl
butcher said:
You may find this useful.
Some post on on the topic of FeCl3 by Butcher:

Lets look at a aqua regia solution of gold HAuCl4, and palladium H2PdCl6, and platinum H2PtCl6.
Now we add ferrous sulfate (copperas), the gold is reduced to metal, the palladium is reduced to a lower oxidization state but stays in solution as H2PdCl4, platinum in solution is unreacted by the ferrous sulfate.
PtCl6 + FeSO4 --> No reaction
PdCl6 + FeSO4 + e- --> PdCl4 +Fe(+3) + 2Cl
HAuCl4 + 3FeSO4 --> Au (s) + 3 FeCl3+ Fe2(SO4)2 + HCl

Thank you Butcher, very informative...I can see where this is very useful.

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