No nitric acid

Gold Refining Forum

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Dec 3, 2008

I have a simple question. Is there a way to extract gold using a chemical process without using nitric acid ( most people can't buy this here ) ?
I've been searching in the forum and I think the information should be more organized, I've been searching for a way for a while but I can't find it.

Aqlor said:

I have a simple question. Is there a way to extract gold using a chemical process without using nitric acid ( most people can't buy this here ) ?
I've been searching in the forum and I think the information should be more organized, I've been searching for a way for a while but I can't find it.

Wow! :shock: :roll: Doesn't sound like you've been searching very long, then. If you're looking for a $0.99 answer & a 5 minute solution, you're out of luck. These chemicals, even "household" ones, can kill & maim in the hands of a moron. Or someone with no experience & no patience. No offense :shock:

Unless you are depending on some funky search engine, everything you need can be found by going to lazersteve's signature line & follow the links.
The information on the forum is not organized. Sure, I can find information on websites but not on the tutorials category of the forum. Usually these posts are set as sticky and are posts that should be made to be fixed with information you know is completely right, not someone that did something and that worked with no good scientific explanation.
Anyway, obviously everyone wants to extract it the more efficient way
This forum is not run for a profit, it is to share information. The organization you seek would require a monumental effort to achieve. Most come here, read some posts and follow threads and learn along the way. It seems to have been a recipe for success for others. It takes time but all you seek is here.
Aqlor said:
The information on the forum is not organized. Sure, I can find information on websites but not on the tutorials category of the forum. Usually these posts are set as sticky and are posts that should be made to be fixed with information you know is completely right, not someone that did something and that worked with no good scientific explanation.
Anyway, obviously everyone wants to extract it the more efficient way

Hello and welcome ,
I see you have been with us since 2008 ? if you have been reading and following some threads and read hoke's book then you would know by now, how to ask the question

your question should read like this
I've been reading for two years and I still don't understand could someone help please.?

then someone would point you in the right direction depending on the type of material you would like to process

4metals, I don't think it would be that hard, most foruns online are not run by profit,they just have moderators whose whole purpose is organizing the information.

I've seen the videos and posts you've talked about but what I get is that most people don't really know for sure what they are doing.

For example, I just watched again the fingers video ( from ) and what seems to me is that people don't know for sure how much they need of each chemical. We can see there that what is being used first is "about half a gallon of muriatic acid" with about a "quarter gallon of peroxide" and soon after we can hear "this particular mix that i've used is really taking the gold off fast". So, how much acid should be used? Just about the acid to cover up the foils? That way I can use less if I have a huge square container... How much peroxide should I use? Is it supposed to be 1:2 hydroxide:acid, it seems like the mix could be more efficient because of the statement "this particular mix that I've used is really taking the gold off fast". Not to mention the peroxide that is added later to the original mix, could this be added previously?
Another thing, after the foils are separated the first time from the fingers why are they cleaned with acid only? Shouldn't it be acid and peroxide ( the mix used before ) ?

These are the kind of questions I think that should be answered on some sticky posts here on the forum, I am trying to help the forum to get more organized, I was just saying that people with some "forum experience" should be chosen as moderators to get it more organized or at least get some of the people who own this to do it.

Anyway, I am not saying the moderators aren't doing a good job, there could be different kind of moderators, some to tell people like me to shut up ( I admit it is necessary sometimes :p ) others just to move posts and such things.

(btw dtectr I am not "depending on some funky search engine")
What I have found difficult, maybe YOU haven't, is founding some good organized information, and you should say that I am stupid or something because you don't know how many people have come here before and left because they couldn't find something that maybe was here lost somewhere.

Oh and sorry if I offended someone, shyknee, it wasn't my intention.
Welcome to the forum.
Try starting with some of the links in my sig line below.
If you really want to learn to refine gold or any other precious metals it's all here!
It isn't easy and might not be organized to your or anyones elses taste but it's here.
Quit your whinging and put some effort in, it's what makes this forum work, you do your part and we want spoon feeding information..... Bye bye!
I will use your links Palladium, thanks, just saying that things like that should be sticky posts on the tutorials

Go back to and read the document titled 'Copper Chloride Etchant' for all the technical data on 'Acid Peroxide'. The article has been there for going on four years now as well as many posts on the details of the process including ratios and molar weight if you need them.

Here's a few it looks like you may have missed:

Acid Peroxide Help

and if you want to use your AP for dissolving gold:

Etchant Chart Short Version

Most folks go to my website and just watch the videos, you are only getting part of the information when you do this.

Make sure you take the Guided Tour Link below and finish it, lastly read Hoke. I'm looking forward to seeing your first gold button in the gallery.

To say that forum is not organized is rather funny statement. It may not be organized in your way of what you want or look for. Another person is looking for different things and your organization will not work for him.
My approach was simple. When you start all posts are marked. As you progress reading them they will be marked as read. Every time just go to view unread posts and chew through. If you will find post you like bookmark that or subscribe to that. It is your responsibility to organize forum to your liking. Why on earth everyone who join cry about organizing forum? You have to organize that yourself as you like by reading, searching, bookmarking and subscribing. If you are not interested in some particular parts like mining or metal detecting or safety just ignore those. Forum is organized perfectly with 11 main sections, 38 subsections and yes there are sticky threads, guided tours and tutorials.
I can say that I read whole forum since I joined so I know that info is there and when I have problem locating something I know I saw before I use search function.
Hmmm. Let me see if I understand this guy.

He comes to a forum where people with real life experience in refining willingly post information that, up to now, has bordered on the impossible to corral-----and he complains because it's not presented in a fashion that meets with his approval? Someone gifts him with knowledge that has been hard won, and he doesn't like the way it's wrapped?


<<<<<very heavy sigh, in fact>>>>>

For the record----when I got interested in learning to refine, I encountered only one person that had any knowledge----and he laughed in my face (literally) when I asked for some guidance, telling me that "you'll never do it".

Without the guidance of one solitary person, I discovered Hoke's book, and, from it, learned all that is required in order to be able to process gold, platinum, palladium, and it even gives some basic guidelines on silver, although it is treated with little respect by Hoke. That's due, in part, to its relatively low value at the time of the writing of the book ($1.29/oz official valuation at the time).

May I suggest to you, Aqlor, that you back up to the post by nickvc, and read it. When you're through reading, read it again. Then I suggest you follow his advice to the letter. You will make more friends here by showing some incentive instead of sitting in the nest with your mouth agape, hoping to be fed. Most of the readers here have paid serious dues for the knowledge they have gained----and generally share it willingly----but to the man, most of us expect you to do your part. Complaining about the organization of the board isn't what I have in mind.

A lot of processes outlined here (AP process..aqua regia etc) may work on or be appropriate for one type of material and not on others. What type of scrap do you want to process? plated...other PM's? I have built up a small back log of scrap that will be processed with nitric/aqua regia some time in the future when I get comfortable with using the AP process on fairly simple "learning" projects...I spent six months reading material here before started processing anything.

Aqlor said:
These are the kind of questions I think that should be answered on some sticky posts here on the forum,
That doesn't work well. Once stickies are too deep, new posts don't appear for the viewer without scrolling down. That's never a good idea (speaking from experience).

I am trying to help the forum to get more organized, I was just saying that people with some "forum experience" should be chosen as moderators to get it more organized or at least get some of the people who own this to do it.
You're the man. I expect you'll immediately begin the process of organizing. Make a huge list of where each post should be, and place them in order of importance. When you have completed your mission, please submit the list to any of the moderators and we'll take the appropriate action.

Or----you can pay any of us a fee for our time, and we'll do it for you.

You see------none of us are unhappy with things as the are. Information that has been assembled here is disjointed, often covering several topics, each related in some way. To suggest that it can be better organized shows your considerable lack of understanding.

I wonder---have you considered how your comments may be being interpreted by those of us that have dedicated countless hundreds of hours to helping others? (I think you already understand how I'm reading them---but I have an obligation to remain civil on this forum).

Now, the best thing you can do is to start reading, and read until the things you read make sense. When you start talking with these guys in a way that shows you have an understanding, I think you'll find they'll bend over backwards trying to help. Whining about the forum sure as hell isn't winning you any favors.

there could be different kind of moderators, some to tell people like me to shut up
That's my job----and I feel I handle it adequately. I also move posts, ban unwanted readers and in general try to keep the board running smoothly, along with my fellow moderators.

What I have found difficult, maybe YOU haven't, is founding some good organized information, and you should say that I am stupid or something because you don't know how many people have come here before and left because they couldn't find something that maybe was here lost somewhere.
One of the things with which you must come to terms is the idea that you may not have the capacity for this type of work. Those that appear to have endure and learn. If some, as you claim, come here and leave unhappy, it is most likely that they have little to no interest in learning--they simply expect to be spoon fed. That's not going to happen. Not here, and not anywhere. Sorting people, to insure that we have serious minded and responsible individuals as readers is very much a part of what we hope to achieve.

Which one are you?

Don't tell me----show me. Start reading and learning, or pick up your marbles and leave, but stop complaining about the gift you have been granted in this forum. The choice is yours.

Maybe we can get Hokes book re-written so it is in the order I like?

Recovery and refining is a complicated science and art, which can be confusing to someone just beginning, we discuss many processes and different metals, the information this forum contains is also overwhelming, and seems could take a lifetime to absorb it all, most things are discussed over and over, adding to the text and amount of information, even here we learn something new, if someone is willing to work they can find gold and with this forum they can refine their gold,
It is not easy; if it were there would be no value in it.
So many here have handed us this information, and they spend much of their time and trouble and sometimes there money to provide this information, making something that was virtually impossible to do possible. Gold takes work, if you want gold you must work for it period,

All I can say is, I thank you members of the gold refining forum for making this possible, making our work easier by sharing what you have.

Aglor, work for your gold and knowledge then share with us (your knowledge), but please do not bite the hands that feed.
take one process, learn it, study it, get it down to a science, then report your findings to help other members.
Butcher, I think your's was the best replay to the topic.

As I said before, I was not trying to bite the hands that feed me, I was just saying we could get more people to the hobby if the information was on the right places :p

Thanks again for the reply

I guess you can use HCl and bleach, or HCl and sodium chlorate, or make your own nitric acid, or dissolve inquarts in sulfuric acid, or... It's all here somewhere. :shock:
wow 1,025 troy ounce is amazing for a first timer right?

I understand what you say but, you know, I can't find clorox here ( I can find other types of bleach ) and that way I don't know the quantities, sodium chlorate I think is a controlled substance ( although I can easily make it with electrolysis ) and nitric acid wouldn't be hard for me to make it neither, if I recall with just HCL and KNO3 (I have it for making small rockets :p) you can make it right? The problem is I don't trust myself to synthesize these chemicals as I don't trust these homebrewd versions as much as I trust something bought and tested by a lab and I am afraid of ruining the whole process...
Aqlor said:
wow 1,025 troy ounce is amazing for a first timer right?

I understand what you say but, you know, I can't find clorox here ( I can find other types of bleach ) and that way I don't know the quantities, sodium chlorate I think is a controlled substance ( although I can easily make it with electrolysis ) and nitric acid wouldn't be hard for me to make it neither, if I recall with just HCL and KNO3 (I have it for making small rockets :p) you can make it right? The problem is I don't trust myself to synthesize these chemicals as I don't trust these homebrewd versions as much as I trust something bought and tested by a lab and I am afraid of ruining the whole process...

I guess you have the task of overcoming your own limitations. Welcome to life. :lol:
Heres you a Niric acid recipie. Safe and easy to follow.

Aqlor said:
I understand what you say but, you know, I can't find clorox here ( I can find other types of bleach ) and that way I don't know the quantities.

What does the bottle say the strenght of the Sodium Hypochlorite (Bleach) is?

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